looking for a little support

Hi. I have come across a few problems with setting out on my weight loss journey.. I have told a few friends about my plans to lose weight and it seems that no one supports me... Does anyone else come across this problem? If there is anyone out there that maybe is having the same issues and NEEDS a little support please feel free to add me!!! We can support each other. Good luck to all!!!


  • MeABride2B
    Isn't it sad that there are so many people who want to bring you down?

    I have told next to no one about what I'm doing.... I'm eating healthier, working out regularly and after about 6 weeks feeling great with how things are going. So I'm going to keep changing my lifestyle for ME and for no one else. That's what's important!

    Keep truckin'!
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    It's a fickle world we live in. Unfortunately, until people _see_ you eating the right foods/exercising/making progress, it's all a bit like "yeah whatever ok". To be fair I have said a thousand times over that I have wanted to lose weight but it's never been the right time for me before. Now that changes are taking place the people in my life have nothing but compliments. My colleagues always say my lunches look delicious and healthy, and ask me what exercise I have planned for the week. But it took time for them to start doing that, as in the past I had caved after a week or so!

    But seriously, good luck to you and stay focused and positive! Feel free to add me, I'm here every day :)
  • LMick1986
    I run into this issue at some points. I get people telling me I don't need to lose any weight. While that may sound kind, I feel like I'm not at my best. For me, it's not all about weight loss....it's about being a more fit, healthier me. So I'd definitely be here to support you!! Everyone on this site will support you....so you've come to the right place! :)
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    Sorrowfully other people are always jealous.

    Good for you in starting this journey and just try and gain support from the people on here.

    It is very difficult when the people in our lives don't support us and help us but hopefully once they see you happier they will at least not try to sabotage you.

    My husband sometimes even manages to understand where I am with the food and will cook something a little different for me I think this is a huge improvement. Now if I could only stop him eating pringles in my presence as I find it very hard to resist the smell of them.

    Good luck and come on here and complain whenever you need to.
  • hello50s
    Interesting Read:

    Only tell people you think will support you. You don't need the others. Do it for yourself - that is it's own reward :)
  • I know why people don't support me. I have said I was going to make a change more times than I can count. As I said that, my *kitten* would grow larger.

    I am just going to do it this time. I have made a commitment and told many people. I can't give up now!
  • dragonlagan
    It's a shame the world needs to be the way it was.
    At my 2 breaks in work, I have a protein shake and every time someone comes into my office 'What is that?! Are you trying to become a beef cake?!' It's such a pain to hear it everyday and to explain that I train hard in the evenings and it helps with my muscle repair is too long and they probably wouldn't understand so I reply with 'Yes, thats why I've lost X amount of pounds'

    I'm a big fan of motivational pictures and quotes such as Bruce Lee and Mohamed Ali. They are my motivation for pushing everyday
  • jenluvspancho
    Interesting Read:

    Only tell people you think will support you. You don't need the others. Do it for yourself - that is it's own reward :)

    I went and read this online and I think that they make some very interesting points!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!