ka97 Member


  • Woohoo!!! Congratulations! Hope everything is ok!
  • Week 1 KA97 PW 157.8 CW 157.6 Well that was a huge disappointment.
  • Daily check-in Tuesday calories - under water - pretty good No workout yesterday. I've been struggling with figuring out a healthy balance, and yesterday was just really tough - ankle was still hurting, I was really fatigued and hungry, and had a killer headache. So I made it an unplanned rest day, and I ll just have to do…
  • @Wishusdonna I hope things go well at your appointment! @buniphuphu Congrats! @TeresaW1020 it's still a loss!
  • Daily check in - Monday -calories - under -water - not tracked, but pretty good compared to my usual -exercise - morning run and evening workout group - both tough with sore ankle :( Plan for Tuesday -skipping run because of ankle - gym this afternoon for either arctrainer or spin bike -finish setting up for summer school…
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Kim. I am a special education teacher in MA. After losing 70ish pounds several years ago, I've struggled with a series of injuries and now found myself needing to lose again, at least 15 pounds to get back to a "happy weight." My consistency with both eating and exercise this year has been horrible.…
  • weekly weigh in Week 4 (?) weigh in day - Friday PW - 160.2 CW - 157.8 Was up last week from vacation, so this likely looks better than it really is. We'll see how the trend looks next week.
  • Check in for Wednesday Calories - under Water - ok Exercise - awful morning run, evening kickboxing class Plan for Thursday- morning lifting, haircut, car maintenance, evening workout group.
  • daily check-in Tuesday's calories - under water - better but not enough exercise - 4 mile run plus evening workout group I'm starting to blur that fine line between pushing hard and overdoing it. I love the extra flexibility and time that I have in the summer, but I can get stupid real fast. This morning's "run" was tough…
  • On track, but haven't been checking in. My goal for July is going to be to check in regularly. Saturday - almost stuck to the plan - morning workout, salad for dinner, two beers. But then it fell apart at my parents house - three glasses of wine and two pieces of pizza. Sunday - took a rest day - my body needed it. Food…
  • Daily check in - ForFriday Calories - under Water - not enough Exercise - 3 mile run + lifting Plan for Saturday Workout group this morning. Going to the Red Sox game this afternoon, then spending the night at my parents house in Boston. Planning to do a late breakfast after workout, an early dinner out - salad, and limit…
  • Weekly weigh in (almost forgot! 🤪) Ka97 Week 3 Weigh in day Fri PW 157.6 CW 160.2 Vacation weight 😡
  • Daily check-in: Thursday Food- under Water - not enough Exercise - morning run, evening workout group Friday goals Continue logging food Run 3-4 miles Short lifting session Laundry Yesterday is my new day one. I started logging food again. I’ve got a couple weeks off before summer school so now is the time to build…
  • I’m back from my mini-vacay. I was such a relaxing trip - exactly what I needed! So now reality check. School is out so I’ve got no excuses. Goals are to log food, workout 6 days per week, and no wine unless it’s s special occasion. Back to the basics.
  • Unfortunately with coming back home Thursday, I’m not anticipating a Good Friday weigh-in 😬.
  • School is officially out, and my year end paperwork is done! I've still got to plan for summer school, but in the meantime I'm headed out of town for some rest and relaxation.
  • Weekly weigh in week 2 weigh in day - Friday PW - 159.0 CW - 157.6
  • Username: ka97 Weigh in week: week 1 Previous Weight: honestly I'm just not sure, but I know it was less than today Todays Weight: 159.0
  • Hi everyone - I'm a bit late to the party. My name is Kim from MA. I am an elementary special needs teacher for kids with autism. It's been a tough year with work demands, and also injuries. I've found myself in a downward spiral, and just trying to dig myself back out. I will try to be more active here in the coming…
  • *kitten* now I have to get on the scale again 😳. Weigh in day is usually Friday. When do you need starting weight?
  • IT band was quite possibly the most frustrating injury I've experienced. It dragged on for months and I still get little flare ups over a year later. After reducing mileage off and on for several months, and PT, I finally had stop everything except swimming. I'd have to find my training calendar to be sure, but I think I…
    in IT band issues Comment by ka97 May 2019
  • Could I be moved back to the cheer squad until June? I'm really overwhelmed with work right now. I've just already got so much on my plate, I can't manage the regular check-ins.
  • Week 3 PW 155.8 (I think) CW 156.4
  • I would love to play, and I will if you need me, but.......I've got a lot going on the next two weeks. I've had to plan for several "rest" days, and plan to do double workouts on the other days. That's the plan - at some point my body might disagree with that plan. I did four miles yesterday. Today was a "rest day".…
  • I had a good couple of days away. My parents were out of town, so we stayed at their house in Boston and just enjoyed the city for a couple of days. It was definitely needed. Unfortunately I'm already back and buried in work stress. The next few weeks do not look good. My goal is to try to take it one day at a time, and…
  • Sorry I’ve been absent. I spent the first half of school vacation drowning in work and now I’m out of town for a couple of days. I’m not going to be able to weigh in tomorrow. Is it possible to just keep my weight from last week?
  • Monday check in Food - on point Exercise - planned rest and recovery day I thought I might’ve feeling the ropes course today, but it wasn’t bad. I spent the entire day “working”. Tomorrow is a “no work” day and planned run/lift.
  • Sunday check -in The ropes course opened this weekend, so this morning I went for the first time since November. It went much better than anticipated, all things considering. I'm waiting to see how the shoulder feels tomorrow, and I'm pretty tired, but really it was a great day! We are on school vacation this week, so…
  • Crazy busy.... Managed a four mile run - 40ish minutes, 10,000 steps @Jactop
  • Weigh in week 2 155.8