

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Monday Check in
    Calories: under with just over 22-hour fast and only 23 net carbs for the day!
    Water: over
    Exercise: 40 minutes on the treadmill

    Hello to all our new members!! This is the best group on Fit2Fat and I hope that you will get as much out of the support and encouragement that I do. I am a WW member, who does intermittent fasting and slowly learning how to eat low-carb without giving up my occasional need for something sweet...like cake or yogurt! :D I've lost 56 lbs in the last 2+ years and have another 40+ to go. I lose super slow and I'm always looking for ways to get it to move faster. What I will NEVER do again is give up and this group is one of my weapons on making sure that I don't. :smile: <3

    For the Show Me the Green Challenge
    I would love nothing more than to lose 11.6 lbs this month, which would put me in Onderland. But that might be a bit extreme for me but I'm going to try. However, I will be delighted to lose 6 lbs and be under 205 lbs. B)
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So happy to be a part of the group - and thanks @AustinRuadhain for cluing me in! I am 55, been around the weight loss block for years with a 130 pound loss years ago - but I struggle with 50ish pounds. Lost 35 lbs 2 years ago, gained it back in 2018 and attacking again in 2019. Feels different, I learned a lot and am going to take advantage of that and not let a slide rule my life nor shape my future. 235 is as close as I've come to my all-time high of about 300 (size 26) many years ago - and today 235 feels like 300 did back in the day - if that makes sense. Now if I could conquer the 50 and weigh 175 - and let 185 be my new freak out number, as apparently 235 is now - I'd be where I want and need to be.

    I work full time and sometimes plus. Have a goal of 30 minutes a day of exercise (I do not quite this much per day, about half the week now) and a water increase goal of 12 cups a day.

    Looking forward to the month and being supportive and cheering you all on, too!!!!! =>


    Welcome Maria! Thanks for sharing your story. That is a great exercise goal!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Happy Canada Day to those north of me!


    Thanks Mark!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! My name is Kim. I am a special education teacher in MA. After losing 70ish pounds several years ago, I've struggled with a series of injuries and now found myself needing to lose again, at least 15 pounds to get back to a "happy weight." My consistency with both eating and exercise this year has been horrible. In the weeks since school has been out I've been on a positive upswing, and hoping to keep it going throughout the summer. We start summer school next week, so that will be the big test!

    My goal for July is a 2lb loss. I know it doesn't sound like much, but given where I am I think it's reasonable. I know what to do, I just need to keep up the consistency and motivation to actually do it.

    I’ll set my goal at 2lb too. I have vacation the last week of July and work is stressful right now so I am going to see what I can accomplish this month without too much pressure. It all starts over for me again tomorrow. I’ve been maintaining this weight for a while now. I need to get serious, cut the sweets and start logging better.
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Monday Check in
    Calories: under with just over 22-hour fast and only 23 net carbs for the day!
    Water: over
    Exercise: 40 minutes on the treadmill

    Hello to all our new members!! This is the best group on Fit2Fat and I hope that you will get as much out of the support and encouragement that I do. I am a WW member, who does intermittent fasting and slowly learning how to eat low-carb without giving up my occasional need for something sweet...like cake or yogurt! :D I've lost 56 lbs in the last 2+ years and have another 40+ to go. I lose super slow and I'm always looking for ways to get it to move faster. What I will NEVER do again is give up and this group is one of my weapons on making sure that I don't. :smile: <3

    For the Show Me the Green Challenge
    I would love nothing more than to lose 11.6 lbs this month, which would put me in Onderland. But that might be a bit extreme for me but I'm going to try. However, I will be delighted to lose 6 lbs and be under 205 lbs. B)

    You are doing amazing! So should I put you down for 6 then for the challenge?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    @broncobudde - how much should I put you down for the weight loss goal challenge???
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    So - here is my Monday post, captured from the whole group page.....eh, newbies - gotta love 'em, right? For the challenge....gave it some thought and I think a goal of 8 pounds for July is doable, taking me to 211.5. I'd welcome any members as friends, I love to share diaries and try to look at every friend's diary at least a couple of times a week.

    Weigh in day Friday
    current weight 219.5

    Monday Check-in of week 1 July
    Food: all food logged, all on plan, under on calories
    Water: # 10 - under goal of 12 (slacker)
    Exercise: a walk in the 'hood and then a walk on the greenway - about 4 miles for the day - 1 hr and 20 min total (I'm slow)

    Next day Goals
    Food: today was good, let's repeat that
    Water: # 12 - it's hard - wah, drink it anyway
    Exercise: short trips around the retention pond at work - aiming for 3 10s or 2 15s
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: meet the water goal, remember the good, be the good and encourage others on their journey
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. Stay under calories
    2. Drink 100oz of water
    3. I’m not going to have a chance to walk a lot tomorrow. I’m hoping for 5,000 steps
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 1 of July
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 203
    Today's Weight: 204
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 1 of July
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 203
    Today's Weight: 204

    Not bad for a long Canadian weekend. Do you have a goal for July you are thinking about?
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Monday check in
    I didn't track or exercise today. June was chaos so need to plan a little better for July

    Tomorrow's plan: I'm trying to stay off my foot but with all the sitdown exercise charts I'll have no excuse not to do something.

    For the green challenge; my goal for July is to lose 5 lbs. I've been hovering in the 200s for far too long. It's time to get serious, get to onederland and stay there
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Pretty good day yesterday. Went to the allotment after work to water the plants. Chaos reigned at home because hubby had decided to prune the rosemary bush (and he's probably killed it). Rosemary everywhere! Bathtub, lounge, all up and down the stairs, living room... on the hob where he thought putting wet rosemary was a great idea (it shorted out the cooker and the ignition wouldn't stop sparking for ages). So, after the great tidy (during which I cooked rosemary roast potatoes and a rosemary and olive bread), I had managed to amass 12048 steps, was under on calories and fine on water.

    I can see Eric though my skin now though... I noticed as I put my jamas on. So that's kept me awake tonight, less than 5 hours sleep. Even with the house smelling delightfully of rosemary.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Alright, the moment of vacation truth arrived like a Mack truck this morning. Ugh. It’s not pretty. I’m at 159.4 this morning, admittedly after a Greek feast last night, so hopefully part of that is water retention. But I have work to do now, that’s for sure! I’ve not been willing to maintain the low carb thing on vacation. I’ve done pretty well with IF, but obviously that alone doesn’t cut it for this 60-year old. I still have several weeks of being away from a normal schedule, but today I’m going to get more serious about this. I won’t be able to weigh weekly, so leave me on the cheer squad, but even out of town for much of July, I want to lose back down 5 lbs for the challenge (even if I’m just an unofficial participant, which will be fine.)

    Goals for today:
    1. Drink 80 ounces of water
    2. Water and black coffee only to drink
    3. Bike or swim
    4. See if I can get my tennis shoes on yet (broke my pinkie toe a couple weeks ago which has prevented me from walking distance with speed since all I’ve worn are flip flops)
    5. Son is having a fish fry tonight, so easy on the calories until then and be careful tonight
    6. TRACK! (Which I haven’t done in a long time
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Daily check in - Monday
    -calories - under
    -water - not tracked, but pretty good compared to my usual
    -exercise - morning run and evening workout group - both tough with sore ankle :(

    Plan for Tuesday
    -skipping run because of ankle - gym this afternoon for either arctrainer or spin bike
    -finish setting up for summer school
    -relatively easy recovery day
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »

    You are doing amazing! So should I put you down for 6 then for the challenge?

    Thanks, Kres! Yes, please put me down for 6 lbs and if I can do any more than that then we shall do the happy dance!! :DB)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    Monday Check-in
    ✔️Food: all logged, all good choices/on plan, calories on target
    👎🏼 BUT I ATE dinner really late; I am making sure I plan better the rest of the week!
    ✔️ Water: on target
    ✔️ Exercise: martial arts class, plus bonus movement (the Week One Challenge, yoga bonus)

    Tuesday Goals or Improvements
    Food: all logged, all good choices, calories on target, start eating late (since I ate dinner late last night) AND finish eating by 8
    Water: on target/high
    Exercise: martial arts class, plus bonus movement (the Week One Challenge, yoga bonus)
    Team Weight No More's Week One Challenge
  • KMD1214
    KMD1214 Posts: 98 Member
    Tuesday Check-in: (somehow I missed that we were to do this🙄)

    Food: maintaining my low carb ( 25 or less net) and have been staying near my calories goal. I added IF last week (16:8) to re-pattern my eating and combat insulin resistance and these plateaus. (Does anyone else find this challenging??). Continue to avoid alcohol, with the exception of a glass of wine on the few occasions when we’re out to dinner. Overall, feeling great about nearly 9 weeks on this way of eating. HOWEVER, I’m snacking too much, just from habit. After reading The Obesity Code, I’m going to try to embrace a few hunger pangs and make sure that I’m getting the proper calories at meal times instead of filling up between meals. Best to try to avoid high and persistent levels of insulin if I’m going to succeed. (I am basically a carbo-holic).

    Exercise: played tennis yesterday and today, 2.5 hours total.

    Goals for Tues and Wednesday:
    1. Limit snacks!
    2. Recharge my Fitbit and get walking on my non-tennis days.NO EXCUSES!!
    3. Rinse and Repeat!

    Cheers, everyone! Kate
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,820 Member
    Daily check in
    July 1
    Tracked yes
    Calories under
    Exercise yes
    goals today 120 mins Aqua size Make Rails for deck, weight training and more walking
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited July 2019
    KMD1214 wrote: »
    Tuesday Check-in: (somehow I missed that we were to do this🙄)
    Food: maintaining my low carb ( 25 or less net) and have been staying near my calories goal. I added IF last week (16:8) to re-pattern my eating and combat insulin resistance and these plateaus. (Does anyone else find this challenging??). Continue to avoid alcohol, with the exception of a glass of wine on the few occasions when we’re out to dinner. Overall, feeling great about nearly 9 weeks on this way of eating. HOWEVER, I’m snacking too much, just from habit. After reading The Obesity Code, I’m going to try to embrace a few hunger pangs and make sure that I’m getting the proper calories at meal times instead of filling up between meals. Best to try to avoid high and persistent levels of insulin if I’m going to succeed. (I am basically a carbo-holic).

    Exercise: played tennis yesterday and today, 2.5 hours total.

    Goals for Tues and Wednesday:
    1. Limit snacks!
    2. Recharge my Fitbit and get walking on my non-tennis days.NO EXCUSES!!
    3. Rinse and Repeat!

    Cheers, everyone! Kate

    @KMD1214 - I love all your goals, and love your thinking about what's working and what isn't -- so inspiring!

    You do not HAVE to do daily check-ins, so please don't stress. They are optional but encouraged because they are so helpful to many people. Checking in -- where was I on plan today? where not? -- and then looking at what worked and did not work is a great process for getting better. Use it if it serves you!

    By the way, I too read The Obesity Code, and I too limit snacks (no more than 1/day; ~100 cal) and aim to keep that daily eating window is certain limits. There are others in the group who do IF as well. Looking forward to hearing how 16:8 works for you! Go, Kate, go!
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    Tuesday Check-In
    Calories: under
    Exercise: No, I flaked out because the gym was too crowded after work. I can't stand having to wait around to do my laps in the pool.

    I'm going to have to weigh in early this week, Wednesday instead of Saturday, because we'll be traveling. I hope that's not too much of a problem weigh-in wise.
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