Catzwitch Member


  • Its so frustrating to see super cute bras in Wal Mart or JC Penny or wherever and they only go up to a C or D at most (if you're lucky). And even if they go up to D, they take out the cleavage-making part. Just because my girls are big doesn't mean I don't want to shove 'em up like smaller girls get to. I end up having to…
  • I take classes at a local Fitness Boot Camp (Nick Parker Fitness). I get bored with videos too quick. I tried Chalean Extreme and would have had great results if I want's bored after week 1. Same with Jillian, P90x, etc. I'll throw in one of them on an off day for abs or yoga, but I can't use them every day.
  • That spinach mushroom quiche looks yummy! I am a low-carb vegetarian who can't have soy. There's a challenge. There's a lot of almond milk, cheese, and eggs in my diet, HA!!!
  • I never used to really have a problem, but the humidity here in FL always "got to me" so to speak. Now that I am running and competing and boot-camping, I found I'd have to stop because I couldn't breathe more than from being tired. MY doc prescribed a rescue inhaler to hit a couple of times before working out, and its…
  • Everyone's body reacts differently. I was low calorie/low fat forever. The minute I went low carb, I dropped 30 lbs in 4 months and my bad cholesterol cut nearly in half. I can eat eggs cooked in olive oil with cheese all day long and have a good cholesterol level, but if I stick to a diet of whole grain pasta and bread…
  • Avocados are awesome to help belly fat. I like avocados (actually too much), but I'll go at lunch time and get some ready made fresh pic de gallo, a lime, and a hass avocado from the supermarket next door to my office, chop the avocado up into little bits the same size as the pico, squeeze some lime juice in and then add…
  • Mine goes the day the flow starts, but hangs around the whole week before.
  • Welcome! MFP is great for support as well as logging. My tip - try different things till you find what works for you. Everyone is different. :smile: And log away. On the days I count, everything that comes near my lips goes in that diary. :happy: Keeps me in check. Most of all, take it one day at a time. This isn't a diet,…
  • Fantastic job!
  • She's an amazing author. athlete, and person. :)
  • I could see 3 if you cut it like a peace sign, but how do you pull off 5.... Now while you could get it by cutting the pizza into 10ths, and then eating two pieces, but thats not the point of the logic puzzle now....
  • I hate cans on vegetables/beans/etc with "about 2.5" servings. I do carb counting and I know I am going to eat a whole can of CiCi Beans (garbanzos), so here I am in the store with the cans flipped around trying to do decimal math in my head. I eventually just give up and don't buy beans. that and juice/soda that is 2.75…
  • And on topic - I was scared too because my BF is a big booty fan, but when I was Zumba-ing he used to joke that I was "gettin that Zumba butt" and seemed to like it. I noticed since I started running, my booty is getting flatter and I don't like that, so I have to get back to the Zumba!
  • Thank you for those links! I used to have that tape but I lost it in a move somewhere and I don't like the ones they did later with some chick, I love the original with that guy.
  • back in the day when it still had good ingredients I took it daily and, with that and working out and eating right, has a nice trim figure. However when I started gagging on the pills and stopped taking them, I packed on the weight like crazy. Now the formula isn't worth the $ to me.
  • I ahve this exact problem. I look in the mirror and think I look pretty ok, but I have to take pictures of myself to remind me that I am not! I was at 235 and thinking I still looked good until I saw pictures. Ick!
  • \m/ Just worked Mayhem here in Tampa for Roadrunner Records, do promotions, web design, and marketing for several local bands in the metal/industrial scene.
  • With subway or publix subs, I always make a "recipe" with the specific ingredients I get on them. I can usually never find a sub on here exactly like I order it, so this way I am sure I am accounting for everything. :)
  • Nope:
  • My boyfriend considers tomorrow a holy holiday, lol. Me, its not my thing, but to each his own. :)
  • Boca Vegan Burgers (my go to dinner 99% of the time) Egg Beaters florentine whites Cottage cheese greek yogurt SALAD (I have a bag 0 lettuce with lunch and dinner) veggie soups - when I need something hot and low cal (I'm pretty boring)
  • I have always said as soon as I hit 30 I am going to get a lift. Well, now I'm headed for 35 and still can't afford it, lol, but will get one the minute I can. Push up bras are super fantastic and make the girls look awesome clothed - Lane Bryant has good ones for larger cups - but they don't help one the bra comes off. I…
  • In & Out is the only burger I'd consider giving up being a vegetarian for.
  • Lies, long hair is much better. Much much better. and personally, I prefer my men with a little cushion. Its nicer to cuddle with. Back in my young and beautiful days I went out with a CK underwear model that had abs so defined you could wash your undies with em, and it just wasn't ... comfy. Only lasted a couple of weeks…
  • Dark brown almost black (I'm Italian). I've been dying my hair since I was 12. Been pretty much every color. Was red for 12 years in various shades and that still is my ol standby, but right now I'm Blue. :)
  • We have an xbox 360 and I am 34. We also use emulators on the pc to play tons of old school games (like arcade, NES, Genesis). My BF & I play together all the time, its one of our weekend rituals. :)
  • Try Gardein brand. They make amazing products.
  • 0% Plain Chobani with a bit of sea salt, and also I love the big container of 0% plain chobani mixed with onion soup as a dip for my veggies (waaaay less calories than fat free sour cream based dips). Sometimes instead of salt, I'll use a stevia packet, but I am usually not a sweet craver. I do like the fruit flavored 0%…