80-84 down (depending on the day) work in progress.
I posted the link on my profile, but I might as well post it here too. EDIT: Photobucket and I are having a war, so here is a link: http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae131/Catzwitch/Work In Progress/WorkInProgress.png~original My story: When I was laid off in December 2008, I lost all my insurance and - consequently - all…
Funny Fitness Fotos
10 Ways to Increase your Water Intake
I thought this was nifty: http://www.veglov.com/2011/10/10-ways-to-increase-your-daily-water.html Plus there is a link in it to figure out how much water you should be drinking. :) Passing it along. :) I know I have an issue drinking enough water. i despise water, I never drink it, but everyone says I should, so this year…
Vegetarian Protein - NONSWEET
OK, don't think I am crazy, but I am not a huge sweet fan. So I was wondering, are there any protein powders out there that I can add to soup or things like that to add high protein, low carb, low cal to my diet. Every protein shake I see - vegan or non - is chocolate or strawberry or vanilla or etc etc etc. Those are fine…
Vegan Bodybuilding - yes it can be done....
Low Cal Vegetarian Tacos
These use my favourite fake meat evah - Gardein. If you've never tried it, please do. Even my hard core meatavorian friends actually like it and say it is tasty! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fun & Tasty Tacos Tacos are fun because they’re quick, easy,…
Are there good shoes... cheap?
I was looking for info on workout shoes on here and the results of the search almost all said things about going to a running store and getting fittings and blah blah blah. Thats great. I'm poor. *laugh* I was just wondering if there is such a thing as ok workout shoes at like walmart or something. Like under $30. Has…
Vaalentines Day-After Sales
So, like, yeah - everything VD related is on sale right now and I might have picked up a couple things so I was wondering, why doesn't MFP have a database listing for chocolate body paint? *laugh*
I'm upset and my diet is paying for it.
OK, so let me start this by saying that I'm bi-polar/depressive. I got laid off in December and lost my insurance so I haven't had my meds since then. That said.... Today is a rough day. In the down place again, and now the diet is suffering for it. I've already over-consumed calories by almost a thousand for the day and…
The first check in.... DUH DUH DUH
And down 4lbs. Yay! Only 56 more to go. :laugh:
Here we go again....
So tomorrow's the big day wher I cut waaaaaay back again and try and drop the 50lbs I've gained in the last 6 months. Again. :grumble: So hi everybody, I'm Cat. Best of luck to everyone. :)