Kwick2010 Member


  • Thank you for putting together this holiday challenge. I'm looking forward to it!
  • I'm right there with you, ClvrScn. You just can't beat the prices at Aldi, and the fruits, veggies and meats are always fresh! I'm so glad we have a new Aldi store nearby.
  • We shop at Aldi now, too. I'm so glad that we have a new one in our area. It just opened up a few months ago. I used to coupon shop and compare at our local Ingles, Publix and Krogers, but not anymore. Aldi beats them even with coupons.
  • No one knows the root cause of Fibromyalgia. It's not a one size fits all condition. Everyone is different, and so many different things are thought to be triggers. Some of the many documented triggers, some of which my own doctor thinks may have ultimately led to my being diagnosed, are used in combination to supposedly…
  • gavians: I understand exactly what you mean. I'm divorced as well, and though I wasn't diagnosed at the time, my condition was a contributing factor to my divorce. (Not what ultimately caused it, but that is another story.) Some of my family and friends also have a difficult time understanding what fibromyalgia is and how…
  • RileyRed: It's freezing here today, too. Brush off the negative comments and let the results speak for themselves. A little exercise is better than no exercise at all!
  • There are days when all of us feel too tired, achey and sore to exercise, but even a little bit of house cleaning can burn some calories. Did you take out the trash, wash some dishes, do some vacuuming? Those are activities that burn calories! You can log "Cleaning" under your exercise log. There are options for "Cleaning,…
  • Hi everyone. My name is Kristi, and I'm new to this group. I am planning to use my new Kinect to jump start my exercise and weight loss. I have the Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, but haven't started using yet due to a nasty winter cold. I'm planning on getting the EA Sports Active 2 later this month, and wanted to know how…
  • I would like to join this group, please.
  • Week of Weight Gain!!! I blame the steroids I was taking for my bronchitis for the almost 2.5 pounds I've gained in only one week. Yes... yes I do! LOL I am feeling much better, though. Thanks for the well wishes! Current Weight: 233.4 Challenge Starting Weight: 232.4 1st Week Weight: 231.6 2nd Week Weight: 229.8 3rd Week…
  • Sorry I'm late! I had no idea what a "flip" was or that our topic had been "flipped"! Thank you for the help in finding my way back on here! So that cold I had last week... it's now bronchitis. I'm currently on antibiotics and steroids to treat it. Steroids = Weight Gain! This week I ended up gaining back most of what I…
  • I'm playing catch up this week with all the posts. I've been offline with a house full of sick kids and now I've got a nice summer cold. I swear that daycare centers breed disease. My daughter has only been in Pre-K at her daycare for two weeks and already they've had a case of strep throat and an outbreak of summer colds…
  • Kendall - Now I have the song from Annie in my head... sings "It's a hard knock life.. for us!" I did bad today already. The jelly filled donuts at the Publix bakery weren't just calling my name, they were screaming it!!! LOL I did have a grilled chicken breast sandwich for lunch, though. Yum! Have a great day everyone!
  • MFP Starting Weight: 235.2 Challenge Starting Weight: 232.4 Today's/Current Weight: 231.6 Six Week Goal Weight: 220 Ultimate Goal Weight: 145 A loss of .8 pounds, which I am honestly surprised that I even did that! Repeating my goals below and adding in a new one, because I didn't hit many of them at all! This week was…
  • Anvy - Thanks for the inspirational support. Just talking to other women that have been in a similar situation, especially fellow Air Force veterans with fibromyalgia, is an amazing confidence booster. I'll mention the other treatments to my rheumatologist. May she'll prescribe it or send in a referral, then I won't have…
  • Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I hope I can keep up with everyone, lol. Kendall - I'm currently attending the local community college here to knock out my core requirements for my bachelors of science in early childhood education and development. I'll be transferring to university next summer to finish up. I plan to use…
  • I'd love to join this challenge group if there's still room. Starting Weight: 235.2 Current Weight: 232.4 Six Week Goal Weight: 220 Ultimate Goal Weight: 145 Goals 1. Drink more H2O. 2. Exercise at least 3 days per week. 3. Curb the carbohydrates - I'm a sugar and salt junkie. 4. Find creative ways to deal with stress -…