200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Quick post for my weigh-in this week: 216.6. YAY!! I've been sneaking peeks of the scale after weigh-in day though and it hasn't been good...I haven't been drinking nearly as much water and my muscles are sore, so I knew it wouldn't be as good...ugh, hate that. Gotta stop peeking.

    I'll respond properly about other stuff soon!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Quick TOM blah weigh in-219.5
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning ladies!

    So you all read my depressing post about my weigh in. I'm still upset about it and was cranky most of the day. As a result, and in order to rebel (against whom or what I do not know) I didn't log anything except breakfast yesterday. For lunch I went on a nutella and honey wheat pretzel binge and then has sushi/hibachi for dinner. I stewed all day long. My husband tried to cheer me up and I said "Wouldn't you be made if you made and effort like that and saw those results." He said, "Yeah, and I would quit and give up. But you are a better person, and you've come so far already." That coupled with all of y'alls kind words allowed me to wake up with a new attitude.

    I went to the mall last night (in the aftermath of a hurricane) to finally buy some new running shoes in hopes that something new would motivate me. I had done a lot of research and asked a lot of runners which brands were best for running shoes, as I've never been a runner. I've also been having heel issues with old beat up sneakers. The consensus was that Asics and New Balance were the way to go. Tried on a bunch of pairs of Asics, and they just felt too narrow on my foot. I have a wide foot, but a narrow heel, so I always have fit issues with shoes. I ended up getting a pair of New Balance. They were on sale, too! Only $45. I wore them for my run this morning and boy oh boy what a difference! I'm on W4D2 of C25k and I logged a personal best on distance. 2.13 miles. It was just the motivation I needed. The best part is, I think I will actually be able to move right on to week five without repeating week 4 multiple times like I had to on week 3.

    So, today is a new day. I'm still bummed, but I'm going to keep going and try not to get too discouraged. I am making progress after all, and I haven't gained since I began my journey, so that counts for something.

    I also had an NSV of sorts this weekend. I had a bra I had ordered from Lane Bryant that just didn't fit right. I always wear a 42H there, but this new style just did NOT fit well. Well in the midst of mountain high pile of laundry, none of my bras were dry yet when I needed to go out, so I tried it on and it fits perfectly. The fact that my boobs are shrinking is ridiculously awesome. I hate my chest. I long for the day when I can buy a bra anywhere in a normal size and not have to take out a personal loan to be able to afford them!

    Oooh, also, today is the first day of the fall semester, which excites me. Looove school. Can't wait to get back into the swing of things.

    Okay, enough about me. Now that I am done with my pity party from this weekend, I promise to do a better job of addressing you guys individually. I've been a one-sided buddy all weekend. Thanks for all of your support, though. It really has helped me and made me realize that giving up is simply not an option!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Okay, first of all this weekend was SO MUCH FUN!! The bf & I went hiking at a park we love on Saturday and spend the whole day outside..I burned over 1400 calories and had the best time! Also a couple of great NSVs too: We hiked a trail that we'd hiked last year and I felt like I was going to die doing it back then (the bf literally had to push me up the hilly trail at the end), but this time I hiked the whole thing no problem, jogged the last bit of the trail, continued to jog around the parking lot afterwards, had lunch, and hiked for more hours after that! It felt fantastic! And when I went to buy a t-shirt at the park on Saturday, the lady said that all they had was 2X and that it would be too big for me -- that in of itself was pretty awesome, that someone would think a 2X would be too big for ME -- and, as it turns out, it was! Crazy! Then yesterday we went for another (shorter, flatter) hike for about an hour too!

    The only bad part of the weekend was the sore muscles after all that hiking....it probably wouldn't have been so bad, but I wore my "barefoot" sneakers during the hikes and those things REALLY work your calves like crazy. This morning it felt like someone was pulling both of my calf muscles as tight as they could go, so needless to say I didn't do 30 Day Shred before work. I took some Advil and am hoping they'll work themselves out so I can get some shredding or running in tonight.

    Where to start on responding to everyone...let's see...I'll work my way up the posts.

    Annette, did they say why you'd age by 4 years? It seems like you'd get younger with every 10 pounds!

    Hosanna, your pictures were great, and your new profile pic is so cute! Love the hair! Man, that's a lot of flying. Hope you've made it home safe and sound!

    Amy, man, you're having the worst luck! I hope your leg is feeling better. Also, I'm obsessed with Peas and Thank You now. I just got the book from amazon and there are a TON of things in there I want to try, including those yummy cinnamon rolls. Thanks for sharing!!

    Sarah(thes), take care of yourself and don't worry about taking a break, you'll do fine. I hear ya about the bra thing...I've got no good sports bras, and some mornings doing 30 Day Shred with a regular bra just doesn't cut it!

    Kristina, I hope Emma is feeling better!

    Megan, I'm the same way on the weekends -- it's always so hard to stay within the calories! I don't have a crock pot anymore (I used to, but it was one of those things that the ex got when we divorced many years ago and I just never got another one). I keep meaning to get one though, because I always find these great recipes for them. Good luck with the ex too!

    Qofsheba, I've felt the same urge to "cheat" when logging too. Like Amy said though, our booty knows even if we don't log it. ;)

    Sarah(WnT), a $.22 shirt AND it was a size medium? Talk about things to celebrate! And wow, $1000 to spend on a new wardrobe is AWESOME!

    Rain, I feel your pain, but like everyone else said, any loss is a success. The fact that you ate well all week and went to the gym is great! How was your sodium? I know if mine goes too much over 2300 mg my body will just hang on to the water weight like crazy. Just remember, you're not alone. My scale drives me crazy too! I can't even tell you the number of times I've wanted to throw it right out of the window.

    Hailie, yay for the loss!!

    Jenn, WOOHOO on passing the 30 pound mark! That's fantastic!

    Lacey, I haven't noticed a crazy amount of negativity from you. I love that you have set goals for the week though. I've got overall goals in my head, but I never seem to set up specific goals to focus on for the week. Okay, here's mine for this week:

    1.) Do 30 Day Shred Tuesday - Friday mornings (I've got company coming in on the weekend and won't be able to do it then, so I've got to get it in this week).
    2.) Shoot for 112 oz of water every day, but no less than 88 oz.
    3.) Do some kind of exercise after work. Running, Turbo Jam, zumba, doesn't matter what.

    Thanks for reminding me that weekly goals are important too!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Pam: Thanks for the kind words. I know drinking enough water is always my weakness, but I'm going to go back through my diary and check my sodium. Thanks for the advice! Awesome news about your hike! That is definitely quite exciting, and a job well done. So proud of you!

    Amy: I too have been perusing the peas and thank you site. And, the other day I made a crack wrap. Totally delicious. I'm going to have one for lunch today. It was so super filling too, I wasn't hungry for hours after eating it and it was the day I was marathon cleaning for like 8 hours straight AFTER working out at the gym.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Okay, so I know we don't like passes too much 'round here. But... PASS. If my scale is right (and I'm sure it is) I weigh more than I did when I first joined this group this morning. So for my sanity, a pass. Sorry to do that. I know it's my fault. I wish I had some excuse, but I really don't. Need to go to the store tonight and start pre-cooking meals for the week again. I've been eating out way too much, and even with splitting entrees with Joe, I know I'm eating the wrong things. Evidenced by my sausage fingers as well.

    On to happier topics, or not necessarily happy, but different. Hit one of the Borders and scored the first two Hallows books for $3.99 each. (50% off) Then I bought Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, which I've already read in e-form, but wanted the paper book to complete my collection, and a book called The Gates by the same guy who wrote The book of Lost Things (author's name escapes me), but when I got home, realized I already had it... so if anyone wants a book, let me know. :tongue:

    What else... Was dragged to a metal show (Amon Amarth) on Friday. It wasn't so bad, actually. The boyf is really into metal and we have a mutual friend (who introduced us) who loves going to metal shows but doesn't ever like to go alone, so will buy 4 tix and always invites us and another friend of his. Oh, and I've clipped my first coupons! My aunt doesn't use them, so I asked if I could have them. Needless to say, I clipped some good stuff including $5 off a bottle of zyrtec, $1 off my mascara, $1 off my detergent... pretty handy! Now I have to remember to use them.

    Lacey, that red dress is soooooo cute. It totally reminds me of Paris, and I think Amy is right in that it's the stripes.

    Hosanna, you look SO great! Seriously, cute pictures and thanks for sharing!

    Sarah (WnT), my best friend's daughter is kinda doing the same thing. I guess she sees her older brother on the potty and just asks to do the same. She's 2, too. Her older son though... still a battle! Also, totally digging the $1000 goal shopping spree! That's just awesome.

    Megan, good luck with the ex-bf do-over. I really hope it works out! My college roomie had a bf, they split, got together again and I was like "what. are you doing." but now they're married!

    Rain, yay on the bra victory!

    Pam, are the "barefoot sneakers" the Vibram five-fingers?

    Okay, that's all for now. Quick PS... the 5 hour energy I tried really was more like a 1.5 hour energy. THEN I was nauseous the rest of the day. Got car sick, closed my eyes, that only made it worse, UGH. Never again will I take one of those. Do NOT recommend.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Also, Lacey... How big is a serving of your enchilada soup and have you calculated the cals? That looks really delicious.
  • Let me post my weight and then I'll go back to read all the posts


    I"ll be more than happy to take the gain since this moring was the first day I've been below 284 since my vacation ended early last week.

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Nava, my barefoot shoes are these:


    I love them for hiking, although on really rocky parts of the trail they can be annoying and I do plan to get boots or trail shoes to cover my ankles. I wore my last hiking boots (Vasque boots) into the ground -- had them for 12 years and only gave them up when the soles literally came off! -- and I just haven't replaced them yet. I love that the barefoot sneakers make me feel like a billy goat, which is fun, because of the grip you can get. Also with them I've learned to run by striking with my forefoot, which has made my knees happier. But the minimalist shoe definitely works my calves about 800 times more than regular sneakers. I don't know what I was thinking wearing them for all day hiking and then again the next day!

    My bf is really into metal too! Right now he's all excited about the new Machine Head album coming out, and we're flying out to San Francisco in December so that we can see Metallica play a small venue with other Metallica Fan Club fans like him. :smile: I used to LOVE Metallica in high school, then I really didn't like any of the stuff they put out after the black album, but I like the last one. I'm excited to see them in a club setting!
  • Amy...have you ever tried CM Plex. My mother has had two bone marrow cleanings about 15 years ago. Wherey the punctured her hip she gets horrible joint pain. A friend recommended CM Plex and it worked wonders for my mom. She uses the Glucosamine when she's unable to order the other, but prefers the CM Plex. Its made up of Cetyl myristate and myristoleate, and basically works as an anti-inflammatory, pain releiver, and immune booster. I'm not in the medical field so I can't say how accurate their claims are but i do know that when I was a freshman in high school and we went on our annual Disney world trip my mother had to spend about half the day in a wheel chair. The next year (she had been taking the stuff for about six months at that time) she only had to take a few break to sit and rest her hip.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Nava - I made the Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe public on here - you should be able to search for it and see whats in it and the servings/cal count.

    I will be back later...my goal today is to log everything, eat right and do the 3.33 mile walk/run when I get home from work. I am making the parmesan polenta cakes with chicken sausage bolognese sauce for dinner.

    Oh and THANK GOD there isn't anythng on ideeli I have to have. I have to get away from that site. Seriously.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Quick post to say that TOM showed up 3 days early and is also being hella vicious to me. I'm miserable. And work is SO busy. Its making me just want to shut down. What I'd really love right now is some ice cream, a bath, and a nap. And about 47 Diet Cokes. I will have none of these things. Boo!

    My run on Saturday was superstar awesome. 7.2 miles down. I felt awesome afterward, which is always nice. We spend Saturday night in Holland (Michigan!) with some friends. It was fun, but they seriously have the dirtiest house I have ever been in. I don't know how they survive. I felt so gross the whole time we were there. Sunday Chris and I rode down to the road that parallels Lake Michigan between Holland and Grand Haven and biked about 22 miles. It was super hilly from all the dunes and so. much. fun. Then a couple more breweries, then home.

    So now you're caught up on me. I'm caught up on you guys too, but no time to respond.

    Back to the madness I go. Boo. Hiss.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: YOU are super-star awesome!!! Sorry about the TOM from hell. I am having a similar problem. First of all, it is dragging on forever AND I've had several days of wicked cramps.

    Lacey: I am with you on Ideeli. I look at it every day but every day there isn't something on there that I "have" to have, is a good day.

    Katheryne: I'll have to look into the CM Plex. Thanks!!!

    Nava: I think it's perfectly ok to take a pass now and again.

    Rain & Pam: I seriously :heart: Peas & Thank You. The web site is awesome but there are things in the book that can't be found on the site so I definitely recommend the book. My book looks like it's been in my kitchen for years with all the crumpled pages and spills on it and I've only had it about a month. There's a Thai Crunch Salad with teriyaki tofu in the book that we have had for dinner 3 times in the last 3 weeks because it's just soooo yummy!!!

    Rain: I'm glad you're picking yourself up and moving forward, it's the only way to get to your goal!!

    Annette: You can have all the perseverance and will power you can stand! You can do this!!!!

    I'd like to report that I did NOT work out today. The reason I am reporting this is because it is a good thing. My right quad is still sore from whatever I did to it yesterday and so I did the wise thing and RESTED it. You know what, it feels a lot better and I think I can probably do some exercise tomorrow. Also, I spent the time I would have spent exercising on painting my nails - so now they're pretty. Yay!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy- do you know know if that thai salad is on her website?? Cuz I've got some pressed tofu that needs to be made into something and that sounds divine. Also, not sure the cost, but my feet could probably use a mid-trip pedicure Paris lol. Foot rubbing and all from the walking.
    Yeay for not working out!

    Kerry - ew to tom issues. Gla dyou had such a good time this weekend dirty house aside!
  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Week of Weight Gain!!!

    I blame the steroids I was taking for my bronchitis for the almost 2.5 pounds I've gained in only one week. Yes... yes I do! LOL

    I am feeling much better, though. Thanks for the well wishes!

    Current Weight: 233.4

    Challenge Starting Weight: 232.4
    1st Week Weight: 231.6
    2nd Week Weight: 229.8
    3rd Week Weight: 231

    Here's hoping I can lose what I've gained back! Have a great week everyone!

    - Kristi
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm SOOO sore! Did you know 2 games of kickball on a Friday, followed by a walk/race early Sat morning, followed by 4 more games of kickball can make you hurt? But I can move more today than I did yesterday. And I AM, reapeat I AM going to go run tonight. If I don't, I'll never get back to it! So I just have to suck it up & go!

    Mellie's hiney is healing at a glacier pace, not a snail, but a glacier...it's taking forever, but I can see progress. Now if I can get my mom & grandmother to shut the "f" up & just realize that no, I'm not calling the specialist 2 hours away b/c it's not going at the pace THEY want it to go. Don't tell me I'm a good mom in one breath but that I need to do something different, or that you'd do it this way in the next. OK, sorry ladies, I had to vent that just a little! It's been so hard on me to have to hear my daughter scream & cry & to have to hold her down to change her & yet I'm so relieved she's not bleeding that I really don't want to hear that it's not good enough! And to top it off....I have to find a new sitter for her....in 2 weeks! My sitter's financial situation requires she get a full time job, so argh! Luckily, someone my mom works with knows someone, & we're going over for an "interview" this evening, so I may get lucky & only have to pay $5 a day more & yet with the shorter drive...it washes! :o)

    Amy-I'm SO going to be making those cinnamon rolls...as soon as the blackberry bushes bloom next year...I want fresh!! Yeah, I'm being picky, but that keeps me from being the pig I want to be right now! LOL!

    Lacey-I haven't noticed you being negative, venting about a spouse so that you don't go bananas isn't negative to me, it's an outlet, and one much needed! *hugs*

    Welcome to all newcomers!!

    Wow to those who have lost! And for those of us who are gaining, I blame TOM, or whatever you feel like blaming...so let's beat it! :o)

    Hosanna-loved your pics girl! Too cute!!

    OK, better get back to work! TTYL!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: The Thai Crunch Salad is NOT on the website but it's pretty easy. You make your salad with half napa cabbage, half romaine lettuce, a handful of cilantro, some green onion, then add carrots, cucumber and edamame to taste. The magic comes from the teriyaki tofu which is pressed tofu marinated in either bottled teryaki sauce (yuck) or homemade teriyaki sauce (yum = in a saucepan combine 1/2 c soy sauce, 1/4 c water, 2 Tbsp mirin, 1 tsp minced garlic, 2 tsp minced ginger, 2 Tbsp brown sugar and 2 Tbsp white sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Mix 1 Tbsp cornstarch with 2 Tbsp water and then add to the boiling sauce and stir until thickened to yummy deliciousness) then broil the marinated teriyaki tofu on a cookie sheet sprayed with Pam and turning often to avoid burning. It takes about 7 minutes on each side for the tofu to be a yummy brown deliciousness (seriously, I HATE tofu and I can eat this stuff straight with my fingers). So add teriyaki tofu to your salad, sprinkle some peanuts and crispy wonton strips (or rice noodles or whatever you like) and dress with any Asian dressing you like (I use the Almond Ginger dressing from her book, but any gingery Asian dressing would totally work). It is freaking awesome!!! And I'm totally down with a mid-trip pedi (my feet could use some TLC).

    Kristi: Steroids totally suck. I was on prednisone for 2 years and it made me puff up like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

    I started reading the book *kitten* My Dad Says and I can seriously NOT put it down. It is hysterical.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Kerry: I totally feel you on the yucky house. I seriously hate staying in people's homes that don't take care of their stuff. My SIL (the nasty mean one) is a hoarder -- for real. Her poor kids are always sick. :(

    Lacey: Thanks for the recipe. It's for dinner tomorrow. Oh, and we are still not friends because of Ideeli.com. :)

    Amy: I am a meat-eatin' carnivore to the very bottom of my soul...and I just ordered the Peas and Thank You book. Good food is good food. And I <3 good food.

    I feel like crap today. Really. My TOM showed up 2 days early and I have had wicked yuckiness since Friday. Pretty surprised to see a loss last Friday, considering the TOM starting that day. hm. cool.

    I have been able to stay under cals all weekend even though I have been travelling all over the place and eating out. Even my sodium was under. Weird. But I am worn down so I didn't run this a.m. and I didn't do Jillian today and I have already eaten 395 calories. So, expect to go over today. If I feel better, I will run when Hubby gets home to stay with the kiddos. I have a 10 miler slated for Saturday a.m. with a coupla girls. I really am a lone runner and the girls slow me down, but I love spending the time with them. I get my faster running in during the week.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    double post...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So far so good....Gracie had a breakdown in the car at lunch but she's not seen Her Dad since Friday night and it is to be expected...she loooooves him so. Its pretty cute and sad lol. We called Jeff, if she had been crying before she started sobbing and bawling. Poor kid. She's used to me traveling so I don't get the same which is nice and sad. Her and Her Dad are like this (holds fingers crossed up). Two peas in a pod. Now she's laying on my office floor watching Tangled on my phone eating chips. Hopefully she stays there for a while and gets a bit of a rest.

    I've logged my food - not super great choices but its there and I'm in range. Until I leave for Europe I am using the highly active lose .5 lbs per week goal MFP gives me and just sticking to it like glue. Tonight I will go walk/running.