200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I hope I can keep up with everyone, lol.

    Kendall -

    I'm currently attending the local community college here to knock out my core requirements for my bachelors of science in early childhood education and development. I'll be transferring to university next summer to finish up. I plan to use that degree as a stepping stone for my child psychology degree.

    As for favorite exercises, I have literally tons. It's not the motivation to do them that's the issue, it's the chronic pain and fatigue during and especially after that I can't handle. I have fibromyalgia as a result of several medical issues, including degenerative arthritis and degenerative joint disease. My exercise is limited to extremely low impact and not for longer than 20-30 minutes max, doctor's orders. My doctor wants me to focus on stretching and light walking for now, and water aerobics when available. The swimming is on hold due to the cost of membership at the nearest indoor pool that offers water aerobics. Being a full time student and single mom, our budget is limited.

    That's about it for now, past my bedtime. I'll catch up with everyone when I have more time to spend reading everyone's posts.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    wigglentwink / 212.9 / 195.7 (-17.2) (8.08%)

    This challenge winner is wigglentwink, with a massive 17.2 pound loss, losing 8.08% of her body weight AND we welcomed her to ONEderland! Talk about a triple win!

    um. Wow! I have to admit I was a little shocked to see it put that way! Rock ON!! Who knew I could do that in 6 weeks, eh?

    Karen: I don't envy the car-bound cramping and TOM with 2 kids in the back. Oye. Write that one down for the record books.

    Welcome, Kwick! This is a great group that I fell into about 6 weeks ago. They are awesome and they are very motivating.

    I'm sorry I can't do more tonight, guys. Watching these extra two kids with MY two kids is really wiping me out. I will try again in the morning. I am reading and keeping up and thinking of you all...


  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wed: 2069 calories burned (not bad for a lump on a couch!)/ 1540 calories eaten/ 529 deficit. I'm really proud of those numbers. It's sooooo hard for me to eat less than 1600 calories.

    Sarah: You are seriously amazing with your weight loss! Good luck with the extra kiddos.

    Kwick: I have fibromyalgia too. It was mistreated as spinal arthritis for a couple of years (along with all the friggin' arthritis drugs that went along with it) but I switched over to a homeopathic internist (when I was still in the States- I'm in Germany now) and started receiving acupuncture and eating organic foods and my symptoms went from having a disability placard due to my inability to walk to being able to run 5 miles. Good luck to you!

    Karen: I started running at 220 pounds. If you go slow and listen to your body, you will be fine. BUT - LISTEN to your body. I am saying this because I have not been good at listening to mine and it resulted in this stupid surgery. Don't be dumb like me.

    babyworms: I hope you're feeling better!

    Lacey: I heart dill pickles majorly. I just don't want it wrapped in meat and stuff. I'm totally down with eating my way through Paris and Bruges (I know it's terrible to say on MFP, but it's true). I love food and I love trying out other cultures food so to be all diet conscious while doing once in a lifetime stuff just does not compute for me. At all.

    Nava: The military post offices here have warnings about sending the kindereggs to the US being illegal. I don't know what the big deal is, they're just hollow chocolate eggs with a toy in them. Is it cuz it's a choking hazard or what?

    Dude! The Kid and The Hubbs just brought me french toast with strawberries that they made me for breakfast. Today's gonna be a good day. Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - better to court TOM now than when on your camping trips the next few weeks.

    Nava - I meant to tell you, I think it's great that you're doing a trial live in with the boyfriend...

    Welcome to the new ladies!!! Stick with C25K - running ROCKS!!!

    Check-in for Wed 3053 burned, 2443 consumed (whew), ex 60 min bike ride and mowing the grass... I'd love to catch up more but I've got a 9 mile run (shakes under the covers at having to up my distance!!!) planned this morning. My running partner is crazy for agreeing to it. She not even planning to run a half.... I just have to tell myself, I'm racing my young male cousin (he's 34) in 6 weeks. He challenged me to this trail race... I'm not sure if he's ever run a half before but his wife is doing the full (eeeeekkkkkk).... Have a fantastic Thus!!!
  • Omg I am really doing this .it's Thursday and 7 am and I have a small walk under my belt and I mowed the front yard. Now a shower and off to work. Yay joann keep this up.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Ohh, me...me.....you forgot me!

    My name is Rikki.

    6 Week Goal is to be 12 lbs lighter
    Track every day and stay with in calories
    Get my booty to the gym or outside 5 days a week!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Working all this overtime is shutting my brain down. I have forgotten to weigh myself the past 2 days and I've also not worn earrings, which is my favorite accessory, two days this week. UGH. lol By tomorrow night, I will have 19 hours of overtime for the week.

    It's going to rain here Saturday so the water park is out of the plans. Now we're trying to figure out something else to do. I've given him a list of suggestions, we'll see how it goes.

    I'm not planning on working any OT Saturday, but will have 6 hours on Sunday. Gotta make the money while I can since I will have 2 weeks this month where I won't be able to. Plus, each podiatrist visit costs me $150. That's my out of pocket cost. Freaking RIDICULOUS! ESPECIALLY since I work for a giant freaking health care company- they give us some of the worst health insurance plans they have available. And then they have the nerve to send an email out bragging about their 8% year over year revenue increase. stupid, selfish, greedy corporation

    Victoria- you're right, I'm glad TOM is here now cause I know I won't have to deal with it on either camping trip.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you Ma'am!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey ladies, just checking in. I've read everyone's posts, but I'm still struggling to remember/figure out who is who. Bear with me!

    Yesterday was a rough day for me, and today I'm left feeling kind of bummed. I finished W3D3 of C25K but my shins were screaming. I did an extra half hour on the treadmill and ended up logging just shy of 3.5 miles. This sounds dumb, but I wish I was finishing these weeks with a little more ease. I know its supposed to challenge me, but I'm starting to panic and get overwhelmed. I don't know where to go from here...do I keep pushing through and attempt week 4? Do I scale back and try to walk at least 3 miles at a good steady pace everyday until my leg feels better? Ugh. So frustrating.

    Sorry my first post is a negative one!

    Whoever posted about being an English teacher, thanks for the excellent advice. I've been overachieving a bit in my courseload and therefore have some wiggle room for "extras." I'll be sure to look for a literacy course. I'm actually not certified, so I'm doing a program that lets me get certified and earn my masters simultaneously ( I have a BA in English and Communications). Once I'm certified and teaching I want to work on a reading specialist cert as well.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey Rain- I had the same problem with shin pain when I was running last year. I looked it up online and if I remember correctly, it was caused by not properly stretching beforehand and taking strides that are too long. It's also very important to have good shoes. And there is no shame in repeating a week in c25k if you are not comfortable moving to the next week. just my 2 cents. :smile:
  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Anvy -

    Thanks for the inspirational support. Just talking to other women that have been in a similar situation, especially fellow Air Force veterans with fibromyalgia, is an amazing confidence booster. I'll mention the other treatments to my rheumatologist. May she'll prescribe it or send in a referral, then I won't have to pay for it out of pocket. Thanks again!

    Thanks to everyone else who sent warm welcomes. I definitely appreciate the support. I'll do my best to keep up with everyone, but if I do forget someone it's not on purpose!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Ok ladies, it's official...I hate the scale. I ate more yesterday in the quest to find the perfect amount of calories to help me lose weight, and this morning the scale said that I GAINED .8. I know what you're thinking; "Stop weighing yourself every morning!" I know, I know.

    Something else annoyed me too. I realized that during our last 6 week challenge I lost 7.8 pounds. That doesn't sound too bad, right? Except that 4 of those 7.8 pounds came off in one week, and 2.8 of them came off another week. So that means that during the rest of the 4 weeks I only lost 1 pound? What the...? I don't get it. Years ago when I was doing Weight Watchers I remember losing consistently every week, usually 1 or 2 pounds a week. Now it seems like most of my weeks are total frustration, with one happy week thrown in there maybe once a month. Ugh.

    Okay, I'm done complaining now. :)

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Rain (sorry, I don't know your first name), my shins used to bother me a lot too. I bought some "barefoot" running shoes (Merrell Barefoot Pace Glove) and changed my gait while running to accommodate the barefoot style shoes -- running with my forefoot striking the ground first instead of my heel striking first -- and it really seemed to help me. I don't always wear the barefoot shoes (I alternate between them and my regular Nike running shoes), but that change in my running form really seemed to help both my shins and my knees.

    Victoria, that's awesome that you're doing a trail race with your younger cousin! And a 9 mile run? Fantastic!

    Amy, great numbers for Wednesday! I know it must be driving you crazy to not be able to exercise like you used to, and staying within 1600 calories can definitely be hard. I'm going to try your PB&J with fruit instead of jelly and cinnamon; that sounds delicious.

    Karen, good luck on the C25K! I know what you mean about getting bored with your routine. I've been doing 30 Day Shred and running for over a month now (the 30 Day Shred is going much slower than 30 days), and I'm feeling kind of bored too. I ordered Turbo Jam this week, so I'm hoping that will mix things up.

    Babyworms, hope you feel better soon!

    Kendal, your camping trip sounds like so much fun!

    Lacey, tempeh tacos sounds good...you always seem to have such great recipes! I've been making the same things for dinner lately; I need to add new recipes like those tacos and get out of the food funk.

    Hailie, I feel your scale pain. I really, really do!

    Kristina, thanks for the calorie advice. I'm loving seeing your status updates about logging in and exercising; you're totally back on the wagon! Even double workouts! That's awesome. I wish I'd gotten back on when I fell off years ago...instead I'm stuck re-losing the weight. Ugh.

    Nava, a shirt with Shaun of the Dead references sounds like a great gift. :) I love that movie!

    Megan, good luck with your eating on the business trip! I know how hard it can be when you're in situations like that, but you'll do fine.

    Whew! Time to get some work done now. Have a great day, all!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pam: Stop weighing yourself everyday while your body adjusts to the extra calories. It might take a couple days before it figures out what's going on and you don't want to drive yourself nuts in the process. Also, I TOTALLY feel you on the weird weight loss rate. I lost four pounds in the last challenge and I lost it all in one week. I have decided that my body hates me and hates weight loss so it's just gonna be a huge PIA no matter what. Lame.

    Kwick: I had Tricare as my health plan when I was being treated for the fibro in the States and my doc was in the network and my acupuncture was covered. It was so nice not to have to pay out of pocket for that as it isn't cheap. It DOES work though. I was treated with acupuncture and various Chinese herbs (my doc was big into Eastern medicine) for almost 2 years and I haven't had any acupuncture in the year I've lived in Germany (mostly cuz I'd have to pay out of pocket for it but also because I haven't really needed it). I know everyone is different but the biggest help to my fibro flare ups over the past year has been daily doses of exercise (which sucks because it hurts to move when I have a flare up but the exercise really does help me feel better and keep the flare ups at bay). Also, stress reduction is a big thing for me. I use a biofeedback machine, yoga and meditation to help keep my stress level down (which has been hard as my husband has been TDY a LOT this past year which has made me significantly stressed out). Oh, and organic produce and dairy products (I don't really do organic cheese but everything else, I do).

    rain: I think there is no shame in repeating a week of C25K if you aren't quite ready to move on. Also, I'd say do to a running shoe store and have them make sure you are in the right shoes for your feet and some stores will even analyze your gait. Shortening up your stride could help with the shin pain. Whatever you do, don't let the pain go on for too long. I dealt with plantar fasciitis for over a year before going to the doctor and it ended up in a surgery that could have been prevented if I had just sought medical treatment earlier.

    Kendal: Your podiatrist co-pay is friggin' ridiculous! How often do u have to see the doc?

    Hi Rikki!

    Nebraska: Great job getting moving this morning!

    Victoria: You are rocking the running!! I bow down in amazement at your fabulosity!

    Lacey: What kind of outfits are you planning to bring to Paris for the fancier things like the Moulin Rouge and the Eiffel Tower dinner? I need to get something but I figured I'd see what you were planing on wearing.

    Just a little heads up for you newbies: Most of us who have been here a while have put our real names in our signature (like, down by the weight loss ticker). Go ahead and do that too, as it helps us address comments to you by name (it can be really hard to remember who's name is what until we get to know you).
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    So after my day of eating horribly, I got on the scale and it had gone down by .4 pounds. Whatever. Need to stop getting on scale.

    And seriously, who roofied my fiber one cereal this morning? I was falling asleep on the drive to work, it's only 10am, and I think I'm going to fall asleep on my keyboard any second.

    Lacey - omg, the fresh ones are like nothing else. They put pearlized sugar bead thingies on top of the batter before they close the waffle iron, and they melt and get all caramelized and crunchy and wonderful. Good. Gawd. Also, I'm not the biggest chocolate eater either. I'd rather have fruity gummies any day. My favorite thing at Neuhaus though were the dark chocolate covered orange peels.

    Amy - yeah, it's the toy inside. Not safe for children under 3. I'm just saying, I'm a 30 year old woman and -I- have a hard time opening up that plastic egg in the middle. I actually have two kinderegg toys in my office. One is a giraffe playing soccer and the other is a gargoyle. And I bought them at a restaurant here in town about 3 years ago. Whoops.

    Victoria - thanks! It's only this week (for now), but so far it's been lovely. I looooove coming home from work and finding him there. And I'm sure he's on his best behavior right now, but he makes the bed every day if he's the last one out, walks the dog in the HOT afternoons if he's the first one home, folded laundry, cleaned the kitchen after cooking (which he usually does anyway), all sorts of awesomeness.

    Pam - I was pretty proud of it. It was a picture of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost from the movie, looking all tired and staring out, and I printed the word "CORNETTO" at the bottom in a horror-y font. In case you're not familiar with the reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_and_Ice_Cream_Trilogy
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Rain - are you taking days off between C25K days? Shin pain often means shin splints... Rest, icing and stretches are key. Poor shoes and overdoing it (to much stress to fast) are often the cause. Do you have the treadmill inclined? Going uphill puts added stress on the muscle that is sore. I'd suggest cross training for a week (biking, swimming, step aerobics, elliptical, etc) to give the muscles a break. Limit your running to 3 days a week with rest days in between. If you're serious about running, go to a running store and have them analyze your gait. I needed shoes to compensate for my pronation - best money I spent. While on the topic of shoes, if your planning to progress to 1/2 marathon distance, get shoes 1/2 size larger than normal to accommodate foot swelling. If planning a full marathon, go a full size bigger.

    My run was awesome. We saw more deer than cars... I would have sworn it was 80 but my truck said the temp was 59.... Perfect for running. I'm still dripping sweat and it's been an hour since I stopped. I burned 1450 cals on my run... I'll never eat them all. I guess I should shower and be off to work.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Amy, you just made me lol with "I have decided that my body hates me and hates weight loss so it's just gonna be a huge PIA no matter what." Ha! I'm so glad it's not just me. :) Thanks for the encouragement!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Pam-scales are evil! Seriously! My weight is back to what I weighed on Friday & I totally blame TOM for it, since Monday I was up 3lbs! And that is the same 3 lbs I spent the last challenge going back & forth on! *sigh* Part of it is I know the set here at work is off on a good day, & I keep getting busy & forgetting to send mine back in to get a replacement set.

    Rain-I have no advice on running...I just ran my first one last night! My dad tells me to run on the balls of my feet & wear good shoes & keep my arms loose. And always stretch before & after. Otherwise, I'm learning as I go! (My dad ran cross country in high school, runs now just because he can, & has a degree in physical education, so I listen to him some days! LOL)

    Amy-I will definitely listen to my body, as I know it's a picky thing! I felt good after last night. I was ready to run when the chime went off, but when the minute was up...I was ready to walk! I feel as if I could have done some more sets of walk/run than I did, but the DH says if I had pushed it, I'd have been hurting, so I did well, esp as heat hadn't broken, dark or not.

    In case you all can't tell, I'm proud of myself for my run! LOL! I learned that iMapMyRun app has to be on top to work properly & actually track everything, but other than that, I'm ready to go. I have a question though, at the end of the run session, it says "see you in a couple of days" but I'm not sore AT ALL, I stretched well, & I kinda wanna run again. If I get time tonight, would it be OK? Just trying to get some advice from those who have been there/done that! :o) Gotta get back to work now! *hugs* to all!