200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Official weigh-in this week is 251.8. *grumbles*
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Alright! It's time to start procrastinating this week's work... bleh.

    Lacey, for some reason penney's website won't load the main pictures but from squinting at the thumbnails, they look cute! Also, I'm intrigued by the maurice jeans, but there's not a store near me. Well, there's one 26 miles away. Maybe I'll make the drive to check it out one day.

    Kendal, so glad you had a great time with the kids. That's awesome. I don't think I've been roller skating since 7th grade, so you are a brave woman.

    Amy, you'll love the original recipe as it's quite veggie friendly. I have a TON of leftovers for lunches this week.

    As for me, I for some reason absolutely CANNOT get the motivation to exercise. Dunno what on earth my problem is, but I feel like I'm in some manner of exercise funk. This could be because I haven't taken my prescribed Vitamin B shots in about a month and a half. Shame on me, I know.

    On more personal notes, the BF has decided to stay at my place this week too! I guess the trial live-in is going well :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I decided on the way to work this morning that I am going to need to make weekly goals for this challenge in order to get anything done since every week presents some sort of challenge to work around. This week is the Scandinavian Fest (read meat pies which are full fat and completely delish..and wine) Thursday, spa/hotel Friday and Portland Saturday.
    So my goal this week is this:
    Mon: legs/back - I hate this work out any more. Who the F puts those stupid effing one legged balance lunges FIRST in a work out? And ab raper.
    Tues: the first day of the first round upper body - the one with tons of pull ups, ab raper
    Wed: legs/back, ab raper
    Thurs: second day of phase two upper body, ab raper

    In spite of me eating like total ****e Friday (two lattes, kit kat, McDonals, Burger and salad for dinner) and having icecream each day and Red Lobster yesterday and smores, the scale is only up 1.4 lbs this moring. Not bad. I am hoping that by Thursday/Friday morning I can log another loss before I go nuts for the weekend traveling in Portland.

    Okay I gotta get moving on the mental brain work out of the day at work. Bleh.
  • Annual review in t-minus 11 minutes and counting.
  • Annual review in t-minus 11 minutes and counting.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yay for lunch time so I can respond to people!!!

    Lacey- Cute dresses!!!! Glad you had a good time camping. I'm so looking forward to my trips this month. Good luck with the workout plan this week. Breaking it down to weekly goals is a really good idea- it makes it less overwhelming and stressful.

    Nava- Oh my!!! that casserole looks DELICIOUS. Gonna have to print that out for next month! Get out of your exercise funk and do something!! (this is the pot calling the kettle black, btw) Yay for the BF deciding to stay another week. Mr. Reunion hasn't "moved in" per se, but he spends about 6 nights a week at my house. I love it.

    Laura- yay for bike riding and swimming!! Having kids around is a great excuse to get out and get active!

    missx- that's probably a good idea to stay away from the scale this week. Sounds like it would be a very discouraging weigh in

    LadyG (rikki)- I had a boudoir shoot earlier this year too!!! LOVED IT. I'm like you and wanted to do it when I was thinner and at the time I didn't have a man in my life to take them for. The photographer is married to my cousin and he had a few ladies book with him. Since he had an available time slot, he asked me to pose for him. It was pretty weird.....but hopefully enough time will pass and it won't be weird at the family get togethers around the holidays. LOL You can see a couple of the PG ones in my profile here.

    Amy- yay for chair aerobics and ab raper!!!

    Pam- maybe upping the cals this weekend caused the drop on the scale? I think there's something to the whole "calorie cycling" thing.

    Rain- hope the hubby recovers well. Men tend to turn into babies when sick or otherwise "broken" lol

    Victoria- I would say go back to bed and start again tomorrow, but it sounds like you really need your dose of exercise endorphins. Get out and do something!! btw- I think Lexi is permanently snotty. She blows her snot on everyone and everything!

    sgc- wtg on the family exercise!!! that sounds like a whole lot of fun! I'll have to remember that asian chicken salad the next time I'm forced to go to mcdonalds.

    Hosanna- great job walking home with the groceries! That's just cool. So many people would drive because of the groceries, but that's totally bad a s s of you!

    Katheryne- enjoy yourself on vacation. taste everything, just watch your portions and drink lots of water. you'll probably do enough walking to make up for the extra cals.

    Megan- tell us more about this boy you speak of!!! :wink:

    Kristina- good job staying under your cals lately!!

    Kwick- I'm also a carb/sugar junkie. It's a hard knock life for us. LOL

    Rosy- welcome! and yes, Dancing with the Stars is a pretty big show here in the states.

    Sorry if I skipped anyone- this thread is getting so big!!! lol

    Ok, so in other news, Mr. Reunion's kid's mother sent me a friend request on facebook. Mr. Reunion was kind of upset about that- he thinks its for devious reasons- and he advised me to ignore the request or even block her. I knew she'd be curious about me and ask the girls as much about me as she could. And that's fine with me. It doesn't bother me one bit. I am a part of Mr. Reunion's life, which makes me a part of his girls' lives and that indirectly makes me a part of her life too.

    But from what he has told me and what my sister knew of her from high school (she was in the same grade as my sister), she's lazy, unmotivated and made/makes him do everything...everything from take returns back to the store, to calling people, to naming the girls. They've been apart for 4 years, but when it was time to sign the girls up for school, she waited and waited and waited for him to do it, so he finally signed them up for the school closest to his house, which is about 20 minutes from her house. And from what I understand, after he's done with school he plans to take them on more of a "full time" basis..or at least more than he has them now. One thing he said that stuck out in my head was "...if I'm even still talking to her..." He seems quite fed up with her shenanigans.

    But yeah.....hopefully that's as much drama as there is for now.

    oh! And today is another podiatrist appointment. I should get my orthotics today! WHOO!
  • Kwick2010
    Kwick2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Kendall - Now I have the song from Annie in my head... sings "It's a hard knock life.. for us!"

    I did bad today already. The jelly filled donuts at the Publix bakery weren't just calling my name, they were screaming it!!! LOL

    I did have a grilled chicken breast sandwich for lunch, though. Yum!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Megan- tell us more about this boy you speak of!!! :wink:

    Oh yeah! Totally meant to ask about this too!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Just so you know Ideeli has Sketchers Tone-Ups for ridiculously low prices. (I will not buy any. I will not buy any.)

    Kwick: Donuts are evil. I feel your pain.

    Kendal: I think you'd be coo-coo nutso to friend Mr. Reunion's ex.

    Hailie: Good luck with your review.

    Lacey: I think that switching your goals to a week-by-week basis is a good idea.

    Nava: It's cool that the BF is spending another week at your place!

    Laura: One-derland will be welcoming you soon!

    missxlaur: I skip weigh ins during my TOM too, they are just too depressing otherwise.

    Karen: Hiya, girlie!

    Rikki: I'm totally jealous! I want to have some boudoir pics done!

    My dog is a farty and weird little dude. We renamed him Loki as his previous name (Aries, the Greek god of war) doesn't exactly fit his personality. He is definitely more of a Loki (a mischievous Norse god). Anyways, he farts ALL the time. He leans over to stretch (kind of like a cat) and he farts. He walks down the stairs and he farts. I have never met a more farting dog. Of course, it makes The Kid laugh hysterically EVERY time he does it. Boys are gross. Even in dog form.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Not gonna lie, I was nervous as all get out. I knew the photographer and his wife and they made me feel very comfortable, as did the wine. When he posted them to his FB site as well as his professional site, I got TONS of compliments and it really gave me a huge confidence boost.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dude! I'd pass out if some photographer posted practically naked pics of me on his facebook page! You are a stronger man than I.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am incredibly picky about purses and bags and luggage and such. Not sure why. Well I've decided that a sling pack would be perfect as a carry on. I could put a change of clothes, ipad, etc. in it if I can find one big enough. Of course I'm not finding what I want. Have I told you how unbelievably picky I am about bags? I drive myself nuts I swear.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, it's a universal truth that farts are funny. Even reading your post made me laugh.
  • WildcatNatalie05
    WildcatNatalie05 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Natalie and I am a nursing student from Milwaukee, Wisconsin! I went back to school a little later in life and my body has suffered from years of married life! I swear, I just let myself get too relaxed! I'd love to join this group, I think a little competition makes you work harder! I'd love to join the group and participate in the weekly weigh-in!

    Starting Weight: 285lbs
    Goal Weight: 135lbs
    Current Weight: 280lbs
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Here I was thinking I was all done shopping for the Paris/Bruges trip and you have to go and bring up carry on bags which totally reminded me that I am not dragging my backpack (it's great for mountain biking but not exactly..chic) all over Paris. What kind of bag are you bringing with you to carry your random crap (like camera, sweater, whatever junk you might buy, etc)??

    Nava: It is ENTIRELY true that farts are funny. It's also true that laughter is good for your heart. So my heart is extremely happy as I laugh 80-zillion times a day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rikki- yeah, it was just me and the photographer. And since it wasn't like I was the one who sought out his services, it took a glass a champagne and a good 10 minutes for me to finally be like "ok, let's do this." Thankfully he didn't post my pictures anywhere cause my mom still doesn't know I did it lol. plus it might be weird at the family gathering if people knew that he's seen me naked.

    Amy- I agree that farts are funny about 99% of the time (unless it belongs to someone else and it smells so gross you can taste it :sick:). Your fart story made me LOL for real.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Megan- tell us more about this boy you speak of!!! :wink:

    Oh yeah! Totally meant to ask about this too!

    welllllll. i went out with some friends last weekend to the bar. And mind you, I don't typically go downtown b/c i see too many people that I know. I'm much more of a smaller-establishment-type person. Anyhoo, a little background first....i work for a large equipment dealership (think bulldozers, excavators, etc.) Well, this guy (we will call him "M") was wearing a competitor's hat. So of course, I break the ice saying he shouldn't be wearing nonsense like that.
    He has just moved here about 6 weeks ago so he is very new to the area. He does work nights so we haven't been able to get together seeing as I've been away on business since wednesday. He will have a couple of days off this week so I hope we can go out. He got my number that night and we've been texting ever since.

    I'm not putting my eggs into the basket yet, but at least it'll be a nice change of pace for me. I'll keep ya'll updated for sure.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - I bought this bag in black a few years ago...its perfectfor business travel and carry on with my ipad and a few extra things, plus looks nice for the meetings..but its not sturdy enough to put a change of clothes, etc. in it. http://tinyurl.com/3c324tw
    I might bring it anyways in my suitcase.
    I have two of the most perfect Hobo wallets that can be used as a clutch too..And by perfect wallet, I am NOT joking. This one is The Perfect Wallet. I have it in green and pearly pink. http://tinyurl.com/3unnhot

    So I'd like something more not chic to use on the day stuff around town that would be comfy and I can shove stuff we buy in like you said..the courier bags are too big...the little sling packs aren't big enough. Ga! LOL.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    LOL, I proofed all of them that he used on FB. IT was basically just to entice people to check his professional page. I was his first one so I got a great deal and agreed to let him use them as advertising. As far as our families....nothing surprises mine and his and his family are very open. I find that artsy people are and don't really read anything into it. If you saw my FB page...lol...it wouldn't surprise you.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Weigh-in... 235.6

    Amy - Have you tried shadow boxing? I've heard it can be a great cardio workout.

    I've read the first five pages of this thread and have to stop and go work out. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back on this evening and get caught up. Thinking of all of you and wishing I had the time to respond.