

  • Hey, thanks for that link. I'm a junkie for this kind of information - especially when it is motivating as the result for this was! My fitness age is 35, 9 years younger than my age! Man, I am NOT going to miss my run today LOL!:smile:
  • I read a message board on this site which was very anti JM and her dvds. Seems a weird thing to waste your time with but it did get me thinking about two things: 1. What really motivates you? Is it someone like JM and knowing what results she can achieve with someone? 2. Or is it your own sense of pride and satisfaction?…
  • I haven't had a great day with the new role at work. I was 'forgotten' about so waited 90 minutes in reception for someone to find me. Having gotten up at 5am, driven into the city, walked 3km to site in the rain (carrying a backpack with two containers full of homemade chocolate brownies), this was less than a perfect…
  • Day Two - for me:smile: It's a Long Weekend here - celebrating Queen's Birthday even though it was in April, go figure! - and I am doing some overtime at work this evening. Hence the time to post :laugh: I am SOOOO pleased with myself today: 1. Despite being tired from night shifts and getting only 3 hours sleep, I still…
  • Join in anytime! Don't wait for a date or a Monday or when you have booked the holiday tickets - START NOW! And welcome!
  • Join in anytime! Start now! I'm in New Zealand so technically started a day earlier than most - which does mean I get to finish a day earlier than most too!
  • I did the same thing! Thought "that doesn't look too bad" as I watched with my wine, cheese and crackers :laugh: G ood preparation to know what you need beforehand - mat, weights, water, clear space and time. Well done you!
  • IT'S HERE! Okay, it is June 1 Down Here so Welcome to Day 1! The rest of you can follow us :happy: I hope everyone has been able to prepare themselves, their kitchens, their workout gear, their families for a great month ahead. It is going to be challenging but that is the beauty of this forum - when the going gets tough,…
  • I am holding to a June 1 kickoff to take measurements - this is just my trial period :laugh: I have also done the following: 1. Cleared out fridge and pantry. 2. Written out my Fast Day Menus - going to do 4:3 for the month then 5:2 from there. 3. Checked my Fast Day Menu amounts in MFP - 457 cals which leaves me a little…
  • Hello and welcome! Yes, I got the dvd this week and did three days in a row. Ow. Ow. Ow. I am using 3kg weights but have to reduce to one for the front shoulder lifts. I am going to work up to doing that with both weights because I could barely straighten my arms Day 2. I was just doing a wee trial to see how I felt, what…
  • NUTRITIONAL PLAN UPDATE: I am starting 5:2 Diet tomorrow. I have read the book - front to back, twice! - and think this is something that will work well. I work shifts so to be able to adapt to fit my roster is really important. Also, having to work in my daughters' meals etc to my own routine means this is the first…
  • Thank you! That is brilliant. I really didn't know how to log it and would not even have thought of circuit training - duh. Really makes a difference to be able to log every bit of exercise I do. Thank you so much for that update!
  • I have loaded a couple of apps onto my smartphone that you may find helpful. All of them are free. 1. Water your body - this is a reminder to drink water, based on your weight. I have had it loaded for 2 weeks now and have exceeded my water hydration goal every day (my daily goal is 2.4 litres - I usually do about 3…
  • EXERCISE Which reminds me to ask .... how do you log JM 30 Day Shred workout in MFP?
  • I believe that JM has meal plans via her website. However, there is a cost involved. The truth is, we all know what we are meant to be eating - we just don't. More vegetables, lean protein, loads of water, little fat. I am in two minds about which plan I am going to follow. One I have is more restrictive - 800 calories on…
  • So excited - my dvd copy arrived today. Bought online so was slightly anxious that it may not arrive in time. I have done a lot of internet research on this dvd but have not actually viewed it. Do you think I should sit down and watch the dvd BEFORE June 1 .... or will that scare me witless and just suck it up and do it…
  • Do what you like, no rules.
  • Yep, June 1 start date.