LinaBo Member


  • The poor woman, and her poor family. All over a freak accident. I think the Buzzfeed article gets it a bit wrong. They say she was hit in the throat, but I've read previously that she was hit in the chest, which would be more consistent with cardiac arrest. Elsewhere, I saw it pointed out that this is what might have…
  • Congrats on your sobriety, so far! While BMI is not the be-all, end-all of healthy weight range calculation, for a rough guess, for the average person, it does the job. So I did a quick calculation, and you are within the healthy weight range, for your height. I find it very concerning that you are focusing on your weight…
  • With all of the suspect, unregulated supplements he endorses (and at least indirectly makes money off of, because it draws viewers to his show), as well as the rapid weight loss diets, and general wasting of gullible people's time which could be put towards helping their health problems with more realistic approaches and…
  • Yes, why make people's insecurities their problem? Why give Protein World any business, which depends on peoples' insecurities to exist? People should sharpie that quote in big, bold writing across every one of this company's ads, and credit Protein World's tweet. Let's see how they like their sales when they're widely…
  • I don't know how he acts outside of this one situation, but men sometimes say things thinking they're being helpful (by being honest). The sexes communicate in different ways. If you were just fishing for compliments outside of any day-to-day situation (as some women do, not saying that you have), I'd kind of see the point…
  • Three examples of what one can achieve, going from 250+ lbs down to competition-level body fat/musculature. I make a point of scouring the internet for such examples, because I too am in that weight bracket, hoping to get super fit again: I found this woman after her being in the news about being kicked out of a water park…
  • Sugar snap peas are AWESOME with hummus.
  • It could be something, it could be nothing. I'd chat with your local police, don't get too worked up over it, and just mention that you two may have been followed by a white truck while on your evening routine. Maybe they can tell you if anyone else has come to them with similar complaints, and if not, then maybe if…
  • How can you be sure that the other sites are correct? If that data is user-submitted, it's highly suspect. Perhaps they're submissions from other countries, where products are often slightly different. My McDonald's Canada website lists the 200 calories, approx. 7 oz version. I don't know where you're posting from, but…
  • Rule of thumb: if you have to ask (especially a message board), then the answer is NO! You are to look presentable and nice at a wedding, dressing appropriately for the setting/climate/level of formality... but it is never a day to wear a statement dress, unless you are the bride.
  • I would check with your doctor, to be sure. It could be nothing, or it could be something that you need to use modified exercises for until you take some of the weight off of your knees, at least. You being a woman over 40, I definitely do not recommend powering through it with an MD's approval. I'm 30, but I'm carrying a…
  • I've never been outside of Canada in my life, so I'd need some extended visits to make sure it's right for me, but my first choice would be the Netherlands, as that is my primary ethnic heritage and I have strong ties there. My second choice would be one of the Scandinavian countries, can't decide which (I'm part Danish as…
  • It sounds to me like he needs counselling. Maybe a trained pro with experience in counselling Parkinson's sufferers can be found through the PDF, there? My father doesn't have Parkinson's, but he has terrible tremors (can't sign his name, has trouble holding a glass and bringing it up to drink without spilling some, due to…
  • With Polar, what counts as a good HRM is easier to determine based on the sorts of activities you engage it. I invested in the FT80; it's not the cheapest of the bunch, but so far I am loving all of the features to track my progress and to set goals. That particular model is geared towards strength training, and it allows…
  • I'm going to miss having boobs. Proportionally speaking, at my ideal weight, they'll probably shrink down to an A cup. A small B cup, at best. Mother Nature decided to put all of my size and cleavage towards my butt, though, because I have some exceptional junk in the trunk... and that is something I will never get rid of…
  • Attractive, unless he can cook better than me. I went to school to get my cooking education, so I have a certain amount of pride in being the one that my friends and family look to for cooking expertise. If a guy can peel and chop veggies, stir a pot when asked, knows how to clean the dishes properly, and can appreciate…
  • Lindsay Lohan's parents... because if there's anything worse than a 26 year old trainwreck whom everyone is sick of seeing in the "news", it's the two people in their 50s acting just as badly, clamouring over each other to be attached to her latest bit of exposure, instead of holding real jobs, with seemingly NO shame for…
  • Congrats, gorgeous! Keep up the good work!
  • Even though I'm an atheist, I was raised "casual christian" and don't make a big deal about saying "Merry Christmas". I don't mind saying it. Seems to me that if Jesus were to actually have existed (which I doubt), he wouldn't have been such a bad guy. Not divine, but not a bad guy. My family doesn't get all religious…
  • In extreme heat, it makes sense. Your body is sweating like you would if you were working out intensely. I'm not referring to such cases, though; I'm referring to people who chug obscene amounts of water, ignoring their natural thirst, on a daily basis, during pretty unremarkable weather... often as part of a weight loss…
  • My grandmother and grandfather on my mom's side were "Oma" and "Opa" (Dutch words for grandma/grandpa; they came to Canada from the Netherlands, post-WWII), and my dad's parents were "Grandma" and "Grandpa". My Grandpa was full-blooded Dane, but born in North America, and my dad's family has almost zero connection to their…
  • I have seen people on this site who swear by forcing down 20+ cups (that's 160+ ounces) of water a day... and they aren't even the ones who work out aggressively. Unlike with some people who think hydration is about forcing down copious amounts of water until it's practically coming back up, I drink when I'm thirsty. I…
  • Marriage counselling, or it's over. If he has a full time job with benefits, hopefully there is coverage for counselling. You really need a professional to mediate this issue and set him straight on some things. If you are both legitimately too tired to get the repairs done around the house, then he has to accept hiring…
  • 160 is decent, based on BMI (that would put you at a BMI of 23). BMI is a vague estimate, though, and doesn't factor in body composition. If your intent is to become very muscular, you could well exceed what is considered a "healthy" BMI, while still keeping your body fat low enough to be extremely healthy and fit. Without…
  • Mercifully, Saputo Inc owns the license to the Hostess brand, up here in Canada... so Twinkies and other Hostess goodies are safe, up here! Also, for anyone concerned about Wonderbread (also owned by Hostess Brands in the States), it's safe up here, too: As for companies…
  • If it remains swollen or gets worse over the next few days, despite prescribed measures, I think it would be urgent enough to go to the ER. You may get the necessary tests through that route.
  • I would leave it fairly long, maybe a couple of inches below shoulder length, get it layered properly by a good stylist (maybe razored?) and go for a rich auburn colour.
  • This is basically the way I'm going to play it, from here out. First time, meet up for coffee (not even drinks. Alcohol this early is probably a bad idea). No one is finding out each other's addresses, kissing would be off limits, and I definitely intend to hold out on the physical stuff for longer, to weed out the dogs…
  • Inner thighs, and my "bat wings".
  • trishtrish84, that guy sounds like he missed the memo... that there are actual "dating" sites out there that might have gotten him a first date that would have actually gone the way he had intended it to. One site comes to mind, but I'm not sure if linking to it would get me in trouble, here. Not that I've used it, mind…