

  • Not sure where I learned this, but I weigh each morning and write it on a daily chart. Then at the end of the week I add up the 7 weights and divide by 7 to get my weight for the week. This really helps get a true weight and show the progress I'm making (or not) rather than the normal fluctuations due to water retention…
    in Weigh In Comment by jude716 July 2009
  • I made a deal with myself. I can eat anything I want, as long as I log it. It has really helped me even out my food intake. It takes the guilt away, which often fuels binging. Good luck!
  • I was addicted to carbs in a big way. The only thing that helped was for me to go on the Atkins diet. It took a while, but I now can control my cravings for carbs - before it just wasn't possible! Sugar free chocolate candy helps me through the tough times. Good luck.
  • P.S. Love the cats.
  • Given the weight you've already lost, sounds like you're doing a lot right. Find what works for you and stick with it. Although, adjusting your calorie intake on high exercise days makes sense, to avoid that starvation effect (and tipping over too). :tongue:
  • Welcome. This is a great site. So easy to use. Good luck on your journey.
  • Thanks to all for the words of welcome.
  • Thanks. Great progress to your goal.
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