kcrenshaw2005 Member


  • Hi everyone!!! I have been doing 21DF for quite a while now. I'm on round 2 of 21 day fix, but it's the extreme. Finished the regular 21 Day Fix and then jumped into the extreme version. I like all of Autumn's programs. Been on MFP for several years but haven't been on lately (like the last 2 years). Trying to come back…
  • My son was worth every single stretch mark. Now I'm just trying to tighten up the skin.
  • You look fantastic!! IMO you've lost more than enough weight, but it's your own personal goal. Keep up the awesome work!
  • Yes I completed JM 30 ds last week! The only sore places I had were my legs with all those workouts. And yes I know what you mean with sore neck......try not to use your neck when doing the 1min abs. That's why she says to put your hands behind your ears and look at the ceiling. I helps not move/use your neck muscles, as…
  • You look fantastic! Keep up the great work!
  • Everyone looks amazing!!! In 2007, I started on losing weight (starting at 127, getting down to 107) and lost 20lbs--maintained it til 2011 when I got pregnant. When I delivered my highest weight was 166. I am now 131 and am stuck, but not going to lose my determination. I'm stuck at the low 130's but am hoping Level 2 of…
  • I can totally see results HCWJackson!!! I need to get started on my JM 30DS. I have a disgusting pooch that I hate (I am 10wks PP). I need to take some pictures. I will want to see my progress.
  • This is awesome! Just what I need to see to inspire myself and see that it IS possible to lose the weight and tone up after having our son. Thank you so much! I have no ab muscles at all (c-section killed them ) :-( but I know that working out will help get them back. I am 7.5 weeks PP. Lets see if I have the same courage…