

  • Get out or purchase something you want to fit into and hang it somewhere visible, so you remember why you are doing it!
  • Jump squats! Killer - get the heart rate up and the blood pumping!
  • Weigh after cheat day - its motivation to not cheat so much! and maybe instead of "cheat day" have a "treat meal" once a week - less indulgent!
  • AGREED! Clean out your cupboard - its not a waste of food - think of all the waste of time/energy if you dont start fresh! Get rid of anything thats not clean/healthy and you won't be tempted
  • 2 squares a of dark choc and a cup of herbal tea!
  • at the same time every morning! as soon as I get up... but officially go off Wednesdays weight :)
  • Here are some Michelle Bridges mottos I live by!!! http://www.dailylife.com.au/photogallery/health-and-fitness/dl-fitness/michelle-bridges-top-workout-tips-20120920-26890.html?selectedImage=0 I like this one the best..... "This whole 'I can't get motived thing' is a crock. "You don’t have to be motivated to exercise, you…
  • And if you are feeling really adventourous - Vegan Choc Mousse 2 ripe avocados 2 tbs good quality raw cacao powder 1-2 tbs agave or maple syrup 5 very soft dates / soaked dates, pitted; or extra agave/maple syrup A pinch of sea salt A scant 1/4 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1/4 vanilla bean, scraped 2 tbs coconut milk Put all…
  • BAKED PEARS WITH DRIED APRICOTS AND RICOTTA Ingredients (serves 4) 2 large, firm ripe pears, halved 75g ricotta 1 tablespoons diced dried apricot 1/2 tablespoon honey Cinnamon to dust Method Preheat the oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Use a melon-baller or teaspoon to scoop out the pear cores.…