I have a Bowflex also and enter the cardio portion of that as "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)" - there's a cardio exercise set up for that in there. I tend to count only the actual lifting time, not the rest time between sets, but that's just my preference. Hope that helps!
I went into maintenance mode a couple of months ago and thought it would be SOOOOO easy going from 1,200-1,400 calories a day all the way up to 2,000 or so. Once my body realized it had access to greater quantities of food, I actually started getting hungrier than I'd been while in weight-loss mode. That passed after a…
Kashi GoLean Crunch. Surprisingly awesome.
Some people don't want to hear/accept knowledge that will require sustained willpower and dedication to carry out. I'm largely in the camp of doing it the "honest" way — sensible diet and frequent exercise. But let's not forget that all of us are at different points in the weight-loss journey. People usually make mistakes…
I count each and every day. Denial and/or not paying attention is what gets most of us into trouble, and holding ourselves accountable/paying attention is what gets us out of it. It's too easy to slide on holiday and regret coming home with unwanted "baggage." By all means, let yourself splurge a bit — call it a metabolism…