Do you think its strict if I count calories on holiday?



  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    It really depends on what feels right to you. Last year I went on a cruise and I was really careful about what I ate until the last day. Then I was like you know, forget it and I indulged. Now when I go on vacation I don't worry about it. For me I think of it this way, it's not what I do sometimes that makes a difference it's what I do most of the time. When I was fat I would eat well occasionally and workout sometimes and guess what, I was still fat. Now I eat well and workout most of the time, i went out of town a few weeks ago and didn't worry over it, I was up a few pounds when I first got home but now ten days later I am below the weight I was the day I left.

    So it's really whatever you feel like doing that you should do.
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    i'm going to portugal in a week & definitely counting calories .. i mean you can still have an awesome time with healthy food right?
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I log every bite, every day-vacations included. But I do cut myself some slack and not stress when I go over on special occasions. I find it actually helps me to realize that even though I'm eating too much and not as well as I could, I'm really not far over maintenance even on the worst days. So logging actually helps me realize that although I'm not meeting my goals for loss-I'm also not gaining 15lbs either.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I read this thinking Holidays like in America (Thanksgiving, Christmas etc), but I guess the same would apply on a holiday (vacation). I did my best to count what I ate at Christmas, so why would it be any different than any other day? Other than what I ate, I tried to eat small portions and limit myself when it came to desserts and wine etc and have a sensible day and still enjoy myself.

    As far as your vacation, you don;t have to be super strict and if you make healthy choices you may not have to "count" much, just know that you are doing well.
  • picantecreative
    picantecreative Posts: 12 Member
    I count each and every day. Denial and/or not paying attention is what gets most of us into trouble, and holding ourselves accountable/paying attention is what gets us out of it. It's too easy to slide on holiday and regret coming home with unwanted "baggage." By all means, let yourself splurge a bit — call it a metabolism reset, if you like. But try not to go into denial or pretend the calories aren't there. Enjoy them, but still acknowledge them, and keep yourself from getting too far off target. Find a balance! You'll be glad you did when you get back to real life. Be ready to hit the ground running and avoid the post-vaca slump.
  • missymuffet459
    From past experience even going off of my regular routine from one day can completely throw me off. I find myself having a hard time getting back to being "good".

    For example, I went to my aunt's house for 3 days and thought since I was on vacation that I would let loose. BIG MISTAKE. It literally took me 1 1/2 years to get back into counting my calories and working out on a daily basis. I know this is extreme but it is my reality. SIGH.

    I know now that in the future, whenever I go on holiday, I know that I cannot throw my counting calories completely out of the window. I have to be accountable to myself.
  • MNguerita
    MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
    I do. Doesn't mean you can't indulge...just make up for it with other meals...that't why I still do it, so I know hat I have to work with...if it is not convenient to log, then just remember to mak mindful choices.
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I count calories everyday, holiday or not.

    If I know it's going to be a bigger calorie day, I make sure I get my workout in early and eat a bit lighter through out the day. I think "cheat days" or not counting is a slippery slope. Eat what you love and make it fit into your calorie goals.

    Have fun!
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Well, I will be going to Cuba for 2 weeks next month and I will not be ABLE to log in!! (Internet is VERY limited in Cuba) It will be the ultimate test. I will try to keep a daily journal of what I eat, but I know that I will be fine. For the most part when on vacation I do not go over calories because I am keeping very busy walking, swimming, etc. I also don't drink much so that helps A LOT.

    Good luck to you but in my opinion just do your best and get right back on track when you get home.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Im going on vacation from june 30th to july 7th. Im not so concerned about what I will eat as my friend has a garden, or we will purchase the produce, also on the menu is crab meat and healthy meats/fish. I will be in S.C. I have more concern with what I will be drinking. My friend makes very good wine. However, he has a pool, where I will burn many calories. In the end all involved will be logging calories and excercise. :)
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    I have been on two recent vacations, the first was a trip to Myrtle Beach at a resort that had free wi-fi. I modified my carlorie goals to a maintenance intake. I logged everything I ate for the 9 days we were away. I did real well and only gained about a pound. It dropped off quickly. No biggie.

    This most recent trip was not as successful. We went on a five night cruise followed by 10 nights at different resorts around Florida. On the cruise, logging in and tracking was not possible (no free internet access). While we had wifi at the other resorts in Florida, not logging from the cruise fed over to that part of the trip also. So I didn't log anything for the entire days. BIG MISTAKE! I came back and discovered I had gained 14.6lbs. WOW. That is almost a pound a day! Obviously it was mostly water weight as I have dropped 8.8lbs in the week since we have been back, but it was still rather disheartening.

    We are going on another land trip followed by a cruise later this year. I do plan to maintain a log on MFP while on land but obviously I won't be able to log in while on the cruise, but I do plan to keep a written food diary. Even if I don't have calorie counts, it will keep me more accountable with what I am eating and it won't be a big pigout session.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    For people who are travelling without internet access - if you have a smart phone you can still log your food (you just open up the app offline), but you only have access to a limited selection of the database. I've done this when I'm on a plane - so I've been able to log what I've eaten, although I've had to make a few substitutions.

    This is what I would do if I was on a holiday with no internet and wanted to keep logging. I'd just pick something similar (like find a pasta dish with a tomato based sauce that might be close in calories, for example) and enter that. Or add "quick calories" to give me a rough overview of what the day has been like, you can always add notes in the food diary if you want to keep a bit more info.

    Or, I might just decide that it is time to have a logging break and see how I do without MFP (though that's hard to imagine at this point after more than 500 days of logging in a row!)