rainbos Member


  • YUP i got one. DO THIS WITH NO WEIGHT. this is just to get your form down. Hands up, in an overhead squat stance, facing a wall. Put your body right up smack against the wall. then squat slowly then back up. repeat. This forces your body up. Try it!
  • Very cool but where are the ab shots?!?! Is the beer belly melting away? :-)
  • haha. this thread made me laugh. this guy is so insane and funny looking... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUjVsgcRrTk I LOVE burpees. I hate box jumps. Burpees will gladly do.
  • ME! So far, I like it.
  • Jindra, I do runs and lifting together. I don't want to change shoes during sessions. So I need a pair that would do both. So maybe a shoe with a little more support/lift? Not so minimalist?
  • I have Nike free runs. I like them.
  • VERY APPROPRIATE at this time: “This is my body, and I can do whatever I want to it. I can push it. Study it. Tweak it. Listen to it. Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm on my bike busting my *kitten* six hours a day. What are you on?" You all know who said that!!
  • same here. Plus the commute. Ugh. I work out at 6 am before work.
  • Nice to meet you Steve. Wow, you sound fit. I have a PhD too, in experimental psychology.... that means I sit around and analyze data all day, minimal interactions with people. :-)
  • Kipping is supposed to make pullups much easier because you are using your momentum to throw your body upward. When you work on kipping, just work on the back and forth rocking movement, with NO pull ups: 1) when your body is in the forward part of the swing, think of chest and head moving THROUGH the arms.... 2) in the…
  • almost 5 months. just seeing improvements now. now my PRs (maximum strength) are increasing each time. I lost 6 pounds with eating about 1100 to 1200 calories a day. You wont lose much weight with crossfit, because you will gain muscle. But you will see toner abs and thighs for sure.
  • I KNOW! How about taking your run to a more fun place, like around a reservior or griffith park? I agree with jindra(sp?) - if you create a ROUTE that you HAVE to finish, then its all about ... mentality - just finishing the damn thing. And set your goal for a race - 5K. I guess a MAN came up with the Nike slogan JUST DO…
  • HAHA nice to meet you. We may be the only functional members in this club!! You can be president. ;-) And yes, sure, I will be VP and your bridesmaid. Kristen and I did HOT YOGA. And man, that was amazing. I wish i could keep doing that. I found that if you get free yoga passes if you are new, so for a while you can do…
  • GO GO GO!!!!!!! Wow, 20 pounds lost huh!?!? How do you do that?
  • Good luck with that. I have no answer. Cross fit does have an answer though - we do 400 meter run at a comfortable-fast pace. Then, two forms of exercises, that can be something like 20 sit ups and 10 pushups. Then repeat this routine of run, sit ups, pushups... all in specific amount of time, say, an hour. That REALLY…
  • Small group but we can rock it. Anyone in this group... feel free to add me to track progress. Ive been eating really well. Not quite paleo, but definitely influenced by that line of thought. And Im crazy about cross fit. Doing it almost every day, when I can. Although my frequency alternates weeks with custody of my kids.…
    in Greeting Comment by rainbos August 2012
  • check out crossfitmom.com. I have two kids, and Im a single mom. Its hard making time to work out. I wasnt able to make it work out when they were little... just waaaayy too much to do juggling my jobs as mom, maid, cook, and my career. Hope you do better than I did. 24 hour fitness and ymca type places have child care…
  • Very good post. Women also have low libido with low testosterone levels, slight obesity, high insulin, and high cholesterol. Women's ovaries naturally produce a small amount of testosterone, which is linked to sex drive. This amount decreases with age. Naturally cross fit is the best way to increase these levels.
  • I just put a generic circuit or aerobic exercise, and its like 370 per workout. That way I dont eat away all those calories. I only keep track of incoming calories. I do NOT want to eat as if I worked out, you know? That keeps me within my calorie goal for the day and keeps me lean.
  • HI! I have two boys, and Im a single mom. A lot of other moms seem to go in the morning. Welcome! I LOVE it! I try to introduce some of the crossfit to my kids at home.... like the warm ups, stretching, my kids like the candlestick. Yesterday I helped them do handstands. Saturdays we have workouts at the beach, and my kids…
  • :( ... I really want new lululemon clothes, but they are SOO expensive. 100 per pants. But I agree. LOVED THEM to death.... literally.
  • I LOVE it. I never thought I would want to go every day but I do. I try for 4 times a week. Exercises are mixed up so that schedule is doable. I like watching videos on line with coach Burgener. I really like watching Jon Gilson explain anything at all. :) For example, this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV1NfxgmzT4…
  • ME TOOOO!!!!!! I finally did about 5 or 6 double unders (not in a row) last week!! YAY! The trick was to focus more on the hands than feet, because I was trying to spin like super-fast-crazy before, and that didnt work. You need to spin like crazy, but follow a rhythm of quick-slight pause-quick-slight pause. That's what…
  • The guys in my box wear them. Dont see any women in them. I may try, cos I hate shaving.
  • I think it really depends on your own body and your diet composition. Everyone's body builds up differently (just like in the same way people store fat differently too). There are the strongest guys I know who are pretty lean looking, not bulky. One chick at my box is seriously strong, and isn't big.
  • How do the shoulder injuries happen?
    in injuries Comment by rainbos July 2012
  • HA HA. me too.
    in injuries Comment by rainbos July 2012
  • OOW!!!!! Ive seen that happen at a competition, where the competitor was going really fast.
    in injuries Comment by rainbos July 2012