breasonable Member


  • I have had my fitbit one for over 1 yr... I would feel lost without it... It totally makes me walk more. I find myself going up and down my stairs to make sure I meet my goals... It was the best purchase. The only thing I have had a problem with is the plastic on my clip wore and then wouldn't stay on. I did infact loose…
  • I am so over the snow!! The cold temps are worse!!! Ready for spring!
    in snow Comment by breasonable January 2014
  • I went off the meds last april for anyone who is following this thread. The Topamax , adipex combo works wonders but my hair was falling out and changing texture so I went off ... My hair is now coming back nicely just like the Dr said it would.. But if you can tolerate the Rx with healthy eating and working out it does…
  • I know alot of people do not agree with me but for myself I was having the same problem and I cut back calories instead of ate them back. I ate all lean meat and green veggies. Yogurt and fruit nothing processed. This worked for me to get the scale moving.... Good luck...... I know it gets so frustrating...
  • I love mine and use it everyday. As far as the computer goes it only stores up for 1 week.... Good luck
  • Level 1 day 1 done this morning!!! I could not start yesterday as my kids hide the remote to get internet on the tv.... But I got it today!! I have already completed this in 30 days in January.. Feels good to be back on board!
  • Ok Im getting back to the 30 day shred starting Monday morning!!!! Wish me luck!
  • I seen the results from this when I did it in January and I am ready to get back to it.. Since then I have been doing my elliptical but I want to tighten up everything..... I do it first thing in the morning before work.. This time around I will only be doing it monday- friday with weekends off.. Good luck to you all!
  • Hi there I am Vikki, I did the shred for 30 days straight in January and had awesome results..I used a group just like this to check in everyday.. I plan on starting over with level 1 Monday the 8th.....
  • Anyone who has ever know me knows I do not do mornings.. But over the past 6 months or more I have been working out in the A.M. If I don't then I don't do it..... You will get use to it after a few days!!!! Good luck!
  • I changed the stride on my elliptical today and its like a whole new workout!!! Kick my butt today!!! Have a great day!!
  • Hi all, Thanks for the invite (Fromhereonout) !!! I am a mother of 4 who decided in August before my 40th birthday in Dec I was tired of being Fat so I decided to do something about it!!! January I did the 30 day shred everyday.... February was a hard for me... Tired Ripped in 30 and didn't really like it...So I moved on…
  • Spinach chips! They are so good....
  • On Thursday I will have 276 CASES of Girl Scout cookies in my garage for my Troop!! LOL I will need all the will power I can find!!! I will have a serving I am sure over the next 7 weeks.... But Donating to the troops is really the best Idea.. My daughter sold 1600 boxes last year and has the same goal again for this…
  • I am a leader of my daughters troop and you can donate a box to our troops! So you just pay for the box and we will send it our seas to our troops serving!!!!!! Thank you for your support!!!! The girls do hate to hear people say they are on a diet!!! lol
  • Exactly The pain is WEAKNESS leaving the BODY!!! Do not PHONE this in!!!! PUSH IT!!!!! I lost 15 inches and 10.6 lbs over the 30 days!!!! I just started Ripped in 30!!!!!! YOU can do this!
  • The first week I saw result ! make sure you take measurements! Also I wish I would have taken pics!
  • I finished the 30 day shred on Jan 30th. Push through it you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I used my HRM with chest strap when I was doing the 30 day shred and I burned 300-345 calories per workout.... Depending if I was phoning it in or not!! I did the shred everyday in January! I lost 10.6 lbs and over 15 inchs off my body!!!! I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I am a Girl Scout Leader of 20 girls Next week I will have a garage full of 287 Cases of cookies!!! Talk about will power!!!!! Man this is going to be hard!!!!
  • I think dry mouth is everyone's side effect! It is not even a bad one just makes you drink more water that you already should be drinking!
  • I am also doing it! I am day 13 so day 3 of level 2.. the first 3 days I could barely dress myself! My arms hurts my thighs killed!! But now I am good! I feel strong ! I can even do a push up!!! Keep going it does get easier!
  • Hi ladies, I am on day 13 so day 3 of level 2.. I have to say I love level 2... I like the work out better. It is harder but I like it.. I am in a group called 30 day shred. come join us. Anyways the first week I lost a 1/2 inch off everything. I measure again Monday. I cant wait to see ... Good luck to all!!!
  • All sweeteners for stall my weight loss... this has always been the case for me. I can look in my diary and pinpoint anytime I have had it in my coffee or had some crystal light. You may want to avoid it all together.
  • If no one has told you... You are strong. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are courageous. You are successful. You can do it. You will do it. Tell yourself these things if no one else has,believe it,and just do it.Only you have the power to change,and you have the power to get where you want to be. Love yourself…
  • Borrowing this for someone who needs it! thanks
  • I have a yogurt and maybe a cutie or an apple! I use to always have ice cream or chips but I just switched it something more healthier!
  • today is my day 6 on level 1 ... I agree dont give up everything I have read says you may not loose weight but if you measure you will loose inches.. I swear I think I already have! I am going to remeasure at every 10 days just to see!!! lol Good luck everyone!
  • I think this is it!