chickenroti Member


  • Hi everyone, I'm a bit behind you all. Week 2 day 2 today. I did my fitness test yesterday and I was mega surprised. The killer is the push up jacks!!! They are sooooo hard, I don't know how I can improve on those numbers, but I am sure to possible. Swich kicks - 64-67 Power jacks - 52-66 Power knees -107-115 Power jumps…
  • Today my week 2 starts. I did Cardio Power & Resistance this morning and I was knackered! Sooo tired, I had to force myself to sleep last night at 11:00pm. Although I was not very tired, but I felt it this morning at 5:30. I was in no mood to dig But since I was up and the DVD was on... I did. It was worth…
  • How is everyone doing? What has been everyones best and worst part? So far I love pure cardio, it was mad and fast paced. I hated cardio recovery.... That was slow and painful. Come on everyone "dig deeper ahhhhhhhh"
  • Me toooooop
  • Hi everyone, I'm from Norbury in Croydon and have started Insanity (day 2 today). Hope everyone is well and looking forward to Bank Holiday Monday, there will be sunshine! Whoop whoop
  • Hi everyone, I have just done day 2... wow. I was sweating buckets! But I actually found it quite a lot of fun. Is everyone following the diet? I am not sure, I don't like anything he has on the menu really or the distrubution of calories. I guess it does not matter how you break down the calories so long as you are eating…
  • I want to join please. I have just now completed day 2.... OHHHH MY GOODNESS! I am actually a little sore from day one and that was the fitness test! What time are you going to do it? In the morning or evening? I am started at 5:30am Friday, knowing that is it done and out of the way feels good, so can carry on the rest of…
  • Since getting married, I love Valentines day! Being lighter will be fantastic and losing 6 lbs will get rid of my Christmas weight. Rock on :) Current weight : 147 Valentines weight: 141 Goal weight: 133 Look forward to reading everyone's progress
  • Hello all, I have just found this group and if not too late, I would like to join. SW:150 CW: 147 GW: 133 Goals: 1: go running 3 x week minimum 2: eat veg with every evening meal Thanks:wink: