

  • I will post pics sometime - I promise. But here is what I did. I too used MFP's calorie recommendation - set to 2 pound weekly loss. I never exceeded the calorie recommendation. Not once. I didn't even really follow the category recommendations on carbs, protein and all that. Just ate "good" food and stayed under the…
  • I love this topic. I sweat a LOT. As someone else mentioned, if I don't wait like a half an hour after my run, I will be sweating when I leave the shower. Seriously... I mean a lot. LIke every shred of clothing I wear is soaked through - even my socks. When I hang by the pool after, if I am wearing my crocs, they actually…
  • I don't want to sound trite, because I am sure you have heard it all. However, sometimes the "old saws" are true. You have taken one of the hardest steps - admitting that you have a problem and want to change it. You are already on the way. It is a long journey and it is not really about weight, although that is the…
  • There is no "silly" NSV. If it makes you feel good, then that is what matters. Great job. You have earned the right to feel that victory. Well done!
  • ^^ Definitely this. Landing is critical. Also, although stretching before running is a semi-controversial topic (most saying it is not necessary) I do recommend a stretch for avoiding shin splints. You can do the "hell on the floor and lean back" version referenced earlier, but I prefer "heel on the floor, toes on the wall…
  • I agree with much of this too. 1. The first two mile are the toughest - once you are in a routine, yo hit a "zone" after a few miles and it does seem you could run forever. 2. The average is probably driven by a few things: - Popularity of the 5K distance for beginners "I want to get to 5K" - 5K as a minimum for longer…
  • My advice would be to focus on your successes and replicating them. Don't focus on your one failure (or any future ones). Sounds like you have a good attitude. Stay with it.
  • Probably is... There are only three types of people on the internet: 1. Boys, 2. Boys pretending to be girls, and 3. The FBI. :) Just kidding. Lot's of ladies around here, but it is one of my favorite jokes from the old days of the Internet! I also thought the same as you. Although I thought it was like a 20-something year…
  • I think of it this way.... The process is not like walking on a flat surface. It is like climbing a hill. Any step back backward is downhill and easy. Going forward is uphill and harder. Every time I am tempted by whatever - snacks in the breakroom, all you can eat french fries, fried instead of backed fish or chicken - I…
  • SW 220 CW 167 GW 170 5'10'' Yeah, when I reached my goal I figured 10 more pounds can't hurt.
  • Just to make sure we don't confuse the OP. Cooking does, indeed, not remove any calories. It can, however, add them. So, steaming, boiling, grilling, baking, etc. are generally lower calorie. Sauteeing, pan frying or (heaven forbid) deep frying are generally higher calorie. Also, be aware of how you prepare the food for…
  • Funny you mention Eminem. I actually have an entire Eminem playlist just for long runs. His beats (no pun on Dre intended) are great for running. Here are a few from that playlist. Till I Collapse WTP Never Enough Say What You Say When the Music Stops Ridaz (usually the fastest song in my playlist)
  • Success is the best motivator. Just don't give up. Give yourself a month and make yourself not quit for that long. The success you see will keep you going. What you've been through, and what you have already accomplish should be all the evidence you need that you can do this. For me, just awareness of the calorie goals and…
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