A Long, Long, Long Road Ahead...

Hi guys!

I recently joined MFP and I am excited, nervous and a bit scared to get started. I have a long, long way to go. The thing is I am so very ignorant when it comes to what should I be eating...and how much. Are there any great websites, guides, etc that are not gimmicks but rather real ways to relearn how to eat?

Also, emotionally, how do you guys deal with the process and your current weight? Sometimes I find it so extremely overwhelming.

I am currently 377.6lbs , 5'8, and 23 yrs old. Its terrifying admitting that.

My main motivation for starting this journey is wanting to live to be happy, and healthy with better self confidence. Ok and I'm tired of wearing "fat people clothes" lol.


  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I can relate in a lot of ways. I hit over 300 lbs, and I'm only 21. It's awful shopping at plus sized stores, not being able to wear anything, and any time I saw a picture of myself I would cry.
    I don';t know what changed in my head, but I decided one day to stop feeling sorry for myself. It's terrifying and an emotional battle every day. I lost six pounds in the first week and that is amazing, but in the back of my head I still remind myself that I'm still 301...I'll add you, because sometimes you jsut need to be able to talk to someone who understands where you're coming from. It's not easy, but I feel sooooo much better already so I know I can do it, and you can too.
  • abetterbrandi
    Ugh shopping. I completely avoid it now, to be completely honest. I dont want to shop at "fat stores". I guess that is one of my driving factors. Obviously not the most important one but hey, self confidence is something I would like to get back!

    I accepted your request. Would love to keep in touch through this journey.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Of course, I'm on all the time because I work on a computer and I finish my actual work so fast then I'm bored most of the day haha.

    I like Torrid, but it's expensive. And I get what you mean. I've never really been small enough to shop at normal stores for like the cute trendy clothese bcause I'm taller and broad shouldered. Even at my physical peak when I was an avid martial artist at 17 I was a size 16.
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    You can totally do this! Make good food choices and start moving ... ALOT! lol It won't happen over night but every pound that comes off will be a victory and they will begin to add up and before you know it you be there! Good luck with your journey!
  • ullgetthere
    Perhaps it's a long road but let's do this one step at a time! I'll add ya and we'll encourage each other!
  • abetterbrandi
    Thanks for all the positive responses. I would love to make new friends and have some people to talk to on this journey. I know we can do it.
  • Jude1064
    Jude1064 Posts: 83 Member
    It's a long road, but once you get on that road you will pick up speed!!! You are only 23 years old...you can do this. Before you know it you will be posting your success story pics. You've come to the right place to reach your goals. We are with you!
  • abetterbrandi
    Thanks Jude. Thats what I keep telling myself. I am only 23. I have my whole life. I need to get on it!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Welcome aboard! You can do it! I started a year ago with a long way to go too, and the work has been worth it. Feel free to send a friend request.

    Also - I just posted a blog last night that was meant as a primer for MFP beginners. It has links to some other good reads too. Take a look:

  • toddjg
    I don't want to sound trite, because I am sure you have heard it all. However, sometimes the "old saws" are true. You have taken one of the hardest steps - admitting that you have a problem and want to change it. You are already on the way. It is a long journey and it is not really about weight, although that is the external manifestation of the problem. The journey is about control, health and, ultimately, happiness. I will make you this promise - it is worth it. There will be successes and disappointments along the way. You will feel inspired and discouraged along the way. However, in the end, you will be healthier, in control and most importantly, happier. You absolutely can do it. Look at this community - many have been there and done what you are about to do. You have honestly taken the first and one of the most emotionally difficult steps. Log your food - awareness is a big part of this. Don't give up and stick with it! You will do it. And when you have you will be happier and healthier and yes, you will be thinner. The process feeds itself. Use your successes for motivation and leave the little defeats behind when they come up. Good job getting started. You are on your way!
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I am 5'4'' and started about 90 days ago at 274 lbs. I am down 16 lbs and 13 inches at 258.

    NOTHING and I will say this over again - feels better than fitting into a smaller size and loving the way you look. Just 16 lbs down and I was able to buy a size 15/17 in Walmart in the JUNIOR section and did NOT have to shop in plus size. Of course pants are different, I will still probably need about a size 20 (from 22/24) but right now all my jeans need a belt (for the first time in my life) to keep them up.

    I will tell you what I do - I just make daily better choices. I cut out soda COMPLETELY. I will NOT drink my calories and waste them away on liquids. I do mostly water every day with my occasional iced coffee or protein chocolate milk. Sometimes iced tea - but I will not drink anything that has more than 90 calories and if I do - I only have 1/2 a glass or 1 at the most.

    I am eating mostly raw fruits and veggies - with a lot of chicken. Lots of spinach, eggs, and peanuts!

    I have barely gotten in any exercise. I was hitting the gym a little bit, trying to go for walk/jog intervals, and do home videos but I have a very busy work schedule sometimes 50-60 hours a week so exercise comes far in between (for now)

    I try to forget about the LONG haul. I try to forget about HOW far I have to go. And focus just on my every day decisions. My weight has not come off at a steady pace, its been a bundle of weight here and there with no loss in between. So it can become very discouraging. I allow myself to eat what I want every once in awhile and that is all. Mainly - you just have to realize that WHO CARES IF IT TAKES A YEAR, that year is going to pass by anyways!!! I decided that if I can lose 5 lbs a month until next December I will be down to my goal weight 170 lbs. And that is a great plan for me...

    YOU CAN DO THIS! Small daily sum of efforts add up and equal the bigger picture in the end***
  • xratedkisses
    hello, i'm Stepfanie.. i'm 28 and 5'3 i'm a mom of 2 i'm currently 370 i was 395 O.O yes i just said that .....................i went to the doctor's for headaches to find out why i was having them and she weighed me and the whole appt. changed to my weight.. i have been over weight my whole life but never that heavy when i seen those numbers i was done with it ...i dont think there is no fast acting dieting out there or gimmick's to losing weight its going to take lot of work and sweat but the people that i have found here are positive and sweet feel free to add me if you like my diary is open i'm not perfect by no means but we can get through this together :)
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. Emotionally you take it one step at a time, one day at a time. I used to be 220, 5' 7" I too was young...21 at my highest weight..size 22 prom dress for high school! I took control of my life and lost over 100 lbs. Im back on my weight loss journey because I gained most of it back!!! Half because of marriage and being comfortable finally...the other half I just had a baby. One tip I do have is NEVER think your done eating healthy!!!!!!! I realized that eating healthy is a life long commitment. When I Lost my weight I kept it off for 2 years...met my husband got comfortable and figured HEY...im thin now so I can stop this eating healthy crap. WRONG...I gained 40 lbs back thinking that way. Now...you dont always have to eat healthy, you can have snacks and ice cream now and then....but my mistake was thinking I could have it all the time! Set your mind to a life long commitment of healthy eating, dont think of it as a diet!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    It's definitely intimidating to look at the big picture - having to lose over 100 lbs is daunting!

    I still have about 120 to lose... we can do this! My highest weight was 336 about 3 years ago. I'm at 266 now, and since I wrecked my knee in a car accident in May, I've been more or less coasting weight-wise while I get my knee rehabbed.

    You're right - there's no gimmick or fad that's going to have the lasting effects you want to achieve. Start with a few small steps then add more, and pretty soon you're living a little differently.

    As far as food goes, the best thing you can do is learn to cook a bit if you don't already. The Biggest Loser cookbooks actually have some decent, simple recipes that can get you started. Try the library for books on diet and nutrition - you don't need to study them, but they almost all have meal plans that you can browse through and borrow from. Those are good starting points. :) As you log, you'll learn what you like that fits best in your calorie goal and meets your carb/fat/protein requirements.

    As for exercise - just start something. Take a walk - if it's 5 minutes today, great! Try to do 6 or 7 the next time. Try a workout DVD, or Wii/Kinect workout/game (Just Dace is lots of fun and a good burn). The thing to do here is to find ways you enjoy being active and work them into your plan.

    I guess my basic advice is to point yourself in a direction (which you have, because you're here!) and take baby steps. In a while you'll get to look back and see how far you've come.

    You CAN do this. Totally! Keep the faith. :)
  • I have my whole life.
    Yes!!! :)
    You can do it!
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    It is a long road but you made that first important step by coming here. There is a lot of support here and if you go in and look at the success stories..wow..there is just so much motivation!! One step at a time..one pound at a time..you WILL get there! The recipe board is awesome! There are a lot of great ideas!!

    You can do this...you are worth it..everybody deserves a happy, healthy life!!
  • abetterbrandi
    I can already tell this is a great community and you guys are really awesome resources. Its hard to find people day to day who are going through or have gone through what I am now.

    @ihad- I will definitely read your blog. Any help is awesome, and I am always open for new ideas!

    @Todd- I appreciate the sincere advice. You make some very valid, well said points.

    @Fab- Great job on your loss so far! I know how tiring it can be to fit in working out with those hours. I too work quite a bit but I have decided to make myself sneak it in early mornings so with some hard work and determination I will do that!

    @xrated- I know EXACTLY what you mean about the doctor thing. I went to the doctor recently. I went for something unrelated to my weight and my (thankfully very supportive) doctor and I just decided to have a serious chat about where things were going. We did complete blood work to check for diabetes (A HUGE SCARE AND REALITY CHECK) and thankfully I do NOT have diabetes. We spoke about my life changes and I will be following up with her every three months now.

    @KT- I think, no I KNOW my weight gain was emotional. I went through some pretty horrific things from 17-21 and well I am ready to stop feeling sorry for myself and ready to put the work in to find out who I am now and beat this. Thank you for the tips on continued healthy eating. I am seeing this as a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • abetterbrandi
    @Niki- Great advise thank you! I will check out the biggest loser cookbook that sounds like a good starting point. I need to LEARN how to feed my body and not just eating on impulse or desire.

    @Momshrinks- Thank you!! I am vowing to keep the positive attitude. Baby steps to success!

    @Doin_it- The success stories/pictures around here are just jaw dropping! I want that! (Although eek at the thought of taking before pics!) I will check out the recipe board, thanks!
  • aerynholly
    aerynholly Posts: 22 Member
    Wishing you lots of luck!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    The most important part of any journey is the first step .... you are now on the journey! Good luck x