

  • picky eater here....My problem is not liking fruit. How am i suppose to eat healthy if i don't like fruit. I can drink the mess out of some juice but eating EEEWW!....oh what to do :{
  • Welcome to MFP..I usually do it after i drop my kids off at school. We are Military and we have a Track (of course) on base so i put the youngest of the 3 in the stroller and go walk for about 45 min. When i can't get to the track to walk i ride the bike we have while he watches Nick Jr or when he actually takes a nap. You…
  • congrats on starting...i just started last week too and ready to get the weight off myself...i have 3 kids and i had my last one almost 4 yrs ago...i don't know why it took so long for it to click in my head that i need to get this weight off...i hope to talk to you along the way seeing we are going for the same goal...lol…
  • congrats on starting...i just started last week. we are all in this together..
  • Gurl...where in NM. we are in Albuquerque. just moved here from Florida. Military. thats awesome you have had success in 6 wks..i hope i have that same thing happen to me. we just have to stick with it..
  • Thanks Girls. Sarah...i will have to check out you Vlog. Im hoping to just stick with this..thats my only worry. Chandra...I am on Facebook and i just joined the group. If either of yall want to add me on there here is the link. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/sabrina.cook.02 Thanks again and hope to talk to yall…