New to this site

:flowerforyou: Hi everyone, i've just joined up and think that this is a fab site to be a part of. Please feel free to add me to your friends list and share your inspirational weight loss stories with me :smile: I hope to make friends with you soon :heart:


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Welcome! I am new to this site as well, but I am not really new to the whole weight loss thing. I just need to apply all that I know to myself, haha, which is why I am here. My profile picture was taken after losing a ton of weight, but I have gained some back...and I want to wear that outfit again and look that good soon!
  • cshaffer213
    I too am new to this site, and together i am sure we can do this!! We can share our stories, and our struggles and keep each other motivated!!! Welcome aboard the journey to happiness!!
  • mummydonna
    Nice to meet you :smile: You sound alot like me, i've been up and down with my weight for so long, but this time i need to lose it and keep it off, well at least until we have another baby :heart: Life is different when you have little ones to think about and it's made me realise just how important it is to be fit and healty. I know what i need to do, it's just put theory into practise!!! I'm still trying to learn my way around this site, so if i don't reply to you, it's prob because i've not seen your message lol :laugh: Good luck with your goals xx
  • mummydonna
    Nice to meet you :smile: You sound alot like me, i've been up and down with my weight for so long, but this time i need to lose it and keep it off, well at least until we have another baby :heart: Life is different when you have little ones to think about and it's made me realise just how important it is to be fit and healty. I know what i need to do, it's just put theory into practise!!! I'm still trying to learn my way around this site, so if i don't reply to you, it's prob because i've not seen your message lol :laugh: Good luck with your goals xx
  • mummydonna
    Nice to meet you :smile: You sound alot like me, i've been up and down with my weight for so long, but this time i need to lose it and keep it off, well at least until we have another baby :heart: Life is different when you have little ones to think about and it's made me realise just how important it is to be fit and healty. I know what i need to do, it's just put theory into practise!!! I'm still trying to learn my way around this site, so if i don't reply to you, it's prob because i've not seen your message lol :laugh: Good luck with your goals xx
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck on reaching your goals!
  • mummydonna
    Thank you and well done on your fantastic weight loss to date :happy:
  • jslcook
    congrats on starting...i just started last week too and ready to get the weight off myself...i have 3 kids and i had my last one almost 4 yrs ago...i don't know why it took so long for it to click in my head that i need to get this weight off...i hope to talk to you along the way seeing we are going for the same talk soon.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    WELCOME!!!! Glad to have you here - you will find lots of encouragement and motivation on this site. Feel free to add me - good luck on your journey.

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Iron_Biker
    Iron_Biker Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • Sunshine1a
    Sunshine1a Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to add a few friends to my page. I am starting out - again - on a weight loss journey. Pleased to make your aquaintance.