

  • Thanks, Eponine just took a peak at ur blog so far a few good tips to keep in mind, especially that 10% rule.
  • feel free to add me, im just getting back on after being gone for a few weeks, looking for some new pals and support
  • Its true the best thing is to forgive your self if you slip up we all do it, there is always going to be cravings don't be afraid of them, just make sure not to go over board and exercise to help out. Most importantly dont just stop eating your favorite foods or you will binge.
    in Hi everyone Comment by emmyd88 June 2012
  • Thanks for all the ideas. I sometimes bring leftovers when there are left overs. I should start making more salads, can always add things to make those different. Thanks again
    in Lunch Ideas Comment by emmyd88 June 2012
  • HI, the daily goal is what you want to take in try not to exceed it be be to far under it. fitnesspal said that number because of how much weight you want to loose. As for what your friend said i do believe here is some truth to that because if you eat it and then burn that many calories its kinda like you didn't eat it…