derek2680 Member


  • Boy, I get so confused with all the conflicting answers I get on here. I recently started lifing about 3 months ago. When I asked on here how to measure cals burned while lifting everyone told me a HRM was worthless and to just use the presetting on here of 180 cals per 30 min. Now when I lift I do more like a body pump…
  • I did put it in the drier!!! Uh oh, I guess I didnt read the washing directions carefully :(
  • Well I am just wondering i guess because since I have started doing the lifting I have had a serious plateau in lbs lost. While back doing just cardio I was seeing that typical 1lbs or so a week (I know I am putting on muscle weight though). So, I should not use my Polar FT4 to measure my cals burned during lifting?? Only…
  • Where can I pick up a new battery? Do you have to order them online?
  • Thanks that sounds like what I am doing..... I changed my activity level for summer. I am a teacher so during the summer I do sit around alot of the day and night besides going to the gym at least once a day and twice a day several times.a week I do log my exercises and eat back I would say 75% of my exercise cals. So, if…
  • You programmed it to loss 1.5 lbs a day? I am assuming you mean per week.......
  • I love the Jimmy Dean Breaksfast Delight Sandwiches. Wheat english muffin, egg whites, turkey sausage or canadian bacon, and one piece of cheese. 250 cals each. They are delicious and 2 of them is very filling. They are also very convenient. They come in a pack of 8 so that pretty much lasts me the week. Not that I have…
  • That is about what I was figuring, but I always have a hard time when doing that many sets. My 10 rep max on my first few sets is usually much more than my 10 rep max on the last two sets. My muscles are just so tired haha. I guess I could use today as a trial to figure out my weights for each exercise.
  • Yeah, I figured I would get a few people who grabbed onto the weighing of the "their meat" haha. I thought about changing the title, but the thought of that action being done also made me laugh haha. Thanks for the replies everyone.
  • That is what I thought as well, but the first time I wore it it way overcalculated for a 60 min walk. It said almost the same as when I jog or go the elliptical for an hour. A few people said if you adjust the settings it would be more accurate for low impact things like walking. Just looking for clarification.
  • I second the nomination for Skinny Cow Ice Cream. I have one ice cream sandwich (140cals) for a snack every night. I was very surprised how large they actually were. I am a huge snacker and I am totally satisfied after just one of these. My favorite is the peanut butter chocolate favor.
  • The amount of cals burned differs with you weight. I for example burn almost 700cals in 40minutes on a elliptical, but I am 6"4 270lbs (not for long hopefully). I have never done yoga and know very little about it, but it seems very low impact where your HR will not be pushed up to the level where you are burning serious…
  • I guess I have never taken my HR during lifting. Now, when I say lifting it is more quick lighter weight circuit training. So, I am moving from machine to machine, station to station none stop. So, I feel at times that my heart is pumping more than when I am on the elliptical. So, for that style of lifting it should be…
  • Maybe I just have not researched enough about these. In the manual that came with it, it did not say anything about setting up different zones. What are these zones everyone is talking about? I started another thread asking this question and everyone said that "fat burn" zone is just a huge myth. I just want to make sure I…
  • I am getting more lost with every post. What is the purpose of a HRM if you are someone who uses the gym? Since the machines I use all gave a very comparable cal count to the Polar why not just go off of them. I was under the assumption from older threads on here is people get them to get a cal count while lifting,…
  • Ok, so what I am hearing basically only use for high intensity workouts? Not for walks and things like that. That seems like a joke since so many just starting there weight lose goals are not able to do much more than walk. When I walked on the treadmill the Polar and treadmill had very close cals burned after 15 minutes.…
  • When I went to the polar website it showed both of these as watch style HRMs. Do they convert into the chest strap types? From what I read everyone has told me the chest strap models are more reliable and accurate.
  • Wow, the ways it is sounding big and tall is the new in. Maybe we should set up a singles mixer haha. I'm out in Vegas if anyone is on board!! J/K
  • Sign me up!! 6"3 and 275. Just started Monday. I have lost 22lbs on my own. It was more,but then I met a young lady and her bad habits ended up sucking me in. I know, have to be stronger. I am looking at losing 50lbs by mid September. It is the next time I will be going home to see all my family and would love to surprise…
  • That is what I figured, but wanted that second opinion. Thanks
  • Is there anywhere to find the nutritional values/calories per servings and all that good info we have to log? I love soup and the fact that you can make a big batch of this and be done cooking for a few days sounds great! Thanks for the post.