

  • Hello, family calls me "grams" I started exercising when i was a young mom, watched my diet ,kept it up until we moved to country . Then lost my two oldest children in two separate accidents in one year from that point on life didn't seem to matter and i let myself go. Now years later I have gained to much, and gout,…
  • excerise builds muscles, muscle weighs more that fat, your probably losing but watch your food intake closely
  • Try to fix your problems, talk it out, don't it throw away unless you have other problems as abuse , but sounds like you have a guy that truly cares they are hard to find that want to commit, i married at 16 been married to same man 57 years no regrets only that i hadn't been stupid at times , the paths we take together…
  • Thank you Scott, and yes the calculators are good on here.
  • Welcome!, I too have old injury's that hamper my ability to exercise as much as I'd like to do more, As you go you will learn what foods are best for you and healing will happen :smile:
  • Remember "practice makes perfect", with each try we get better so hang in there, just because you went back don't mean you can't go forward, :wink:
  • Thanks for your advice, my biggest problem is walking as i had a very bad break in my ankle and its got pins, Also a surgery was done and they damaged the motor nerve in my spine and for a long time i could not even walk across the street, now after abt 20 years i am able to get thru a walmart and across parking areas to…
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