elizabethdc89 Member


  • maybe to too much info for any gents kicking around the boards...but time of the month should be factored in as well if you get my drift. and typically, youre weight loss will slow down a bit after your initial "i'm gonna do this" jump. not to worry though, you've totally got this!! better to get the 15lbs gone now then…
  • Totally not in my comfort zone...guess it's time to step out of it eh?
  • You're all giving me hope haha. I've been a 38D for...well forever. Ultimately I would be comfortable at a C cup. In fact, I would LOVE a C cup. I'd settle for a smaller D...which will ultimately come I'm sure, but man oh man...I would LOVE to be able to buy a shirt and have it fit like it's supposed to in the hips and…
  • Alright, I for sure didn't meet my goal of 5lbs i believe it was. But I am down 2lbs from last week so I'll take it!
  • I'm Liz, 23 years old. I'm single, no kids...which makes me a bit of a unicorn in this group I think? But in the same breath, as a lucky recent grad, I managed to land a "grown up" job. I've been over the party scene for awhile, and focus my time more on work, and extra curriculars, and things like that. Unfortunately, my…
  • I WAS SO CONFUSED!! I was going through all theo ther posts trying to find something that mentioned teams haha. I have to go buy batteries for my scale. And thus my weigh-in hasn't happened yet. WOOPS!!
  • I'm going to put a goal of 7.0 lbs by May 30 (last weigh in in May)