

  • Kashi cereal and skim milk really jump start your protein, fiber, and mineral values for the day. It took me about 60 days of eating everyday to start to like it but it is a habit now. I called it "sticks and rocks" cereal at first. Breakfast everyday was my new years resolution. Spend 10 minutes in the cereal aisle- I…
  • Many companies use PDMA_ Plan Do Measure Act. You're here so you must have a plan and you are doing it. Without weekly or daily weigh in there is no measure. Without a quantitative measure you cannot determine where to act next. Feeling good, dropping a clothing size, or meeting a work out goal are very positive measures…
  • 3 weeks ago I did 10 minutes on a elliptical and it was hard. Today I am doing 45 minutes total at higher settings than I started with. If you like the exercise you can add 1-2 minutes a day or every other day. This not bragging, it has just been fun to see how my body has allowed me to progress. It is all about accepting…
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