BREAKFAST HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I never know what to eat for breakfast..

And I don't like eggs so that's out of the question...

What are good breakfast foods?


  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    whole grain waffle with peanut butter and banana. yum yum yum
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    Yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, protein shake...endless options!
  • gibsons
    gibsons Posts: 24
    I'm all about oatmeal - 1/4 cup dry cooked with 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup skim milk, some splenda, some cinnamon, and a piece of fruit diced up in it (peaches and bananas) are my favorite. If I don't feel like oatmeal I do the diced up fruit with plain greek yogurt.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    This morning Rivita and Low fat Cheese normally Brivita Fruit and Fibre biscuits with a cup of tea!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    wholemeal toast and dairylea......Mmmmmmmmmm :bigsmile:
  • IngeS18
    IngeS18 Posts: 36
    I love Kellog's cereal. There are so many different kinds available you can always find something you like and switch to a new flavor if you get bored with it! Have it with a cup of milk and some bits of fruit, great for breakfast. And it's fast & easy
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    Soup! I make a huge pot of soup on Sundays, split it into 5 tupperware containers, then I just bring it to work with me and nuke it, filling and easy!

    I'm not a breakfast food kind of person either!

    Best of luck!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Oatmeal, toast, fruit, fruit with yogurt, cereal (my personal favourites is all things Kashi - Honey Almond Crunch, Toasted Berry to name a few!), granola bar, english muffins, protein shakes, etc!

    What is it about eggs you don't like? If it is the yolk you can try egg beaters or egg creations. They are just the egg whites.. but if it's the texture/taste of them, then nevermind! You have lots of options though.
  • kaanelalani
    kaanelalani Posts: 10 Member
    I love fresh cut up fruit with yogurt. you could do cereal and yogurt. Think complex carbs and very little sugar to get you going in the day.
  • I agree. I tend to be a Kellogs creal girl. I get a few different kinds and have that with a little bit of skim milk. If I need a little extra after 20 mins I have almonds to help. If not ceral oatmeal is the way to go the cinnamon suppresses your appetite and fruit gives you what you need for the sweet tooth.
  • I usually drink a chocolate Shakeology on the way to work and have some oatmeal is a mid-morning snack.
  • melani75
    melani75 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a small bowl of Raisin Bran and an orange most mornings. It fills me up well enough without taking too many calories.
  • kmand
    kmand Posts: 7
    Unsweetened Almond Milk for your cereal - 40 calories in an 8oz serving.
    Kashi Go Lean Cereal - 140 calories in 1 Cup
    1/2 cup of berries - 40 calories
    Total breakfast - 220 calories.
  • A fav at my house is fresh fruit like grapes, strawberries, and blueberries cut up and put into vanilla yogurt. It's also a popular snack after dinner.
  • I used to love a bagel with cream cheese in the morning. And I haven't had them in forever. Last time I went to the store, I discovered Arnold made a "Bagel Flat" and they have my favorite flavor, Cinnamon Raisin. It's 110 calories for the bagel. And I get the little Philadelphia cream cheese cubes, which are 100 calories a piece. So 210 for that, but I get my bagel fix and it fills me for about 3 hours before I start noticing hunger pangs again.

    I also sometimes do a banana with one tablespoon of peanut butter. Around 200 calories for that one.

    Hope this helps. =)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    When I don't want cereal I have a 35% Fiber bar and coffee - must have coffee!!!

    Van's waffles are good, too. Thinly spread with Smart Balance Peanut butter is really good. I like the Flax waffles the best.

    If you cook on the weekends, make a bigger amount of a healthier recipe pancakes.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    One of my favorite breakfast meals:

    2 slices of low calorie (35 calorie) whole wheat toast
    1 wedge of laughing cow swiss bites, 1/2 on each toast
    2 thick tomato slices - one on each toast, atop the cheese
    1/2 packet of any favorite instant oatmeal
    3 medium strawberries cut into bite-sized pieces
    and coffee... always coffee. :-)

    However, strawberry season is about over so I may have to replace those with melon or something. It totals around 250 (I think?) cals and is rather filling! And, I may be changing the bread - it was healthy life, but my bf mentioned the other day that it smelled very chemically and I got a closer sniff and unfortunately, he's very right. I don't know if its the plastic that it's wrapped in or if there's something in teh bread.... I need to find the easy recipe to make my own again.

    I also really love my Kellog's Smart Start. There's so much iron, you'll pee orange! LMAO! For a woman, that's hugely important.

    I'm not much of a yogurt person in the morning. Its high in cals and not very filling to me. I like it, but I don't feel like I get the most bang for my buck (110 cals per little cup) so I've kind of given up on it.

    There is this GREAT 7 grain cereal - Something Mill I think - it's in a clear bag..... anyway, it's about 130 cals per bowl, you heat it in the nuker, put anything in it you want and its REALLY filling! You wouldn't need anything else with it. :-)
  • smmarks
    smmarks Posts: 3 Member
    nonfat plain yogurt (1/2 cup) with honey (1 tbsp) is very filling (11g protein) and very tasty! Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I usually have high fiber Quaker Oats Instant Oatmeal with 2 links of fat free turkey sausage mixed in - that I have on most days. The other I will have cereal, Fiber One Muffin or something frozen from Weight Watchers.
  • Kashi cereal and skim milk really jump start your protein, fiber, and mineral values for the day. It took me about 60 days of eating everyday to start to like it but it is a habit now. I called it "sticks and rocks" cereal at first. Breakfast everyday was my new years resolution. Spend 10 minutes in the cereal aisle- I have not found any other option with higher daily values.
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