
mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I keep seeing everyone doing 45 mins or so on elliptical...how on earth can you do it for that long? My friend and I got on for 3 min and that was it. Does it depend on how good of shape you are in? Can you set the settings to make it a bit easier? Needing some help because we would love to burn some extra calories.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    There is a resistance level you can set, but at the lowest resistance its not much more than walking.
  • I started off at 10 minutes, now I do 30-45 min. Took me a month of doing it every other day to get there though! I strength train on the opposite days, which helps with my core strength, which in turn makes it easier on the elliptical :smile: My elliptical is a Nordic Track one, and has different programs, and you can also decrease/increase the settings. It has a few that are on 15 minutes long, so you might want to try something like that and adjust the settings (should have a + and - sign on the machine). HTH!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing! the most I've done it for is 15 minutes. when it's on low resistance it burns my thighs so bad, which is prolly a good thing. that's why I stick to the treadmill :)
  • jessifreehugs
    jessifreehugs Posts: 81 Member
    When I first started on the elliptical, I couldn't do more than like 5 minutes. But, I kept pushing myself, and once you get past like the 7-8 minute mark, you can go forever. It wasn't like a build up thing, it's about getting your body used to the motion and pushing through the burn in your legs. If you can get to 10 minutes, it's easy to do 20-30 minutes at a time. At least, that's how it was for me anyways lol.
  • 3 weeks ago I did 10 minutes on a elliptical and it was hard. Today I am doing 45 minutes total at higher settings than I started with. If you like the exercise you can add 1-2 minutes a day or every other day. This not bragging, it has just been fun to see how my body has allowed me to progress. It is all about accepting slow progress, achieving small goals, and feeling good about it.

    I thought the same thing when I started. People were on the treadmill when I started my workout and still on it when I was done - who can do that I thought... We all can really!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks Everyone...my calves (spelling) hurt so bad we could only do the 3 min, but I guess we just have to get back on. I will also look for the + and - signs.
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    It is kind of like running...you have to get a stride. Once you develop a rhythm you will be able to go longer. It may take you a couple of minutes to catch your stride though. Also, listen to music while you are on the elliptical, and time will pass without you even noticing.
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    I'd like to use them. I've never had a problem with being out of breath or having my muscles burn. My biggest problem is my feet fall asleep when I use them! anyone ever have that problem or know somebody that does and if they fixed it? My shoes aren't too tight because I've even tried with no shoes on and it does the same thing.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    This is my experience with my at-home ellipticals. I purchased my first one in Feb. 2008. I started out only using it for a minute at a time. I would use it for at least twelve times a day though. Woooo. I quickly moved to the 3-4 mins like some people, at a time. Then eventually I could do at least 15-20 minutes. Now, the most I have ever stayed at one time on an elliptical is for an hour. But to get 90 minutes I sometimes spread out how long I use it throughout the day and night. I'll use it for a half hour here or twenty minutes there or an hour at a time. The most I've ever done in one day was an hour and a half, so 90 minutes, and this was the other day. I used it for 60 mins then later on that night used it for 30. It's sooooooooooooo boring, but I either watch t.v. or listen to my mp3 player. I try to think about those that are doing well around me or those I don't like. It may sound bad, but when I picture people I don't care for and I am well aware of them judging me without having good reason or proof, it helps me work out harder. I am from a small town and it's easy to run into people you just don't want to be around. I don't know about anyone else but it sure helps me! haha
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    It is kind of like running...you have to get a stride. Once you develop a rhythm you will be able to go longer. It may take you a couple of minutes to catch your stride though. Also, listen to music while you are on the elliptical, and time will pass without you even noticing.

    Couldn't have said it better. Once I get a smooth pattern going I am usually pretty steady and awesome and just want to keep going. Sometimes I close my eyes and it's easier.

    Ooops one more thing, once you get past about 20 minutes you feel like you can go for a lot longer! At least I do.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Start slow and build up your minutes. I started about 5 minutes and each time I got on I would try to add another 5 minutes. I'm up to doing 30-45 mins no problem, some days are worse than others.

    I throw on some music, find my "groove", close my eyes, and just daydream or get lost in the music and it makes it go by so much easier. And I agree with what everyone else is saying, once you get past a point it feels like you can go on forever (for me its about 15 minutes and then I'm good for a while)

    Edit: Sometimes I'll bob/swing my head to the music and really get into it. Occasionally you'll hear me sing a few lines of every song (like every other line to the song lol). It definately makes it a little more fun to be on the thing for almost an hour.... I just hope my fiance never hears my butchered out of breath singing :laugh: :laugh:
  • I'd like to use them. I've never had a problem with being out of breath or having my muscles burn. My biggest problem is my feet fall asleep when I use them! anyone ever have that problem or know somebody that does and if they fixed it? My shoes aren't too tight because I've even tried with no shoes on and it does the same thing.

    Mine do too!! I thought I was the only one. I have tried different shoes, and still have that problem. I am going to try the advice the poster below mentioned. I can't feel my toes when I am done!!!
  • Oh, and I have to totally psych myself out...I break it up into 3rds. I NEVER look at the time. I look down at the calories burned and my rate of motion, but have figured out how to completely avoid the timer :smile: Mind over matter!!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member

    It's similar to doing several squats. Wiggle your toes every once in a while, and slightly move your feet on the "pad" or whatever you put your foot on, and they shouldn't fall asleep. Make sure you're keeping your core & glutes flexed and back straight

    OK. I'll try this out the next time I'm around of of the things, thanks for the advice.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. Well I did 4 min instead of 3 like last week. But still my calves and thighs just burned. Hoping to just keep getting on and doing more then that last time I was on it.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    that elliptical is a beast. i rather run on the treadmill, but it kills my shins. it took me a while to get used to the elliptical. i started on resistance 6 and now my resistance is between 8 and 11 for an hour. it gets easier, but i had to do it every day for a week for an hour each day to get there.

    just keep at it. it goes get easier.
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