

  • You never mentioned what part of the country you live in... winter running up north is a lot different than in the south, haha. Anyway, I run outside all winter long. Ditto on what others said about being able to layer up and keep warm. You'll have to experiment with what works best for you. I've run in -25F wind chills…
  • I hate the BMI system. It really is flawed, but they've done such a good job selling it to people that everyone (like your parents) take it as the ultimate word, haha. And as an example, I'm currently "obese" on there as well, and I ran a 6:53 mile a couple days ago. Anyway, sounds like you're doing well so far, and your…
  • Always work on endurance before speed. And always add mileage slowly. The best rule I've come across is the 10% rule... it says to not add more than 10% distance to any run, or more than 10% distance to your weekly total (so if you ran 10 miles one week, you can run 11 the next). It's just a guideline, of course. I think…
  • *edit: sorry for the double post, can't seem to delete it
  • I weigh myself daily. I accept that it's going to fluctuate, but it helps me see the overall progress (or lack thereof at times, haha).
  • As someone who's run 175 miles per month (currently ~80-90), I agree with those that said go to a running store. Yes, it will cost you a bit more, but having the proper shoes will prevent injury, and save you so much more in the long run. As for brand, it's personal preference. Different brands fit and feel different.…