

  • My daily protein drink consists of the following: 16 oz water 2 scoops of Vanilla Muscle Milk Protein powder 2 tbls of ovaltine chocolate powder 1 tbls all natual creamy peanut butter 1 tbls flaxseed meal 1 medium bannana Place in blender and mix till smooth. Delish!! 555cal 49g Carb 14g Fat 62g Protein
  • Hey group. I am on the tail end of week 3 of P90X classic, (started 9-20). I am 53, starting weight at 185.5, 6'2", and let me tell you...I was terribly out of shape. Sitting at a desk all day, with no real exercise plan, besides walking the dog, and an occasional bike ride, really turned my body to Jello. When I came…
  • One suggestion for a recovery Mike's Mix. I have not tried it yet, but will be ordering some soon. The only bummer is that you have to order from their website and have it shipped which adds to the cost. However it is still less than Beach Body's recovery drink mix.
  • Today was also my day 2 success. I am feeling a bit sore from day 1 workout, but feel ready to go for tommorow. I am trying to get the nutrition portion to work out for me....right now about 2300-2400 cal per day. I have been at about a 50/50 ratio of carb to protien. Is this going to work out? I only need to loose about 7…
  • Starting my first round of P90X on Monday 9/20. I was refered to this site to track diet while on the program. Looks like a great site. I really need to track my calories, as I tend to skip meals, and from what I read, that will be a disaster while doing P90X. I am 53, and REALLY need to get in shape. Not so much for…