P90x for people just starting



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    So I found out tonight that my husband purchsed the p90x program for cheap off ebay but it doesn't include the bands or pull up bar. I doubt I would be able to do pull-ups anyway but where could I get the bands from? is there a good online site that isn't super expensive?

    go to walmart or target. The system doesn't come with those things anyway you have to purchase everything.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    So I found out tonight that my husband purchsed the p90x program for cheap off ebay but it doesn't include the bands or pull up bar. I doubt I would be able to do pull-ups anyway but where could I get the bands from? is there a good online site that isn't super expensive?

    go to walmart or target. The system doesn't come with those things anyway you have to purchase everything.

    Awesome thanks so much!
  • Congrats on taking the P90X plunge, you'll soon be glad that you did.

    I've personally been through the program over 6 times and still feel the need to 'keep pushing play'. For people that dont like the Yoga because of the length, I'd suggest Tony's 'One on One' Yoga video. It is 45 minutes of basically the same strength moves, with posture poses taken out.

    Yoga is the Fountain of Youth!
    https://extranet.securefreedom.com/MillionDollarBody/csShopping/ShoppingCart_Detail.asp?PriceID=172835&Cat=Trainer|Tony Horton

    If there is anyone out there that wants an accountability push, a Coach is the way to go. I personally put 'Success Stories' on my personal website and get updates from my people daily. Pushing play and eating right are apart of the program, however, some people (me personally in the beginning) benefited from having someone educated and disciplined in the program pushing them to keep moving forward in the right direction...could be just what the doctor ordered.

    Congrats again and I look forward to hearing from anyone interested in getting a FREE push to keep pushing play!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    So I found out tonight that my husband purchsed the p90x program for cheap off ebay but it doesn't include the bands or pull up bar. I doubt I would be able to do pull-ups anyway but where could I get the bands from? is there a good online site that isn't super expensive?

    go to walmart or target. The system doesn't come with those things anyway you have to purchase everything.
    I recommend the bands at Sports Authority. One of the handles has three slots for three bands if you need it. I use three bands for the back exercises. I don't do the pull up bar. My husband just started using the pull up bar for this hybrid that we started.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    1 complaint about P90x is that I'm gaining weight right now errrrrrr. I know its because of my muscles retaining water because they are repairing themselves but i hate to see the scale going up and staying there not just flucuating

    Yeah, I'm swole right now too. LOL i just recommend green tea, like Lipton Green Tea to help shed excess water. But your muscles need the fluid, so try not to weigh yourself too often if it bothers you to see the numbers.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    1 complaint about P90x is that I'm gaining weight right now errrrrrr. I know its because of my muscles retaining water because they are repairing themselves but i hate to see the scale going up and staying there not just flucuating

    Yeah, I'm swole right now too. LOL i just recommend green tea, like Lipton Green Tea to help shed excess water. But your muscles need the fluid, so try not to weigh yourself too often if it bothers you to see the numbers.

    Oh i know I remember from when i first got back in the gym I poofed up big time
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Cardio X done- I'm subbing cardio x for Kenpo since my disc isn't working. Good workout glad tomorrow is my rest day cause my muscles are screaming then Saturday will be legs and back. (I don't do yoga so thats why I work out 5 days a week)
  • Starting my first round of P90X on Monday 9/20. I was refered to this site to track diet while on the program. Looks like a great site. I really need to track my calories, as I tend to skip meals, and from what I read, that will be a disaster while doing P90X.

    I am 53, and REALLY need to get in shape. Not so much for weight loss, but to up my stamina & energy. Not a workout junkie, but hoping with support from here and the "other" site I can keep my motivation up. Wish me luck! and....Bring It!
  • P90X is the best program ever made! it works! check out RevAbs as well...
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Today was legs and Back and was a good workout- I know tomorrow I am going to feel it but I'm weird and love to feel the pain in my muscles. Tomorrow is my other rest day and I love that. Because the back to backs during the week kick my butt. Monday starts week 3 which is crazy that it seems to be going so fast. Ready for some results but still being patient, I should say I'm excited to see results.
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