Starting P90X 9-26-10!



  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Middle of week 3 already!!! Gotta get motivated for yoga..... it's hard to get motivated for it...... it's my least favorite.... but I know it's soooo good for me!!!! My goal is to try and not fall over 10 times during it today... maybe only like 5!! 5 would be good!!!

    I did 45 min of it and then left it because I was loosing my balance so many times. Probably next time I will finish the full 1.5 hours.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Middle of week 3 already!!! Gotta get motivated for yoga..... it's hard to get motivated for it...... it's my least favorite.... but I know it's soooo good for me!!!! My goal is to try and not fall over 10 times during it today... maybe only like 5!! 5 would be good!!!

    I did 45 min of it and then left it because I was loosing my balance so many times. Probably next time I will finish the full 1.5 hours.

    Ok so I'm not the only one that falls over during it?! Thats encouraging to know!! I actually didn't get my work out in... about halfway through my work day I ended up getting a horrible migrain and had to go home... i didn't catch it in time to take my medicine so I was out of commission for pretty much the rest of the day. I have a plan though... I'm going to the next 2 days as planned (legs & back, and kenpo) then on Sunday I'm going to do yoga instead of x-stretch. I had my rest day yesterday.... i came home and slept for 4 hours got up for a few hours and then went back to bed!! The good news, I'm feeling very refreshed today and my headache is gone!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Well Poop, I didn't get up this morning to do my workout and I wont' be able to do it tonight when we get home. I'll just have to get up early tomorrow morning and Sunday as well.

    I'm doing Kenpo this week in place of the Yoga. After the food injury, I just don't trust myself doing Yoga again. LOL
  • sweettsoul
    sweettsoul Posts: 9 Member
    Well Poop, I didn't get up this morning to do my workout and I wont' be able to do it tonight when we get home. I'll just have to get up early tomorrow morning and Sunday as well.

    I'm doing Kenpo this week in place of the Yoga. After the food injury, I just don't trust myself doing Yoga again. LOL

    did you lose that much weight just doing p90x?
    Im on week 2 and only lost a lbs
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    No, I've lost about 2 lbs so far doing P90X and 14 before hand just watching what I ate. :smile:

    Got up a bit early this morning to get my Kenpo workout in and I'm feeling good. Have our big game tonight vs. UofM (GO STATE!!) and we are going to a party to watch the game. I'm going to try really hard to watch what I eat. The dips there are gonna be good. Wish me luck! LOL
  • Hey group. I am on the tail end of week 3 of P90X classic, (started 9-20). I am 53, starting weight at 185.5, 6'2", and let me tell you...I was terribly out of shape. Sitting at a desk all day, with no real exercise plan, besides walking the dog, and an occasional bike ride, really turned my body to Jello. When I came across P90X, and read all the success stories, I became motivated to change my way of life, get back into shape, and reverse this downward spiral I have been in the last 3 or 4 yrs.

    Well....P90X is really working. I have stayed motivated, which has my downfall in the past, and have tried to really "bring it" to my workouts. (Learning to embrace the burn! ) I am seeing good results, as my legs are firmer, arms have some definition, and even my wife has said...."there is more of you in places that wasn't there before." Now I have not lost any weight, in fact I have gained a pound or two, but I think I have replaced the fat with muscle, so I am not going to worry about the scale.

    My keys to success so far have been committing to the workouts, eating clean, (although I have on occasion sipped a beer or two), and posting on these and other message boards with people in a similar situation. Hearing everyones else's trials and tribulations makes us part of a community, which we can all feed off of to help us stay motivated.

    One last item....working out does pay I won 300 bucks on Beachbodys wowy gym daily winner contest. Check it out...Oct 4th winner. Couldn't believe it! It has been a lucky year for us, as my wife won a new car earlier this year on "Let's Make a Deal".
    I know there is a line coming....something about ...I should run out and buy a Lottery ticket... Okay, thanks for listening...I will subscribe to this thread and help out where I can. Till later.

    John in San Diego
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Starting Week 3 today and this week I'm going to really bring it!! I'm going to push myself to the limit, no breaks for me. I'm doing all reps and not stopping just because I"m a little tired.

    Lets bring it this week guys!! We can do it!
  • Hello guys!
    I'll be starting P90x after I complete Insanity and wanted to know how many dumbbells should I buy? Mind you, I have never done strength training before. So, any ideas?
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I am in Phase 2 of the Lean program and in the 7th week total. Still have to hit the pause but I feel I get a really good productive workout. I am 53 and have always worked out so I really don't need to lose weight but i did want to firm more and this is working. At my sons wedding reception this past Saturday I couldn't believe all of the compliments from my sons friends on how great I looked, even the girls commented. My husband said I was trimmer and fitter than all the younger girls in the room :)) Yay...
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Week 4!!! I can't believe I made it this far... I'm already noticing all sorts of changes in my body. I don't think I've ever seen these kinds of results so fast before in my life!! I'm finally feeling better... I did the best I could at the end of last week and by Saturday the antibiotics kicked in so I was able to finish the rest of the week out strong. Hope everyone has a great week and keep pushing play!

    Oh I got a Droid Incredible this weekend and I put the MFP app on it!! It's REALLY cool!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Hello guys!
    I'll be starting P90x after I complete Insanity and wanted to know how many dumbbells should I buy? Mind you, I have never done strength training before. So, any ideas?

    It's up to what you think that you need. I started with 5 and 8... and my husband had 15 and 25.... after the first week we had to go out and buy some 10 and 12 weights. I'm still using the range of weight between 5-12. My husband goes between the 8-25s. SO what ever works for you.
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Finish week one today with a much needed rest day. Actually it is my bowling league night and I've scheduled my rest days to be on my bowling night. It will be interesting to see how this strength training is effecting my bowling. Can't help but think it will improve it ???

    After week one I was surprised to have gained weight instead of lost. I have been watching my diet but have to admit I haven't followed p90x diet to max. I find myself ravenous on my weight lifting days after I workout. The recovery drink helps but I work out early in the morning and by the evening I turn into a werewolf. This week I will suck it up and follow the diet plan to see if my weight goes in the right direction. I'll just do my best and forget the rest. See you all later.
  • Oh ok, I use the skin caliper test. So far I've gone from 47% to 25%.

    That is a fantastic result!!! Keep it up
  • Way to go! I'm a 2x P90X graduate, I've done the Classic routine both times and believe me you will shed fat even with that, I've done great both times. I'm currently on week 6 of INSANITY cause I felt I was ready for the next challenge, it's much more intense but I love it!.

    I plan on going hybrid after I finish this round of Insanity, meaning I will combine P90X and Insanity. Now THAT will be a challenge lol! :laugh:

    Keep me posted on how you're doing, I'm a HUGE Tony Horton fan, the man is so charismatic and funny I adore him :heart:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    So today I did my Arms and Back routine with Ab Ripper.....1st of all I had no idea that Ab Ripper was right after A&B, I always put in the Ab Ripper DVD. I just found out it's combined today. LOL

    Anyway I did my workout and I noticed I didn't get my heart rate up as much as I usually do. So I don't feel like I burned as many calories as I've done in the past. I don't know if I should do more reps or up my weights. I'm at a loss and I want to make sure I"m maximizing my workout as much as possible.
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey everyone! Almost done with week 3 here! I am curious as to what diet all of you are following? I am doing the 50% protein/30% Carb/20% Fat. Haven't lost any weight. What about you guys?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hey everyone! Almost done with week 3 here! I am curious as to what diet all of you are following? I am doing the 50% protein/30% Carb/20% Fat. Haven't lost any weight. What about you guys?

    During my first round of the X I was on 1700 calories, 50% carb, 30% protein, and 20% fat. This time around I've increased the protein to 40%.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Week 5 starts tomorrow!!!!! Can't believe I've made it this far!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    So how is everyone doing???? Is everyone still with us??? I'm on day 2 of week 7!!! I was losing motivation there for a while but I'm feeling great this week and ready to bring it!!!!
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day of week three. I took off a week when I went on vacation beginning of Oct. so I just started over when I got back. Feeling good but have not seen any real weight loss. My legs are like rock though!
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