Starting P90X 9-26-10!



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member

    I just finished my first workout, chest and shoulders, how do I log it for exercise.

    I don't have a HRM so I do not have the calories burned?


  • TonyaJ83
    I like the lean version's schedule & like what it offers.I like the lean version's schedule & like what it offers. I won't be fit enough by the end of 90 days, so I'll need to keep going. This is the best bet for me.
  • mommy2r
    mommy2r Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck Tonya and let me know how it goes, will add you as a friend shortly. My husband wants to try PX90 and we're looking for people that have or will try it to hear how it is!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • TonyaJ83
    I don't know anything about Insanity..........I'm all about Cardio, though. My favorite workout days are Cardio and Kenpo......So maybe I'd like it? I'll have to look into it and maybe do it after my 90 days!

    do you like Plyo?? if you don't like P90x's Plyo then you won't like Insanity's cause its tougher for every 1 jump you do in P90x you do 5 in Insanity.

    I came to P90x after I did insanity and when I got to the Plyo I was like "this is it" it was a walk in the park compared to Insanity.

    I don't know yet if I like Plyo?? It isn't part of the lean program........I definitely wouldn't give insanity a try until I've completed the Lean & then the Classic programs.
  • TonyaJ83

    Look at all this support!! THANK YOU for all the friend requests!! With this kind of support, none of us have any excuses to fail!

    I read that the lean has less weights in it, and more fat burning exercises. I read to do lean if it's your first time and your trying to shred fat. Then do classic to tone and build muscle.

    What is insanity? I keep reading about that?

    That's what I was just reading up on myself, after I posted my question. So, now my question lies in, what is the difference between p90x Lean and Insanity? Both seem to be aimed at weight loss rather than muscle building and both involve more cardio than p90x classic. Wondering what the difference is?

    Insanity is exactly that insane. It's a lot of plyometrics (jump training), fast paced cardio, great workout program a little rough on the knees but all in all a good workout you will build up endurance with this program. It tells you that it's not for beginners though. Shaun T says this isn't your momma's workout. P90x and Insanity are great workouts. just have to find whats right for you. I don't understand the lean program because everyone that does it ends up doing the classic anyway. I am doing the classic version 3 days of strength and 2 days of cardio 1 day of stretch (i'm actually doing 5 days a week instead of 6 because Yoga isnt' for me)- just have to find what works best for you

    The last time I tried to complete P90X, I didn't like Yoga (too hard), so I replaced it with Cardio......That way I still worked out 6 days.
  • TonyaJ83

    Look at all this support!! THANK YOU for all the friend requests!! With this kind of support, none of us have any excuses to fail!

    I read that the lean has less weights in it, and more fat burning exercises. I read to do lean if it's your first time and your trying to shred fat. Then do classic to tone and build muscle.

    What is insanity? I keep reading about that?

    NO EXCUSES!! I like that!!! As far as Insanity goes... I do know it's a lot of cardio. A couple of my husband's friends finished the x this summer and then did the insanity. One of them likes p90x better and the other insanity... i guess its all personal preference.... i'm trying to take it one day at a time and get through this first before I think about anything else!!!

    Just finished chest and back... for the first time I attemped to do real pushups (last week I did them all on my knees.... WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! I'm completely wiped out, but I feel great! My husband and I have been having a recovery drink after (we didn't get the beach body one... we got one at GNC) and we've only been putting 1 scoop of the stuff in.... today was a 2 scoop day!! I'll be hurting tomorrow but it's all worth it!!

    Yay! Good for you, you totally ROCK!!
    I make fruit smoothies and add in protein powder. Just one serving........Is that good? What is your drink exactly?
  • TonyaJ83
    Good luck Tonya and let me know how it goes, will add you as a friend shortly. My husband wants to try PX90 and we're looking for people that have or will try it to hear how it is!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member

    Yay! Good for you, you totally ROCK!!
    I make fruit smoothies and add in protein powder. Just one serving........Is that good? What is your drink exactly?

    I was told that the ratio for a recovery drink is 4:1 carbs to protein. If you have that thats good. We have been using Endurox R4 fruit punch flavored drink. it tastes pretty good and we were able to get it at GNC (fairly reasonable price!) It says to use 2 scoops but most of the time we use just 1 and it works great. I can't imagine doing these workouts without it.
  • EHunter04
    I just started today, and I am also starting with the lean version. I started it a few months ago and didn't finish. I need to complete it this time. I bought Insanity 1st, and didn't like it. It was too hard on my knees.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    You will love Insanity if you like cardio. I really noticed a difference in my body when I did it. So now I'm doing a hybrid workout with ChaLean Extreme and Insanity.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I started last night on the 27th and I'm also doing the lean version. Last night kicked my *kitten*!! I'm still sore this morning. LOL Excited to finally start and to see what we will look like in 3 months time!
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I just got the dvd's and will probably get the equipment this week. I'm hoping to start on oct 1st!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I started last night and I'm feeling the workout today which is great! :)

    I believe it is the classic version that I'm doing.

  • TonyaJ83

    Yay! Good for you, you totally ROCK!!
    I make fruit smoothies and add in protein powder. Just one serving........Is that good? What is your drink exactly?

    I was told that the ratio for a recovery drink is 4:1 carbs to protein. If you have that thats good. We have been using Endurox R4 fruit punch flavored drink. it tastes pretty good and we were able to get it at GNC (fairly reasonable price!) It says to use 2 scoops but most of the time we use just 1 and it works great. I can't imagine doing these workouts without it.

    Thanks! :)

    Yeah, I always eat breakfast first! And drink lots of water throughout the workout. I need to remember to have my rice protein every day. It's so gross! LOL!
  • TonyaJ83
    I started last night on the 27th and I'm also doing the lean version. Last night kicked my *kitten*!! I'm still sore this morning. LOL Excited to finally start and to see what we will look like in 3 months time!

    I can't wait, either! I already printed out a bikini I want! Haven't worn one for 9 years!

    Okay, I love your ticker and must have one like that! :)
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    I started last night on the 27th and I'm also doing the lean version. Last night kicked my *kitten*!! I'm still sore this morning. LOL Excited to finally start and to see what we will look like in 3 months time!

    I can't wait, either! I already printed out a bikini I want! Haven't worn one for 9 years!

    Okay, I love your ticker and must have one like that! :)

    Ya I want a ticker like that too!!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I started last night on the 27th and I'm also doing the lean version. Last night kicked my *kitten*!! I'm still sore this morning. LOL Excited to finally start and to see what we will look like in 3 months time!

    I can't wait, either! I already printed out a bikini I want! Haven't worn one for 9 years!

    Okay, I love your ticker and must have one like that! :)

    Ya I want a ticker like that too!!!!

    Just go to my profile, then click on my pictures and steal the P90X logo and save it to your computer. Then go to the MFP fitness tickers and make a customized one with that picture and post it in your signature!! :smile:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Should we be doing a recovery shake after our workouts? What kind do you reccomend? I tried the Shakeology ones from beachbody and I wasn't impressed.

    I love chocolate, I think I'll check on GNC and see what they have to offer
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Should we be doing a recovery shake after our workouts? What kind do you reccomend? I tried the Shakeology ones from beachbody and I wasn't impressed.

    I love chocolate, I think I'll check on GNC and see what they have to offer

    If you like chocolate I recommend Syntha-6 protein shake, chocolate flavor. I've tried a few and this one is good enough to mix with straight water & a little crushed ice. I highly recommend it.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I make my own:

    1 cup 1% milk
    1/2 banana
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    2 scoops vanilla protein (I use Optimum Nutrition whey and casein - 1 scoop each)
    2 tbsp natural peanut butter
    2 tbsp ground flaxseed
    1 cup ice

    Blend until smooth.

    Word of warning though: That's a high calorie mix (about 690 calories). It contains 68 grams of protein, 27 grams of healthy fat and 52 grams of carbs (plus lots of fiber). You can reduce calories by using 1 scoop of protein instead of two, reducing or cutting out the peanut butter and reducing or cutting out the ground flaxseed.