Shakeology/P90X R&R substitutes????

bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Ok. I'm getting ready to kick my workouts into high gear (literally) by starting back with my Insanity videos and the Turbo Fire ones I just got off ebay.

My question is this....I see people talk about the Shakeology and the P90X Results and Recovery formula and how great they are. That's all fine and good but I just looked up the price for them and they were out of the question for me right now. Does anyone have any good alternatives that are low cost that also taste good?

I've recently been diagnosed with Dermatomyositis which is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder involving the muscles. This is why I'm really hitting the workouts hard, not just to kick my weight loss into gear, but to try to preserve & build muscle, not lose it. I also want to make sure I'm fueling my muscles correctly before and after a workout so they can recover properly.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm starting Insanity next week so I would love to see the responses! Thanks!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Go to Target and buy a 2 lb thing of Pure Protein protein powder and mix it into 8 oz. low fat milk (as in, 2% or skim). Drink that after you work out. It's best if you mix it in a blender so it's not chunky. You can add fruits & veggies if you like, just for taste but alone they're pretty good -- after awhile, they get gross, haha.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I agree, any protein shake should be helpful. I use Designer Whey, not too pricey and it tastes good. I blend it up with soy milk and some sort of fruit and sometimes greek yogurt. I've been putting a scoop of pure pumpkin pie mix into it lately and it tastes like pumpkin pie! Soooo good.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Shakeology and P90X both serve different functions. YES, Shakeology is expensive, but it is a meal replacement shake and has every vitamin and mineral you need to exceed your daily requirements.
    For your purposes....the P90x recovery drink is a better fit. It's more geared towards being a protein drink, and it truly does help with post workout soreness.
    That being said, it is cheaper than Shakeology as well.
    Now, if you want just a protein shake, any of the suggestions provided are fine.
    If you want a true recovery formula, I don't know of any others.

    Btw - be careful buying beachbody products from ebay. Even the ones that appear "new in package" can easily be burned versions.
    I know....I got "burned" buying ChaLEAN Extreme on eBay. I just got Turbo Fire myself and it is INTENSE.

    One more things - have you tried either - the Shakeology or P90X R&R drinks? A lot of coaches will offer you a few packets at a discounted rate or free samples. (just ask :)
  • MCDFitness is absolutely correct. I started using P90X R&R this week and I feel so much better the day after. Still a little sore, but not much, and it tastes great. As for protein shakes, I used Optimum Nutrition, you can find it at, some of the best tasting in my opinion. I recommend drinking your protein shake about an hour before you workout. This gives you protein for your body to use during the workout, fuels the fire so to speak. The R&R after the workout is a good mix of carbs and protein after you workout, or you could do a nice meal, like oatmeal with fruit. Protein/Carb mix.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    There really isn't a good Shakeology substitute out there. If you go to the website and look at all that it has in it and see how nutritionally complete it is, you are going to be extraordinarily hard pressed to find a substitute at all, let alone a good one.

    Protein shakes are excellent for meal replacement. I like the variety of flavors that they sell at Max Muscle, but that's just my preference.

    You can make up your own Results and Recovery Formula using a glass of fruit juice with a tablespoon of protein powder...try to find something like a berry or orange flavored protein powder for best taste. R&R formula is 4 parts sugar to 1 part protein to replenish glycogen stores in your body after an intense weight training routine (possibly cardio, depending on how intense you went). Using it otherwise can cause insulin spikes and weight gain.
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    R&R formula is 4 parts sugar to 1 part protein to replenish glycogen stores in your body after an intense weight training routine (possibly cardio, depending on how intense you went). Using it otherwise can cause insulin spikes and weight gain.

    Hmmmm, insulin spike huh? That may be a problem.....I may see if I can get samples somehow and try it to see what it does. I certainly don't want to cause an insulin spike when I'm already hypoglycemic....

    Everyone has given great ideas.....I'll just have to try some and see how it goes. Thanks everyone!
  • One suggestion for a recovery Mike's Mix. I have not tried it yet, but will be ordering some soon. The only bummer is that you have to order from their website and have it shipped which adds to the cost. However it is still less than Beach Body's recovery drink mix.
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