

  • I hear you. I've been there. it's easy to sort of ...obsess...especially being on MFP all the time. Take a break from the internet...maybe take a long walk without your ipod. Just take a break from "it all"..see how you feel. Try to not put so much pressure on yourself. (Pah, I wish I'd take my advice) PS. being 145 at…
  • Seeing people I know I'll see once a year...I want to look good each year..sometimes better each year!
  • Wahoo!!!!! Yay for Brides-to-be!!!!!!!!! I'm getting married in June 2014..yes, literally 2 months away!!! A little sad that my engagement will be coming to an end (enjoyed it since last August), but so very excited to marry that man. I'm with you on this. I cannot believe you ordered a dress 2 sizes too small. Good for…
  • Well, on a lighter note - I've done this. I've thought about ex's and running into them and wanting to look amazing at that time. However, I agree with 4legs - no real good will come of this. If you broke up, it was for a reason, right? I don't think there's any harm in using it as motivation to lose weight and feel good…
  • Hi Everyone - Well, it's April 2nd and I'm feeling better about everything. I've started a new regime (Murdered that spelling also I think) with my fiance, running long distances. I've also incorporated some Jillian Michael's tae bo stuff..that stuff makes you sore!! and I like it! I'm two months out to my wedding, and…
  • Ok - to all of you that replied so quickly, thank you. These were all great suggestions. MarKayDee - yes, I end up jogging the dogs, and it's a GREAT workout because I basically have to sprint because Sophie, the Mountain Mastiv is crazy and runs so fast. However, like I was saying, it has been so cold here that it's too…
  • I hear that! Usually I have enough that I won't go to the gym the NEXT day too! ugh...
  • I struggle when I'm at home too. The kitchen is RIGHT there, and it's so easy to just snack all day. My advice is to try to drink some hot water with either a tea bag or can distract you...sometimes this doesn't work, but it's woth a shot! People always say, oh just eat then! Well, we know where that gets us..…
  • WHEW! So many reasons. Today I will stay on track so that I don't have to unbutton my pants when I sit at my desk at work or in my car driving. Tomorrow I will stay on track and do walking lunges until I can't walk anymore for those great thighs!!
  • I don't think smoothies are necessarily bad for you. There are many ways to approach weight loss. Example - cutting out the unncecessary carbohydrates, smaller portions, Weight Watchers, counting calories, etc. In my recent experience, I am trying to watch how many calories I take it. I've never ever ever done this, but it…
  • Above me? The ceiling is above me...How do people know how to answer that question?
  • Hello Friend, Whatever you order - ask for the sauce "on the side" - I think a lot of that food gets a bad rap due to the sauces (and the fact that it's all fried). You can order chicken and broccoli with the sauce on the side - you don't even have to get the rice :)