Feel like giving up... Urghhh!

2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
Hey All,

Feeling really down today, Feel like giving up the gym, which I love, I love working out, I love catching up with my girlfriends. Feel like coming off of MFP and stop it all!

At the moment I am feeling like the more I am working out, the more hungrier I am. So the more I eat!!! I am waking up craving sugar.

Do anyone else crave sugar after a workout? For example last night after my workout I had smoked salmon fillet with salad... Great dinner! Low carbs and good protein.... Nope not good enough, still my body is wanting a sugar fix!

I then feel like I am in a circle, as when I finish work, I feel like I need to get over the gym to burn off the rubbish food I ate last night!

Does this happen to anyone else? Or am I just going mad?

Do you feel like the more you work out, the more you want to eat? Whereas if you just came home from work, had dinner, chilled out, you wouldn't eat as much?

Or is my metabolism just burning a lot more than I actually think? I know the more you workout it speeds it up.

Girls - Does anyone feel a lot bigger than they are? I must have that body dismorphia thing as I feel like I look at my belly all the time... Girls do you do this??

I always feel like I want to lose weight, People look at me and say I have no fat on me.... 'Oh dont be silly there is nothing of you' 'Fat where etc' Weighing in at around 145/146lbs at 5ft 9 I must have!

I think me building a lot more muscle recently, Is maybe making me feel 'in my head' a lot bigger????

Anyone get this or feel the same way as me at the moment????????????? Ekkkkkkk ????

I honestly feel like coming off here for a while, and just trying to eat my normal 3 meals a day, and snacks... Something so simple, but yet I am not able to do?

Feeling sorry for myself and think I just need some support from my lovely my fitness pals.

If anyone can relate, that would be great!

Thank you xxx


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is there any medical reason you're doing low carb? you could easily add a jacket potato or sweet potato to your salmon and salad? it may well be carbs you're craving, you need energy for your gym workouts...

    how many calories do you eat?
  • VanessaRudden
    VanessaRudden Posts: 198 Member
    Dont Give Up Now! Keep Going its all worth it!
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    AmelieMustLoseWeight Posts: 180 Member
    Everyone feels that way. Obviously. I don't think I knew someone serious about fitness who doesn't wake up and go " Nope. Not today. F this F that."

    My suggestion is maybe switch up the routine. Try something different...like inline skate. Go hiking. that's fun.

    The craving sugar part isn't bad. You need to keep an eye on your sugar levels while working out. Sometimes I will applesauce cups with me or fruit cuts so i can scarf one down after a good run. Or I have seen people use the organic babyfood squeezytubes as a good boost for energy.

    Have fun with your workout. If you cant learn to enjoy it over al lyou will end up hating it and burn yourself out. It took me over a year to figure it out.

    good luck friend!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    is there any medical reason you're doing low carb? you could easily add a jacket potato or sweet potato to your salmon and salad? it may well be carbs you're craving, you need energy for your gym workouts...

    how many calories do you eat?

    ^ this is your issue.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    You're craving sugar because you aren't eating enough carbs.

    BTW giving up burns between 0 and 0 calories :P.

    Also you can't reduce body fat and build muscle unless you're eating at your maintainence level, and I have no idea how you would be doing that on a low carb diet.
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Do anyone else crave sugar after a workout? For example last night after my workout I had smoked salmon fillet with salad... Great dinner! Low carbs and good protein.... Nope not good enough, still my body is wanting a sugar fix!

    I experienced this when I tried to eat little carbs. I know it works for some people- it doesn't for me. I can fill myself up with many veggies, healthy fat, protein bla bla, but I'll still crave carbs.

    Especially when you're doing workouts, I would suggest to eat more carbs. And by the way, I think 3 meals and 2 snacks are a good idea. Again; different things work for different people.
    I started eating that way because my doctor suggested me to do this and I struggled at first, but experienced that I felt much better after a while. Depending on what your goals/weight loss look like, you could think of upping your kcal intake as well (an apple more a day won't kill you :P )

    Getting frustrated sometimes is absolutely normal, I'd say. And nothing to worry about too much. :flowerforyou:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    don't give up cold turkey.. just take a break from all the restrictions for a week or so. eat at maintence for awhile give youself a break, you have come so far. yes I feel this way here and there. I see every flaw no matter how much I lose, I feel like oh I got so much more to go. I have no clothes because they are all too big on me now but I still feel the same bigness I felt when I started most days. you are not alone in this. yes I feel more hungry after working out, especially when I push myself more. maybe switch up your gym routine for a while. make it more interesting or fun rather than work. we are here for you and feel free to vent anytime. a good food to have after a workout that tastes like sugary stuff is flavored greek yogurt or a parfait from mcdonalds (my latest favorite)

    its okay to treat yourself now and then. hang in there girlie. :flowerforyou:
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Please know that everyone does NOT feel this way!
    Sounds like you're borderline into some issues of boy dysmorphia. I will be talking about this on video soon. And yes, if any of your pics are close to recent, you're fine. This is not up for debate. It's basic science like why we know the sky looks blue science, and hormones, and your body is trying to protect itself....from you.

    There is nothing wrong with sugar despite what you've heard or read and especially for an active person. There IS NO BENEFIT to eating low carbs unless you have a disease or malfunction, so why bother. And if you're active you can have sugar. What concerns me more is your low protein. Seems like you need more focus. Go to youtube and search for the fitness tutor and subscribe. I have more stuff coming. I will be doing videos non stop soon.

    Now if you can't get over the idea that NO person will probably look at you as having an issue with your body, you might need to seek some professional help. No judgement. Otherwise to make much more change you're talking about serious weight lifting and slow recomposition which is a more athletic look, or you're talking about over exercising and underrating more and starting to look emaciated/sick.

    At your level from what I can see, you shouldn't be feeling all of this. Simply. Inbox me if you need to.
  • Lynne4906
    Lynne4906 Posts: 15
    I hear you. I've been there. it's easy to sort of ...obsess...especially being on MFP all the time. Take a break from the internet...maybe take a long walk without your ipod. Just take a break from "it all"..see how you feel. Try to not put so much pressure on yourself. (Pah, I wish I'd take my advice)

    PS. being 145 at 5'9" is peachy, I think, think of it thi sway, you could be 5'9" and 245lbs. I'm 5'8" at 155...people tell me all the time, "you're crazy, you have nothing to lose"...so, don't be SO hard on yourself..but stay focused..take a break and come back to it.

    Good luck.
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    Maybe it could be your metabolism is really craving fruits and veggies and to ramp that up in the afternoon to avoid sugar cravings at the end of the day. Last year I temporarily did a high protein/low carb diet but it only lasted so long and some of the weight I lost, I gained back :/
  • wonderbeard101
    wonderbeard101 Posts: 75 Member
    Low carb can be really effective, but your body absolutely NEEDS carbs to function properly in the long term. Without them, your thyroid will start slowing down and hormones will start falling out of balance. Most ketogenic or low carb diets will recommend a high carb meal once a week. If you're not doing that, you should start. If you've been running ultra-low carb for over three months, reintroduce carbs for about a month before starting low carb again.

    Seriously, zero carb is really hard and you're a bad*** for keeping it up. But your body will work better (and it takes a load off mentally) if you give it carbs every once in a while.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    If I don't have some sort of starch, I get super hungry. So I try to include some heathly starches, such as sweet potato, potato, Dave's killer bread, rice, in my diet, in reasonable portion sizes. I also have about 3 servings of fruit per day. I have 1/2 banana at breakfast.

    A typical snack after a workout for me is: an ounce of chicken meat or an ounce of cheese; and 1/2 an apple or 1/2 of a grapefruit. That satisfies me after a workout.

    What you think about your body is what's important. People don't think I need to lose weight, but I know I have fat around my stomach and hips. I know I can be in better shape. I stick with my goals for myself. I also asked my doctor about my weight goals, which are right in line with my goals.

    I eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day and stay within my MFP calorie limits pretty much. I never feel super hungry. If I do get hungry, then I eat 10 raw almonds.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi All,

    I have just read through all your comments on here, and I thank you all very much! Some very very good advice, and you have all cheered me up.

    A weekend of enjoying myself, and no logging has put me back on track - I think that's just what I needed.

    Sometimes it gets all too much, the food logging, gym work outs, lack of sleep you know? You just need a break, then get back to it.

    Thank you all very much - I hope your all having a fab day & doing well health, exercise & food wise.

    Big kisses xxxxx