datagram40 Member


  • What did you use to generate that chart?
  • Thanks for the replies all. I will be focused more on the fat % from now on. I may even start measuring waist, arms, etc to see the minor changes too. I'm used to a steady drop in weight so I kind of freaked out when I saw that. The second time around losing this weight seems like my body is fighting back now. The first…
  • Personally I think it is real. Stop giving your body what it needs and it will try to adapt to save itself. I do not think you can go into starvation mode in one day though. Now on these forums I've seen people stuck on a plateau without losing any weight and someone suggests they increase their calorie intake by 100 or so…
  • I've had troubles getting back on the wagon lately as well. I started out my weight loss at 200lb and made it to my goal of 165lb and then just stopped. Now back at 182 and trying to get back into it. This last week I was able to lose one pound by following a modified Slimfast diet (more calories than just slimfast alone).…
    in help Comment by datagram40 March 2013
  • Just move on. One day is just one day. I purposely binge on calories every weekend. I still lose 1-2 pounds a week. One day will not be your undoing.
  • Google Stones to pounds. They do the math for you! Ex: 50 Stones to pounds Response: 50 stones = 700 pounds I think it would be less confusing if people just said pounds. Stones do not make sense to me :-\
  • I just set a weight that I want to get to (170 to begin with) then I just go with it. I do not set any goals as to when I want to lose the weight. I try and keep the worrying out of it. And without worrying, I still manage to lose 1-2 pounds a week which I hear is the suggested amount.
  • Let me this by chance, Sodexo? If so....: <----Click "just the facts" at the bottom right you can look up all of their recipes.
  • Throughout the day I become hungry even though I am filling my calories etc. Usually it is because my protein count is a bit low. Protein will help you be less hungry. I have become hungry in the late evening. Usually I reach for a large glass of water. If that is not enough, I try and find something that is light on the…
  • Welcome to the site! It's a great place.
  • I do have a cheat day. I try and make Monday through Friday my normal days. Friday used to be the cheat day, but it turned out always that the whole weekend for me was a cheat day too. Friday is much easier if I just make it a normal health day. Saturday after I weigh in is my cheat day. I wake up about 2PM because I make…
  • Well, eggs are low in sodium. The eggs I have say 65 mg sodium. And just in case anyone finds this useful, here's a site with info on dining out with sodium in mind (among other things):
  • I will have to take a look at this diet. Sounds appealing :)
  • Yeah, lower sodium and a nice amount of water can help. Right now I'm trying to work off water weight that I gained during christmas week. Gained 6 pounds from high sodium consumption. Need to sweat it out and drink extra water to replace what I lose.
  • Man, I cannot believe that I actually gained 6 pounds in a week. I'm not sure that is actually possible. I'm assuming it is water weight. The homemade food I was eating had lots of sodium in it I'm pretty sure since I could taste it. Once I can start working out every week and controlling what goes in my mouth (aka I cook…
  • Sounds like a bad idea. Anyone doing this I would expect to see them pass out. The body needs calories, etc for energy to burn. Can't run an engine without gas.
  • For veggie portions, I find this site helpful: It has pictures! :tongue:
  • I workout before going to dinner. That way the metabolism is running in hardcore mode when I finally get around to eating food.
  • I do not make up for days that I either messed up on, or cheated on. Once the day is over, it is a new day, no stressing over the previous day. For cheat days, I just aim for a certain day, like for instance, Saturday. Gotta have a cheat day. Dieting shouldn't be punishment. Have fun with it! Even during my normal days,…
  • I would aim for a bigger breakfast. It's the meal that is supposed to get a person started for the day. I've been eating oatmeal in the mornings. My breakfast today was 360 calories. I even need to aim a little higher. One thing that fills in the calories is my snacks. Along with a fruit or veggie, I add protein as well. I…
  • Anyone here that has info on protein counting for meats?
  • Welcome to the site. This site is a great start. I try recommending it to anyone I can.
  • Working out will help. It will boost your metabolism. Make sure you work out before you eat (aka. just before dinner). From what I understand, everyone hits a threshold where it is harder to lose weight. I can lose wait by controlling my calories and not working out. I'm working out so I can hopefully keep those pounds…
  • Nah, I do not make up calories. After working out I eat dinner. I try to aim, purposely, below my daily calorie amount (not by a lot but a few hundred). The reason I do this is because I want my body to notice those tasty fat reserves that it stored earlier in the year. I even do not eat right away after working out. I may…
  • That's hard to calculate. Mostly the meat that I buy now I look at the nutrition info on the package. Also, lately I've only been buying Chicken because beef is a bit too high in fat. So I take a look at the little nutrition chart on the package, then work with my food scale. So far the chicken servings are in 4 oz for a…
  • Forgot to add a few examples of lean proteins to have with your snacks: Protein drink egg whites yogurt string cheese cottage cheese nuts/seeds 2 oz turkey or chicken or even a glass of skim milk (I hate milk so I drink soy milk)
  • I start drinking water when I get hunrgry. I have a snack in between meals. My snacks consist of a fruit or veggie and one ounce of almonds. The protein is what will help you be less hungry. I just started doing this after receiving this advise from a nutritionist. Definitely works better than just a single serving of…