why iis iit so hard to not eat at night?

santanamarie Posts: 6
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
so hungry right now but really dont wanna eat cause iits 8:30 at night.... i never had to go throw dis and till i had kids i always could eat wat ever i wanted and i stay skinny now i have to eat right or stay fatt.. WTF im hatiin dis right now..:explode:


  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    The evenings are the time I struggle with wanting to snack as well. I just try to save up calories during the day so I stay within my range. I'm eating cereal right now b/c my dinner wasn't enough. Also, brush your teeth right after you eat dinner. This helps sometimes to deter you from snacking.
  • I have the same problem and I either snack on air popped popcorn or I have glass of sprite zero. The carbon makes me feel full!!
  • jk711
    jk711 Posts: 2 Member
    When I'm hungry at night and I am out of calories, I exercise until I get enough calories for a little snack.
  • datagram40
    datagram40 Posts: 33 Member
    Throughout the day I become hungry even though I am filling my calories etc. Usually it is because my protein count is a bit low. Protein will help you be less hungry.

    I have become hungry in the late evening. Usually I reach for a large glass of water. If that is not enough, I try and find something that is light on the stomach. Broccoli, baby carrots, raddish's, sliced green bell pepper.

    Veggies are low in calories and can be snacked upon in portioned amounts. I stay away from dressing because that will just heap on the calories.
  • if you hungry, don't completely deprive your body of food. eat a healthy, low calorie snack at night. celery is a great choice. it is mostly water. cucumber is also 90% water so these foods are a good way to curb that late night hunger!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    These are all really great ideas. Thanks!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    This might sound kind of silly, but you might feel the need to snack more because you're tired and your body is trying to find an energy source. When I just want to snack at night but I'm not tummy-rumbling hungry, I generally am just tired. I get bratty and insist on staying up to read or watch tv or whatever, and it's not really a good idea. :) Try going to bed a bit earlier and you might find that you don't need to snack so much. Also, make sure you're drinking enough water during the day. Sometimes you might want to nosh when you're really just a little dehydrated.
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    *winks* -> When I'm hungry at night and I am out of calories, I exercise until I get enough calories for a little snack <- Me Too! :D it really helps :D
  • jojonesnz
    jojonesnz Posts: 107 Member
    im having the exact same problem but its more like 10pm i get ravenously hungry, last night i had a protein bar, it tasted horrible but took the hunger away lol, i agree with what someone else wrote, just same some calories through the day so you can have a healthy snack at night:wink:
  • Hey I use to have the same problem especially after excercising. I would be so hungry. So now what I do is drink 2 full glasses of water. That usually does the trick. In the words of Edward Cullen.... "mind over matter" :smile:
  • jk711
    jk711 Posts: 2 Member
    I should have added, I too am often hungry at night and 15 minutes of aerobic stepping will gain me enough extra calories for that little snack.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I have found that eating more during the day has really helped me!! I used to not want to eat much during the day, i thought it would help me to stay under my cals...but if i eat most of my calories by dinner time, i am not going back for seconds(or thirds) because im not as hungry!! I usually eat 3 meals and 2 snacks as well. Good Luck!
  • I have a really bad habit of eating late at night beacuase, i have 3 kids and i try not to eat in front of them because they always ask for bites lol and i barely get anything! Me and my fiancee watch movies and we sit and watch them and snack on tons of stuff!! It is so har! I have type 2 diabetes.. i use to weigh 333 i am 5ft 11in tall now i am currently 285lbs so, I have lost some weight but, not as much as i want!
  • imma try that and see wat happend....
  • thats iis good.. keep gpin girl.. im 5.2 im 170 right now and imma try to go till i hit 145 i know its gonna be hard...
  • thanks to all of ya ppl..
  • For me I feel like my body is unwinding from the day and I'm bored, so I just eat. I've been trying to drink lots of water and small healthy snacks through the day to stop me from getting hungry at night. We'll see if it works! (fingers crossed)
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    From what I read, during the day if you comsume processed carbs and sugar, it increases your bodies cravings for those types of food. Which is why alot of people, me included, can be so good all day until the magic hour of 9pm when suddenly everything that isn't nailed down, gets eaten. For me, I decided to avoid my "trigger foods" such as bread, pasta, sweets throughout the day and I am finding the cravings are not as bad.
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