

  • Plexus slim (the pink stuff you put in water and drink) has lots of online testimonials but there isn't any proof it helps long term weight loss. The drink itself might help some in the short term but as others have pointed out eating fewer calories is the most important part. Drinking PS without eating fewer calories wont…
  • I think the name skinny "fiber" is a tip off that this is just a fiber supplement. There is no evidence that skinny fiber helps fibromyalgia directly although I can understand that if it helps you lose weight, then this might - indirectly - help fibromyalgia pain by reducing stress on joints and maybe by reducing…
  • If your going to hire a personal trainer they should do nothing else other than recommend a total body circuit routine for you. If your just starting out you dont need to do multiple sets of squats, bench presses etc. And you can be fine with just the machines. Sometimes trainers at big gyms like to use free weights - to…
  • Here is an interesting website by somebody who reviews the stuff on TV etc. He doesn't sell supplements. He only looks at the science on the products or the ingredients http://supplement-geek.com/ Hopefully this helps you sort through what works and what might not work
  • i have not tried it but here is a pretty good review you might find useful http://supplement-geek.com/sensa-weight-loss-review-tastant-side-effects/
  • Here is an indepth review on Sensa. http://supplement-geek.com/sensa-weight-loss-review-tastant-side-effects/ as is stated in the review, its been out for several years. The person behind it - a doctor - has never published any good proof that it works. He has unpublished evidence but the real goal in research is…
  • For what it's worth here is a pretty in depth review of Sensa that should answer some of your questions http://supplement-geek.com/sensa-weight-loss-review-tastant-side-effects/
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