Need honest info on Skinny Fiber (no sales pitches)

I've been told that Skinny Fiber can help with my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Of course I know people that sell it are going to say it's wonderful. I just really need honest answers from people with fibromyalgia who have used it and what benefits they have noticed. Is it worth the expense? I"m not looking for it to "lose weight quick" just need something to help with the fibro and the energy. Any weight loss benefit to me would just be an added bonus cause I'm doing that by eating right and exercise. Thanks.


  • farscape428
    I think the name skinny "fiber" is a tip off that this is just a fiber supplement. There is no evidence that skinny fiber helps fibromyalgia directly although I can understand that if it helps you lose weight, then this might - indirectly - help fibromyalgia pain by reducing stress on joints and maybe by reducing inflammation. As you know fibromyalgia is a condition that effects the nerves. I'm not aware of any evidence that skinny fiber has an effect on nerves.

    There is no evidence that the enzymes in skinny fiber help weight loss or energy in any way.

    As you know exercise can help fibromyalgia pain. stretching is often recommended and Id also add in to light cardio (walking) and even some strength training. I know that may be difficult with cardio but Ive heard it can eventually reduce fibro pain eventualy (it takes time). if you do this, circuit strength training is likely the best mode of strength training - and the least likely to case muscle soreness the next day.

    As for energy, again if it helps you lose weight, then you might have more energy because it would take less energy to move. Skinny fiber has no stimulants so it wont give you any "pep" like caffeine.

    I think if skinny fiber works, its because it helps fill you up so you eat fewer calories.

    Here is a review that might help answer your questions further (there are no sales pitches in this review. its written by somebody who is not a distributor)