Anyone try Sensa??



  • For what it's worth here is a pretty in depth review of Sensa that should answer some of your questions
  • I did the Sensa for a month. No difference. I wouldn't waste the money.

    As to your food diary, I did notice that your calorie consumption looked a little low and that you had limited amounts of fruit and vegetables. I would add these in and try and reduce simple carbohydrates and sodium.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think your cals are too low. 1200 is a ridiculous number to aim for. google scoobys calculator and go by your TDEE and not some ridiculously unobtainable low cal number

    I did 1200 and lost 30lbs in about 4 months. If you're an average, overweight lady who just got old and fat like many MANY of can work. It's not for life, but it works. Just cause you don't like it or lack the will power to do it doesn't mean it doesn't work or it's wrong.