daisieschase Member


  • I don't think you are making up excuses entirely here. Having experienced loved ones becoming active to loose weight after living completely sedentary, I've learned that if you can take the weight off your legs and exercise at the same time you'll do more for yourself without risking injury. Check Craigslist in your area…
  • We'll win if we don't give up. Never give up. I haven't been on here in a month. Crazy life, crazy schedule, and crazy lady, but I'm back. To start again and never give up. Never, never, never give up. Hanging tough, Elizabeth
  • Wow! If I could get that organized with a monthly menu, I would probably not suffer so much in the eating department. My hat's off to you girl! That's the way to go, really.
  • Hey from Kentucky, I'm from Kentucky too! Struggling with my weight and could use all the friends I can too. I entered a sedentary lifestyle about 8 years ago and put on almost 100lbs. I'm beginning to lose and this website has helped me a lot too. I would love to be your friend! Elizabeth
  • My husband and I watched it too. Thanks for the recap! It was interesting to see your comments. We had a lot of the same things to say.
  • LOVE IT!!!! I'm married with no children, but my honey doesn't like the stuff. I need him to hid the junk he brings in the house though. Nutty Bars are the Devil!!
  • I just asked myself the same the question.
  • I don't know if this will help or not, but it's worth mentioning. I was told about the firming lotion from Mary Kay. A local lady took that lotion and did an experiment on herself. She had really loose skin under her arms after losing weight and applied this cream to one arm only to see if she could tell a difference. In 4…
  • Amen and amen...
  • I am also Insulin Resistant, but I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I try to follow a diabetic meal plan as much as possible: never eating a carb without a protein. I make sure my carbs (again, as much as possible) are whole grains and I limit fruit. Other than that, the best advice I can give you is exercise every…
  • Leslie Sansone all the way!! Huge fan. I have 5 different ones I use and they're amazing. Check 'em out at your local library first to see if you like it. Walmart has them for $9.