Posted this on a Friends Wall... thought you might need to h

It seems that everyone is having trouble with food/excercise today. I think we need to access the truths:
1. We are all wanting change
2. We all struggle with eating/excercising on the weekend
3. We understand that fluctuation happens but get discouraged when we are not losing
4. We need to not give up, but how.

The answers... keep going. Never quit. It is those small steps everyday that make the difference, never the big life changes. Change right now in this moment.

Big hug and keep going. And this is by no way meant to sound harsh, it is written all over the walls at my crossfit gym. No whining. It only stops your progress. ;-) Don't hate me for saying it, k? It is totally three fingers pointing back at me, I assure you.


  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    :happy: Thanks for the encouragement!
  • MissJennaBelle
    Love it.... thanks for posting.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks for posting! Encouragement is always welcome!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Agree and well said.:flowerforyou:
  • daisieschase
    daisieschase Posts: 12 Member
    We'll win if we don't give up. Never give up.

    I haven't been on here in a month. Crazy life, crazy schedule, and crazy lady, but I'm back. To start again and never give up.
    Never, never, never give up.

    Hanging tough,

  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    We need to not give up, but how?

    Keep going. Never quit. It is those small steps everyday that make the difference, never the big life changes. Change right now in this moment.

    LOVE IT!!!! Make a decision to change your life!!!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Great post! ..all giving up will get us is disappointment! Though I have fluctuated up and 5 lbs since Thanksgiving.. I've rarely excercised since and my eating is good 4-5 days then i falter on day 6 diet wise.. but I am getting better at being "safe" since going gluten free 2 months ago. that has been tricky.I know the weight will come off when my body begins to heal.. if I keep at it and never give up! I have to.. the only other choice is misery and sickness.. which = NO choice
  • SeattleLady
    Great attitude, everyone! We have to ban together to keep going just as much as we ban together to understand the frustrations! We cannot get complacent simply because of the pain and suffering that we all feel. We can do this!

    Feel free to be my friend if you need more encouragement.
