kkeen1487 Member


  • how do I add a friend on fitbit zip with a samsung 4? Anyone ?
  • Stand your ground. Drink some water, go for a little walk around the office or shop floor. if all else fails. microwave popcorn makes you feel like you are pigging out for 200 calories
    in Annoyed... Comment by kkeen1487 May 2014
  • Stand your ground. Drink some water, go for a little walk around the office or shop floor. if all else fails. microwave popcorn makes you feel like you are pigging out for 200 calories
    in Annoyed... Comment by kkeen1487 May 2014
  • water water water, diet soda has artificial sugars that will actually make you crave more sweets, not satisfy you. pop some gum. Walk around or do some stretches. Maybe Pandora for a comedy skit and get your mind off of it. I am in the same board. almost 11 hear and I already at my lunch. I will be :hungry" later but I…
  • I am one and I like the support but even better yet I like it when someone who looks fit is next to me and I can follow their pace. It makes me push harder and longer. maybe no words but a simple high five would get the point across.
  • I also did Atkins for about a year. Lost about 80lbs but in the long run you are still not learning how to eat properly. Portion control and good decisions are not emphasized on that diet. It basically lets you eat as much as you want from a certain list. I never gained it back but I just stopped loosing. I have been doing…
  • expand your horizons my friend. Going into this journey with blinders like this will only help you fail quickly. I fully understand your need to know exactly what you can and cannot eat but you need to do some soul searching first and make sure you can stick to this long term. Try adding some yogurt, fruit,nuts, and most…
  • i log everything I plan on eating first thing in the morning so i know when i have room to spare for a extra snack. plus working out gives you more to work with just make sure you are making fresh healthy choices
  • Great tips here, Im going to friend some of you awesome supporters. I say the same stuff, Im a single mom so I dont know if I have the same insight but I cook extra on weekend, I plan a lot of weekends too. I also have my daughter enrolled at the after school program at my gym so I go work out before I even pick her up.…