Not Hungry but Wanting to Eat

I'm mid-way through a work day and I want to eat something even though I had a breakfast and lunch already. My cravings are telling me to go get some junk food to eat. I'm drinking a diet soda right now but it's totally not hitting the spot. I decided to go post on here instead of giving in.


  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I have heard it said that thirst makes a person feel this way. I understand that mid day snack feeling. It sucks to know you are not hungry, but just want a snack. I started drinking another bottle of water when i feel like that. Sometimes it helps, but sometimes I still snack.
  • kmm0034
    kmm0034 Posts: 46 Member
    Water is your friend. Also, I tend to get hungry between meals and I have these 90 cal granola bars to save me the temptation of the coworker who sales candy from his desk.

    The false hugnry feeling though does lead to me drinking about 48 oz of water at work during the day.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    ARGH IM LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME ! I actually almost NEVER overeat because I feel like I'm hungry, I overeat because everything just sounds good. It doesn't matter how much water I drink. I could drink a gallon of water then eat a whole pizza afterwards if pizza is what I'm craving at the time.
  • kkeen1487
    kkeen1487 Posts: 9 Member
    water water water, diet soda has artificial sugars that will actually make you crave more sweets, not satisfy you. pop some gum. Walk around or do some stretches. Maybe Pandora for a comedy skit and get your mind off of it. I am in the same board. almost 11 hear and I already at my lunch. I will be :hungry" later but I wont allow my self to eat more. I lof my calories in the morning and stick with it the best I can. No Cheating. You can do it!!
  • squiggysmama
    water water water, diet soda has artificial sugars that will actually make you crave more sweets, not satisfy you. pop some gum. Walk around or do some stretches. Maybe Pandora for a comedy skit and get your mind off of it. I am in the same board. almost 11 hear and I already at my lunch. I will be :hungry" later but I wont allow my self to eat more. I lof my calories in the morning and stick with it the best I can. No Cheating. You can do it!!

    I couldn't agree more. Ditch the diet sodas. Water is your friend. I have cravings like this, usually at night. I find that generally nothing really satisfies them anyway, but if I ride them out, drink water, and get up and move, I always feel better. It's a victory every time. And each victory is motivation for the next time.