
I'm p*ssed off, annoyed, raging, pick your words.

I want to eat all the pizza and bread and cheese and chocolate and blow my calorie allowance out the water.

But I won't.

That's all.


  • PibbleLover88
    PibbleLover88 Posts: 40 Member
    Why not just eat pizza, bread, cheese, and chocolate, and stay in your calorie allowance? I had cheese, crackers, and deli meat for breakfast. This afternoon, after lunch, I will have a fun sized candy bar. Tonight, I will eat a couple slices of Friday night pizza. All in the calorie budget.
  • Calfuray
    Calfuray Posts: 32 Member
    Let me reword that then...

    Normally, I would comfort eat when upset, and eat and eat and eat.

    I'm not going to allow myself to do this anymore. I'm going to have my normal meals today, and have treats inside my calorie allowance. But I'm stopping the emotional eating now. Or trying to!
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I have the same challenge!! Stick to your guns.
    Since coming here to MFP as part of a new effort to get in shape and be healthy, I've found my emotional eating has toned down, and not been as... enjoyable? Generally it makes me feel over-full and uncomfortable, so it's been getting easier to keep it at bay.

    Sorry you ran into something that caused you to rage. That always sucks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm p*ssed off, annoyed, raging, pick your words.

    I want to eat all the pizza and bread and cheese and chocolate and blow my calorie allowance out the water.

    But I won't.

    That's all.

    I hear you...funny thing is even if you chose to do just probably couldn't...

    I can't eat half as much as I used to without feel bleh...
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Its all in your head. You do not need to eat any of that really, your brain is playing tricks.
    Why not buy a punch bag and when you feel this way punch the **** out of it instead?
  • kkeen1487
    kkeen1487 Posts: 9 Member
    Stand your ground. Drink some water, go for a little walk around the office or shop floor. if all else fails. microwave popcorn makes you feel like you are pigging out for 200 calories
  • kkeen1487
    kkeen1487 Posts: 9 Member
    Stand your ground. Drink some water, go for a little walk around the office or shop floor. if all else fails. microwave popcorn makes you feel like you are pigging out for 200 calories
  • Calfuray
    Calfuray Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks guys. When I have eaten even close to what I used to, I know what you mean, my stomach is just full to bursting.

    Just didn't get grades I wanted after working my *kitten* off since February, and feeling stressed, first exam tomorrow, but holding strong.

    Thanks for all the support :)