Is this ok?

Hey guys I'm male 19 around 20 stone 6ft 1 and I'm gping to start eating healthy on monday. Here is what I plan to eat day to day:
Cornflakes with semi skimmed milk
A turkey sandwich on brown bread no butter
Chicken and salad


Is that a good diet guys?


  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    That sounds like it would be very limiting and very hard to sustain. Try tracking what you eat on a normal day and see we're and what you need to change. Little adjustments instead of a strict exclusionary diet will be easier and healthier in the long run.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Well, all of those look like tasty foods, but how many calories do they add up to? How much protein, fat, fiber, etc? The numbers matter, especially since you aren't giving any indication of your portion sizes.

    Are you going to eat like this every day or will you have some more variety in your diet? Personally, I get bored with the same foods every day. I couldn't stick to a diet like that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Add some fruit to your cereal and milk (you could probably even have whole milk if you like). Add some lettuce and/or avocado to your sandwich and eat a piece of fruit with it. Add lots of veggies to that salad. Have a boiled egg or two and some yogurt for snack. Go ahead and have your butter.

    You're not saying how much cereal or milk you're having or how much turkey is on that sandwich or how much chicken or what's in your salad but I get the impressiion with a run down like that, you're trying to limit yourself far too much and there's just no need. Not only is it unhealthy to not get enough calories/nutrients, it's very likely that you won't be able to stick to a diet like that for long. Continue to eat the foods you like, just eat small enough portions so that they fit into your calorie goal.

    Not sure what MFP gives you for a daily goal but you could eat 2500 calories per day and still lose weight, even being sedentary. Check out the link below to see how I got your calorie amounts.
  • Add some fruit to your cereal and milk (you could probably even have whole milk if you like). Add some lettuce and/or avocado to your sandwich and eat a piece of fruit with it. Add lots of veggies to that salad. Have a boiled egg or two and some yogurt for snack. Go ahead and have your butter.

    You're not saying how much cereal or milk you're having or how much turkey is on that sandwich or how much chicken or what's in your salad but I get the impressiion with a run down like that, you're trying to limit yourself far too much and there's just no need. Not only is it unhealthy to not get enough calories/nutrients, it's very likely that you won't be able to stick to a diet like that for long. Continue to eat the foods you like, just eat small enough portions so that they fit into your calorie goal.

    Not sure what MFP gives you for a daily goal but you could eat 2500 calories per day and still lose weight, even being sedentary. Check out the link below to see how I got your calorie amounts.
  • kkeen1487
    kkeen1487 Posts: 9 Member
    expand your horizons my friend. Going into this journey with blinders like this will only help you fail quickly. I fully understand your need to know exactly what you can and cannot eat but you need to do some soul searching first and make sure you can stick to this long term. Try adding some yogurt, fruit,nuts, and most importantly options otherwise you will feel deprived and give up
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    Variety is the spice of life. Mix it up or you'll get bored.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That looks like about one third of the calories you should be eating...
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Hey guys I'm male 19 around 20 stone 6ft 1 and I'm gping to start eating healthy on monday. Here is what I plan to eat day to day:
    Cornflakes with semi skimmed milk
    A turkey sandwich on brown bread no butter
    Chicken and salad


    Is that a good diet guys?

    The food seems ok in itself, but you need to know how many calories you'll need daily and then you can work your food round that.

    You've been given some good advice already, please keep reading the forums for more information, I have learnt so much from MFP, I'm sure you can too.

    Also, if you incorporate some workouts into your weight loss plan, it helps with body recompostion and you'll earn yourself some more calories to eat!

    Good luck mate : )