

  • I WANT to agree with you and definitely concede that it's really imperfect and sometimes very unreliable, but when I lost weight the first time around and decided to hide the scale in a moldy corner under the bathroom sink :tongue: I ballooned up to ten pounds more of what my starting weight is. Not fitting into my clothes…
  • I completely understand you. Once you start losing those pounds and telling yourself "never again, never again will I be in my 190s, 180s, etc" you can't help worrying about bouncing back and there's nothing like the rush of WOW THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE DROPPED. I try never to dip below 1000 cals, too hungry anyway! Sounds…
  • Uh, no. That 300-500 calories should be added to the amount she needs to MAINTAIN her current weight, average 1500-1700. If you eat the right portions of the right stuff you will feel satisfied and nourished and won't be as likely to fill up on fast food and junk.
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with supplementation as long as you're informed, choose wisely and understand that you really need diet and exercise as well.
  • NEVER attempt to lose weight while pregnant. End of story. Talk to your OB-GYN, let him or her recommend a nutritionist who will help you with food guidelines throughout the pregnancy to make sure you only gain the minimum, eating about 300-500 cals more per day.
  • I drink a gallon of water a day so I'm not really thirsty for anything else, but it is great knowing that if I have to be out somewhere without a lot of low-cal options, I can calmly sip at a Diet Coke and not feel crazed with hunger. So you will never hear me knocking diet soda.
  • If I'd had started raising my stepdaughter when she was younger, I too would have imposed healthful food - take it or leave it - the way I'm going to do with my son. But I got married to DH when she was already a preteen and had grown up used to eating very greasy Hispanic fare. I've actually made some headway getting her…
  • This seems like awesome advice.
  • I hope I don't get kicked off the site for this, but it sounds like your diet is highly nutritious and if you're sure you're full (without taking appetite suppressants or other medication), not pregnant or nursing, you shouldn't feel like you have to ingest extra calories just to reach 1200, which is a completely arbitrary…
  • I just love to cook for others actually :laugh:
  • This was great, I would like to request you start another topic on "switching tactics" after you've lost that initial 25-30 pounds. For example, I'm doing a 1200-calorie diet right now, with high-yield food that keeps me full all day long, and 5 hours of cardio a week. After I lose the first 25 pounds, I am thinking of…
  • Welcome, it sounds like you'll be losing weight in no time with that routine! :tongue: